On one side, a flock of twenty Valkyries armed to the teeth.

On the other side, two Epic level adventurers and a ferocious dodo.

Yeah, not a fair fight. The poor ladies had no idea how outmatched they were.

Victor examined the flock, and realized that many of them had already been killed on the island. Yet somehow they formed a battle line right before him. “You can revive your own,” the Vizier guessed. “That’s how you knew I captured her soul.”

“We Valkyries can collect worthy warriors who wish to fight forever in Lord Wotan’s halls. That is our [Einherjar] ability.” The new leader of the flock, a black-haired maiden wielding a spear of light, landed on the beach right in front of the Vizier. She pointed her weapon at his head. “But you trapped Sigrun, and we cannot bring her back. Release her at once.”

“I don’t understand everything, but you won’t get far making threats.” Kia raised her sword, surrounding it with light.

“This does not concern you, human,” the Valkyrie replied, very much oblivious to the [Paladin]'s true identity. “We have no quarrel with you.”


Kia wasn’t impressed, and neither was Victor. Since Gorynych and Vainqueur were in the vicinity, their group had the advantage. Even Dodolion looked placidly at the flock, calm and serene.

Still, the Vizier would rather avoid a fight if he could. “I think we all need to calm down here."

“Release our sister and we will be on our way,” the Valkyrie leader insisted, “We will take her back by force if needed.”

“Wait,” Victor caught on. “Would you be willing to negotiate peacefully for her release?”

The war maidens exchanged glances, while their leader frowned at him. “Why would you give her back without a fight?” The concept of a peaceful discussion sounded almost foreign to her. Apparently she only made her demand as a courtesy.

“I dunno, because threats and violence aren’t the answer to everything?”

Charisma check successful!
