Pov Kira:

"If everything you promised me is true I just have to thank you, it pains me to ask you more but I'm desperate, please I beg you to buy my wife too." (Anton)

I had no reaction to his sudden request, I didn't know he was married and by the way, he's talking to understand that his wife is also at this Auction.

"For your wife to be at this Auction she must also be considered very skilled or has some very rare skill, right?" (Sophia)

"She is a very talented Tailor who has a lot of experience making combat outfits for wizards and adventurers, she also has a unique skill called Thread Manipulator which she received from the Craftsman Goddess's blessing." (Anton)

"Someone like that will be as disputed as you Anton." (Irius)

"We are also looking for a Tailor so this is perfect, you two will be able to work together too." (I)


"(That's okay, isn't it Master?)" (I)

"(Yes, it looks like we are going to get good results with this auction.)" (Zenos)

"Thank you, thank you so much, I won't forget this." (Anton)

"The auction is starting over." (Byakko)

With Byakko's warning, everyone turns their attention to the crystal on the wall where auctioneer Elsa was taking the stage again.

We all went back to sit on the couches and I told Anton to sit down too.

"[ The auction is starting again my dear participants. ]" (Elsa)

While the auctioneer was giving notice of the resumption of the auction, one of the muscular men was bringing another female slave to the center stage behind the auctioneer.

"[ To resume this auction I present to you this beautiful young woman, not only does she look beautiful, she has many resistance skills for poison, miasma, curse, and disease. ]" (Elsa)

"[ She is also very polite and an excellent merchant, she also possesses the rare Item Rating skill. ]" (Elsa)

"[ For such a high-quality item I will start with a minimum value of a crystal coin, the minimum value of each bid must be 1000 gold coins, let the bidding begin. ]" (Elsa)

The moment she took the stage I could recognize her, but this time she didn't have that perpetual smile on her face but a face that showed concern mixed with fear.

"(Master this is Nira.)" (I)

"(Then do as the previous time, wait until the bids decrease to start bidding.)" (Zenos)

"(Thank you master.)" (I)

"This is Nira, get ready to do the same thing we did with Anton." (I)

"OK." (Irius)

When the value reached 7 crystal coins the bids decreased and that was when Irius started bidding, in the end, we were able to buy it for a value of 9 crystal coins and 3000 gold coins.

"Now you can calm down a bit, can't you?" (Byakko)

"You're right, I was a little worried before." (I)

We started chatting seeing other items being sold while we were waiting, after the second item was sold we heard a knock on the door again before the door was opened.

Knock! Knock!

"Why knock if you come in anyway?" (I)"The knock is to notify me of my arrival out of politeness, not a request to come in miss." (Jay)

Again the receptionist Jay enters with the masked woman who is a slave trader and this time with Nira.

"Who will be her new master." (Jay)

"It will be me." (I)

The auction kept going as I became Nira's new master, I told the others to pay attention to the auction in case Anton's wife showed up, after finishing the process to change ownership of the slave the receptionist and the masked woman leave the room closing the door behind them.

I look at Nira and she looks very depressed, her face was expressionless like someone dead.

"In the end, she didn't come." (Nira)

"Are you sure I didn't come." (I)

Understanding the meaning of my words Nira Looks at me in a hurry.

p "It can't be you, this mask is different from yours." (Nira)

"I got your message, now don't say anything else, we'll have time to talk when we get out of here." (I)

"Fine, but at least let me thank you." (Nira)

Nira hugs me tightly.

"Thank you." (Nira)

I told her to sit on a couch too and went back to where I was sitting before.

"Nothing from your wife yet?" (I)

"No, did she get sold before me?" (Anton)

"We were seeing the auction from the beginning, if you mention any characteristics of your wife we ​​will know if she has already been sold or not at least." (Sophia)

"You're right, I'm so anxious and so scared that something will happen to her that I'm not thinking straight." (Anton)

"My wife is from the Runic race, her skin is white, she has blue hair, she has a rune on her forehead and she is 28 years old." (Anton)

"I've been paying attention since the beginning and no one of the Runic race has appeared so far." (Irius)


"Then I still have a chance of meeting her again." (Anton)

"(What is the Runic race like?)" (Zenos)

"(The Runic race has the same life expectancy as the Dwarves, their appearance is the same as Human with the difference of the runes on their bodies that split in two, the main rune is always visible and can appear anywhere on their bodies varying from person to person, minor runes other than major are invisible when not being used, minor runes represent a Runic's magical or spiritual abilities, Runic usually have weak bodies but strong spiritual magic and techniques, but their race is very calm and peaceful usually choosing to pursue professions of scholars or artisans.)" (I)

"(Thanks for the Kira explanation.)" (Zenos)

After four more items being sold between them, a human sex slave finally turned up what we'd been hoping for.

A slave climbs up accompanied by one of the muscular men and walks to the center of the stage behind the auctioneer, this woman has all the characteristics that Anton talked about."It's her, it's her, my dear, I can't believe I let this happen to you." (Anton)

"[ Ladies and gentlemen, I have a rare item here for all of you, this slave is a Runic with talents in magic, she is also a Tailor with experience in making combat clothing and magical tunics, not only that but she also has a unique ability. which allows her to control lines giving her the ability to make better quality items than other Tailors. ]" (Elsa)

"[ The best thing is that she has a Blessing of the Goddess of Craftsmen, she is also very beautiful, for all these qualities she will have a starting price of 3 Crystal Coins, each bid must have at least 2000 gold Coins. ]" (Elsa)

"[ Let the bidding begin! ]" (Elsa)

"Are we going to use the same strategy of waiting?" (Irius)

"Yes." (I)

As we have done so far we wait for the bids to decrease, as soon as the value reached 10 crystal coins the bids were decreasing until it almost stopped and that's when we entered the bidding battle, we ended up being able to buy it for a value of 11 crystal coins.

"I can't believe I'll be able to see her again." (Anton)

Sniff Sniff

"I thought I would spend my whole life not being able to see her again and not knowing what happened to her." (Anton)

Sniff Sniff

I can't imagine the size of his anguish to make him who is a Dwarf cry like that, normally Dwarves don't cry because they think it's a sign of weakness, so I know he really was suffering absurdly for crying like that.

"Don't worry, she'll be brought over soon and you can speak to her in person." (I)

"Actually you better avoid talking or doing anything before the Black Market people leave." (Irius)

"You're right, we don't want you to know how we're treating our slaves, wait for them to leave before talking to your wife." (I)

"(Tell Irius that he's going to be Anton's wife's new master for now.)" (Zenos)

"(Yes master.)" (I)

"You're going to become Anton's wife's master." (I)

"No problem." (Irius)

The auction continued but there was nothing else we wanted but the Alchemist so we stopped paying attention except for Byakko and Sophia who were still paying attention to the auction to let us know if any Alchemist showed up, all that appeared so far were refused by the master.

Knock Knock

Once again they knock on the door before entering, I stood in front of Anton so his face wouldn't be seen by his wife yet, I warned him to control himself but I don't know his wife's reaction to seeing him.

After the possession of Anton's wife went to Irius and the Black Market people left I saw her reaction change from one of despondency to one of happiness as I walked away from Anton and she looked at him.

The two walked towards each other with happy faces, but just as we thought they were going to hug, I just saw Anton get punched in the face by his wife, so he grabs her arm and throws her into a wall, I was going to try to grab she didn't hit the wall but she somersaulted in the air and landed on her feet before reaching the wall.

"You alcoholic maniac, how dare you to worry me, and what the hell was that up to sending me running and staying to fight alone?" (Anton's wife)

"You rude and rude wife, don't you know how to appreciate your husband trying to protect you?" (Anton)

While they complained to each other they ran to each other as if they were going to start fighting, Irius and I were going to try to stop them when someone put their hands on our shoulders.

"Do not worry." (Nira)

We were distracted by Nira's actions and wasted the time to stop them, as the two were facing each other and I thought they were going to start fighting the wife threw herself into Anton's arms who hugged her affectionately and they started to get together. kiss.

"Don't ever do that again, we promised to be together in good times and bad, didn't we?" (Anton's wife)

"I'm sorry honey, I'm so happy to see you again." (Anton)

"..." (I/Irius/Sophia)

"(...)" (Zenos)


"All I needed, two more strangers to the group." (Byakko)
