Pov Kira:

This White Elf named Jay has short light green hair, but his eyes are red, he for some reason doesn't feel like an Elf.

He guides us through a corridor with many rooms with numbers on the doors, when we arrive in a room with the number 29 he opens the door and points to her.

"Before entering I must say that the room is isolated, so no magic or spiritual runic technique like communication and telepathy will have any effect." (Jay)

"I ask if you're with someone else's Familiar leave it behind, you're only allowed in if the familiar's owner is among you." (Jay)

"And I must ask you not to leave the room until I come to pick you up at the end of the auction." (Jay)

"Now let me ask if this spirit hidden in your clothes belongs to one of you?" (Jay)


"(He was able to notice Byakko even when he didn't want to be seen, who is this man?)" (I)

"He is my hired spirit." (I)

"Then you can come in." (Jay)

"There's a crystal screen where you can see the auction on the wall and a Reading Crystal connected to our auctioneer's Reading Crystal, you can use it to bid on auction items, the rules will be dictated by the auctioneer." (Jay)

"I hope you enjoy the auction, now if you'll excuse me." (Jay)

After explaining to us the rules of the auction and how it's going to work, this receptionist named Jay closes the door and leaves.

"This Elf was strong, his strength was above mine." (Irius)

"He is also well trained, there are no useless movements in the way he walks and moves." (Sophia)

"Even as he guided us I could feel him watching us, he even noticed Byakko." (I)

"Looks like none of you noticed his real nature." (Byakko)

"What do you mean by that?" (I)

"I'm even more surprised that Irius didn't notice." (Byakko)

"Did you discover something Byakko?" (Irius)

"It's hard to hide anything from such a magnificent spirit like me, even though he was trying hard for it I could still tell he was a Vampire." (Byakko)

"..." (I/Irius/Sophia)"(So he was a Vampire, looks like what I imagined was right.)" (Zenos)

"Master!?" (I)

"I didn't think I would be able to continue communicating with you as he said the room blocked any kind of communication." (I)

"(But he still didn't want to let in Third-party Relatives, did he?)" (Zenos)

"Got it, so they can't block the Familiar connection." (I)

"Looks like you're talking to Dad, right Kira?" (Irius)

"Yes she is, I can hear him talking inside her head." (Byakko)

"That's good, so our plans remain the same, Father will choose who to buy." (Irius)

"(Master what did you mean you already expected to have Vampires in the Black Market?)" (I)

"(You may remember that Irina and Irius have already told us about the three factions of Vampires that exist.)" (Zenos)

"(They said that one of these factions is on the Human side and lives in their cities hiding with criminal and clandestine organizations.)" (Zenos)

"(If this is true, then it is safe to say that the Black Market has many Vampires working for them or the Vampires are the ones who really run the Black Market.)" (Zenos)

"..." (I)

"This is an interesting thing." (Byakko)

"Did the master say something Kira?" (Sophia)

"He said there's a good possibility that there's a lot of Vampires working with the Black Market or it's the Vampires who are in charge of the Black Market." (I)

"That might be true, at least it would explain how they hide so well in Human cities." (Irius)

As we were talking about whether or not what the master said was true, I started looking around the room we were in.

This room has a large reading crystal attached to one wall, in front of this crystal are three luxurious looking sofas and on one of these sofas there is a regular reading crystal which should be where we should write the auction bids, there is a table with various types of food in a corner and a shelf with many drinks on top of it with some glasses.

"(It looks almost like a private movie theater.)" (Zenos)

"What is cinema?" (I)

"(It's nothing, I was just thinking out loud, sorry.)" (Zenos)"..." (Kira)

"[ Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to another annual Valen City Black Market Auction. ]" (female voice)

Suddenly everyone stops talking when they hear a voice coming from somewhere, as soon as we look we see that the big crystal on the wall was showing images of a big stage lit on all sides with everything dark around, there was a beautiful woman from the tribe of Rabbits Man-Beast in a sexy outfit smiling in the middle of this stage and talking, she has long white hair flowing back and blue eyes, she was wearing a beautiful long red dress open at the sides of her legs and with big cleavage.

"[ To all our guests today let me introduce myself, my name is Elsaris but you can call me Elsa and I will be the auctioneer for today. ]" (Elsa)

"[ The receptionists must have already told everyone about the auction rules, so I won't repeat them, now I'll tell you how it will work to bid in the auction. ]" (Elsa)

"[ All of you will have a reading crystal in your respective rooms, for each item in the auction I will stipulate the initial value of the item and how much will be the minimum value of the bids you can make, so pay attention to what I say at The moment an item is sold you immediately receive it in your rooms so don't worry. ]" (Elsa)

While auctioneer Elsa was explaining how the auction is going to work, the others and I stopped talking and all sat on the same sofa with me in the middle, I gave the reading crystal into Irius's hands and Byakko lay on top of my legs.

We were all now focused on the auction house.

"[ As you all know by now, let's start with the lowest value items and go up with each item, but today it will be different. I prepared for one of the items that should be auctioned off now to start this auction well, which do you think? ]" (Elsa)

As she spoke two muscular Men came in carrying a large item with great effort and dropping it behind her, she takes the cloth covering the item with one hand preparing to pull it out.

"[ They are curious to know what I have here, so I won't keep you waiting. ]" (Elsa)

Elsa pulled the cloth showing that the item was a large Halberd made entirely of metal, its handle was black as paint and its ax blade was large and white, it was visible that this weapon had gone through many battles as there were cuts all over his body, except for the blade, that weapon felt intimidating just looking at it.

"[ This is the great war halberd of the famous general Ramires, this weapon was in his hands in a hundred wars, he never lost with it, this weapon was with him until the day of his death on the battlefield where he died standing holding your weapon by your side over a mountain of enemy soldiers. ]" (Elsa)

"[ This weapon of war was forged in the hands of an Elder Dwarf and its blade is made of Adamantine, its hilt is made of damask steel, and it has three types of abilities, one of weight control, one of superhuman strength, and a break of armor. ]" (Elsa)

"[ Three Crystal Cards were used to make this weapon so let's start with a starting value of 5 Crystal Coins, the minimum bid value is 2000 Gold Coins, let the auction begin. ]" (Elsa)

On the screen the initial value of this weapon appeared at the moment the auctioneer spoke and when the bids started this value was updating the value to the highest bid in real-time, I was impressed.

"(What an interesting way to do an auction, it allows the participants not to see each other and not know who bought what.)" (Zenos)

"So this is the weapon General Ramires was holding at the moment of his death, really worthy of him." (Irius)

"Do you know about this weapon?" (Kira)

"Yes, General Ramires is famous across the continent, he was called the last warrior because he was always at the front of his armies, but he was always the last to leave the battlefield." (Irius)

"Their army consisted of a force of ten thousand elite men and they won many wars even though they were outnumbered most of the time, the neighboring Kingdoms became increasingly frightened by their strength and formed an alliance to annihilate this elite army, their combined armies were a number of one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers." (Irius)

"General Ramires knew the enemy numbers and yet he fought once more like the tip of his army's spear, in the end, Ramires' army was killed, but all the enemy soldiers died too, the only one standing on that battlefield was General Ramires holding his Halberd in his hand atop a mountain made from the bodies of his enemies." (Irius)

"I can't believe it, this general was a monster." (I)

"The truth is that he was already dead, he died in that position, they say it was a great effort to make him drop his weapon even after death." (Irius)

"The Dark Elves know his name too, there are many who admire him as a Warrior." (Sophia)

As we talked, the value of the weapon rose to twenty-eight crystal pieces before it was sold.
