The next day I wake up and after cleaning my teeth I go to the kitchen, I must admit I'm becoming dependent on Caryna and Freya's food, before I came to this world I spent years in a hospital without being able to eat solid food, even before to be hospitalized I had to follow a strict menu that the nutritionist had given me.

Because of that, I spent my days without eating anything that tasted the least bit good, now that I'm in this world with a healthy body and I have two such high-level cooks, there's no way I can abandon this lifestyle.

As I was approaching the kitchen I start to smell delicious food, my stomach starts to growl and saliva starts to fill my mouth.

"What a wonderful smell." (Diana)

"Ibuki is hungry, I have to run to be the first to eat." (Ibuki)

I hear two hungry women talking behind me, but I continue my way to the kitchen where I find Caryna, Freya, and Alice preparing the food.

"Good morning Master." (Freya)


"The master got up earlier than we thought." (Caryna)

"Good day sir." (Alice)

"Good morning everyone, is the food ready yet?" (I)

"We're still in the middle of the preparation, I'm taking the opportunity to teach Miss Alice a little about cooking." (Freya)

"I've never seen so many ingredients in my life." (Alice)

"You'll get used to them in time." (Freya)

"I see you're trying hard Alice." (I)

"Yes sir, I'm excited to start my training, so I'm going to learn cooking in the morning with Mrs. Freya and take care of the mansion's chores for the rest of the day so I can have some mid-afternoon time to train." (Alice)

"I like your enthusiasm I plan on taking the next few days before the auction to train with everyone, at this time I'll call you." (I)

"Thank you, sir." (Alice)

While talking to Alice suddenly there is a gooey liquid on my head, I pull away and see that it was Diana, the liquid was the large amount of babysitter coming out of her mouth.

"Look what you've done to me Diana, pay attention to the people below you." (I)

"Sorry master, I got distracted by the smell of the food." (Diana)

"Alright, I can understand what you're talking about." (I)

"This way you guys are talking about our food will end up making me red." (Freya)

"You and Caryna are really good in the kitchen." (I)

"Your food is very good Freya, if I could I would marry you to always eat this food." (Diana)"Actually I'm asking, marry me Freya?" (Diana)

In the final sentence Diana becomes a blur and suddenly appears in front of Freya kneeling holding her hands, thanks to having spent a lot of time training with Diana I can already follow her speed with my eyes, but I was surprised when I realized that Freya could too.

"I'm glad for your compliments Miss Diana, but I don't share the same tastes as you, even though I must admit that you are very pretty." (Freya)

"Rejected once again by a beautiful White Elf, I never need to worry about being rejected by men, why is it so hard with women?" (Diana)

"I remember Leo said similar words to me once when he ate my food for the first time, I was so happy back then." (Caryna)

"Don't worry, you'll find someone you like one day." (I)

I reach over to pat Diana's head as a consolation for her rejection, at which point she turns and throws herself at me.

"The master is the only one who will not give me the opportunity to reject me." (Diana)

"You remember what we discussed before right?" (I)

"Yes, yes, I have to wait for the master to grow more, but I hope he's still shorter than me." (Diana)

"Most men are shorter than you." (I)

"But they're not cute like the master or Freya." (Diana)

While we were talking about such nonsense in the kitchen no one noticed a hungry Ogra eating the food before it was ready, because of that it took even longer for us to eat as Caryna and Freya had to start cooking all over again.


After everyone woke up and ate I gathered everyone at the training ground.

I explained to everyone that we would do some training of two against two and three against three fights to get used to fighting together, I also said that tonight we will get together to talk about our skills, techniques, and magic, to be able to fight more together we have to know what everyone is capable of doing, just so I won't make the same mistake of asking for something they can't do during combat.

After explaining all this I asked Alice to step forward.

"Before we start training I want to know if you've already decided what you want to learn Alice?" (I)

"Do you want to learn hand-to-hand combat or do you want to learn magic?" (I)

"I want to learn magic sir." (Alice)

"Very well then you will join me as we learn from Érica and Irina." (I)

"Thank you so much sir, I promise I won't waste this opportunity." (Alice)

"Before I start combat training I want Freya, Diana, Sophia, Leo, and Kira to go buy some weapons, try not to spend too much, I want to make sure you have enough money for the Black Market auction." (I)

"I just need some iron protectors for my arms, wrists, and legs, also a combat suit." (Sophia)"I just need two axes." (Leo)

"I and Diana are not going to need anything master." (Kira)

"I know, you guys are going with us as they still don't know the city well." (I)

"The master is right, I know where all the best gun shops in town are, I'll take you there." (Diana)

"Why do I have to go to master Zenos?" (Freya)

"You need to buy a new bow and some arrows, don't you?" (I)

"You mean I can train too?" (Freya)

"Only if you want." (I)

"Thank you, thank you, Master Zenos, it's been so long since I last held a bow." (Freya)

"It's not that much, now go soon and try not to spend too much for now, if everything works out we'll have a blacksmith around here soon, buy it just to practice during training." (I)

While they were out shopping Caryna and Nolan went back inside the mansion to do their chores, Irius went off to sell the evolved Goblins testicles to some Alchemist and the rest of us started magic training.

Irina kept teaching Alice the basics of the magical theory I already knew, while Érica continued to teach me how I could build the magic circles faster by creating the geometric shapes separately one after the other and then merging them all into a magic circle.

The day passed and by mid-afternoon, the others came back and started combat training, Irina was still teaching Alice how to meditate and feel the mana around her and within herself.

I was already able to create the magic circle the way Érica taught me, it really got easier that way, then she taught me how to use attack magic, it's not enough just to imagine the form of the magic, I also have to imagine its effect and infusing these concepts into the magic circle while pouring my mana into it, that's the way to control magic.

The day turned tonight and we all entered, just as I said but soon I made everyone talk about their skills, techniques, jobs, and spells, then I explained to the new employees myself about my power to devour bloodlines and abilities since I had promised yesterday about it.

Needless to say, everyone was surprised by this, at the insistence of Caryna and Alice who were curious about how I have this ability I talked about how I was born a leech and Evolved until I got here.

Leo and Sophia looked at me with a greater glow of admiration.

"Becoming so strong despite being born such a weak being, you really are one surprise after another master." (Sophia)

"You have my respect master, I know how difficult it is to come from a humble place to build things with your own hands." (Leo)

"In my case, I wasn't as strong as you, instead of fighting those of equal strength or stronger I chose to intimidate those weaker than me." (Leo)

"No matter the excuses of being poor or hungry, none of this will change the things I did when I was a bad guy, I only realized how wrong the things I did when I met my dear Caryna." (Leo)

"She was the one who offered me a plate of food and approached me when I checked into the old man's mansion, she and Mrs. Freya listened to my story and instead of judging me they showed me what I did wrong." (Leo)

"My daughter and I just helped a new slave, master Zenos." (Freya)

"I couldn't see Leo alone all the time just because his appearance intimidated others a bit." (Caryna)

"Maybe if I had done what the master did and looked for stronger opponents to fight, trained and tried harder, I wouldn't have made so many mistakes in my life." (Leo)

"If you think you've made a lot of mistakes then learn from them, now you have everything you need to become strong, don't you?" (I)

"Yes, I will make you proud master, I will show you to Caryna how strong I have become by knowing you." (Leo)

"Dear!" (Caryna)

Leo and Caryna hug, but I must say he was really lucky, from what Diana told me it's normal to kill bad guys in this world if you can, for him to be defeated and let him live, not counting someone with a good heart to buy him, and in the end meeting and falling in love with a beautiful elf girl, this guy lives up to his high status of luck that I saw in his status when I bought him, makes me jealous of all that luck.

After the meeting I went to the balcony of my room to meditate and train the various types of elemental kinship I have, I am also planning on ordering to use my various sense skills continuously over the next few days to train them.
