mysterious woman pov:

The woman Zenos knows as a mysterious woman was in a place that looked like a cemetery, but the size of this cemetery was incomprehensible, it is stretching beyond the horizon in all directions, it was a strange landscape that makes a strong impact on anyone. that see.

The landscape, at first sight, has mountains, forests, rivers, and even cities, but when you get closer you see headstones in all these places and no sign of life around, there is a faint black mist that permeates everywhere, the waters of the rivers are red with headstones on their edges, the mountains have headstones all over their length, and even in the forests there are tombs everywhere.

The red-haired woman walks through the forest among the tombs with a sad expression on her face.

She stops on the bank of a red river and looks back with a serious look.

"Show up, I'm not in the mood right now to repeat myself." (mysterious woman)

At the end of the words of the red-haired woman a point of light forms in the air and draws a circle in space, when the circle is complete the space inside the circle ripples like the shores of a lake, from within that circle a haired woman and golden eyes wearing a plain white dress that contrasts with her black skin sai, her beauty so great there are no words to describe her, golden butterfly wings shimmering on her back.


"Why are you fairy goddess here." (mysterious woman)

The two women of incomparable beauty look each other in the eye until the woman called the Goddess of the Fairies looks away to look at her surroundings with regret.

​ "You should stop coming here, your sadness is filling this place with miasma once more." (Goddess of Fairies)

"Someone needs to come here to feel sad about their deaths, I'm the only one who still comes every year." (mysterious woman)

"You know that's not true, others come here to grieve too, just not as often as you do." (Goddess of Fairies)

"Do any of them even remember the names of those who are buried here!?" (mysterious woman)

"Do any of them still remember why these tombs are in this place instead of being among the mortals where they belong!?" (mysterious woman)

"Calm down please, I know I have no right to talk about it as it didn't exist at that time, but no one has forgotten this place, even I thank everyone buried here for your sacrifice." (Goddess of Fairies)

"I wish that idiot of Light had his wisdom." (mysterious woman)

The red-haired woman looks up at the sky where a broken moon lies before looking again at the Fairy Goddess.

"Why did you come to me?" (mysterious woman)

"The Fairy Kings who are under the command of one of my daughters have reported something strange." (Goddess of Fairies)

"..." (mysterious woman)

"My daughter came to me to warn me about this, imagine my shock to find out about a new race of Fairy that has seven pure elements." (Goddess of Fairies)

"..." (mysterious woman)"I was surprised but I was also happy with the news, I had been having problems for the last fifty years to pick a champion." (Goddess of Fairies)

"But now it's already chosen, I took a look at her too, her personality reminds me a lot of my own in my early years, she also has a lot of potential and great willpower." (Goddess of Fairies)

"So she has the same personality as you?" (mysterious woman)

"I feel sorry for those who pissed her off then." (mysterious woman)

"Don't say that, haven't you ever heard that Fairies are innocent and friendly?" (Goddess of Fairies)

"Hahahahahahaha..." (mysterious woman)

"People only know them that way because those who saw the angry Fairies didn't survive." (mysterious woman)

"Well now that your mood has improved let's talk about the other thing my daughter informed me about that I saw when I went to see my future champion." (Goddess of Fairies)

"..." (mysterious woman)

At that moment the Fairy Goddess looks seriously at the red-haired woman who looks away to the side with an expressionless face.

"The five Fairy Kings passed the information on to my daughter, who later relayed it to me, saying that there is a Vampire who can walk during the day, that this same Vampire seems to have a strange bloodline and that this Vampire has a contract with my champion. " (Goddess of Fairies)

"Actually he basically created my champion as he bestowed two of the seven pure elements she possesses, he was also the one who used her power to transform his race and make it go through a spiritual rebirth." (Goddess of Fairies)

"But the strangest thing was that the Fairy Kings saw the soul of this Vampire, I couldn't believe the information I received and went to see for myself, what I found there was exactly what they described to me." (Goddess of Fairies)

"..." (mysterious woman)

"You don't have anything to say?" (Goddess of Fairies)

"Never mind that, I'm taking care of everything." (mysterious woman)

"Taking care of everything?!" (Goddess of Fairies)

"That Vampire has a soul fused with the unique element of Chaos, this should be impossible if any of the arrogant and idiots who are on the God of Light's side know that there will be another holy war, not to mention what the evil Gods would do with if he finds it." (Goddess of Fairies)

"You know there are still some evil Gods left, so why did you do this to this Vampire." (Goddess of Fairies)

"I didn't do anything to him, that was always his natural state of mind, he was just asleep before he came to this world." (mysterious woman)

"I'm protecting him, others won't be able to feel him or see through him, when they realize what's happened it'll be too late." (mysterious woman)

sigh"..." (Goddess of Fairies)

"Who else knows?" (Goddess of Fairies)

"The Dragon and the Wolf." (mysterious woman)

"Great job hiding him." (Goddess of Fairies)

"That muscle-head Wolf only noticed him because of his connection to the Champion he chose, just like you." (mysterious woman)

"The Dragon only felt through other means, he felt his will, something only the Dragon can." (mysterious woman)

"I don't like this situation, but he saved those who were supposed to be under my protection, so I gave permission to give him a title so I'll keep an eye on him too, the title will also help mask the Chaos within him from others. " (Goddess of Fairies)

"Thanks." (mysterious woman)

"I trust you, so do others, so do what you think is right, just be more cautious." (Goddess of Fairies)

"I gave an ability for the Faerie Kings to give him, this ability will help hide him." (Goddess of Fairies)

"Thanks for that, making him create an astral body now didn't go as well as I thought, his soul damage was greater than I imagined." (mysterious woman)

"His plan was always to make the Faerie Kings heal him, wasn't it?" (Goddess of Fairies)

"It wasn't a plan, I just knew that healing his soul was the least you would do for him, I didn't lie to him either, for him to have a chance to help that Fairy he needed to have an astral body to take care of the souls inside the Fairy." (mysterious woman)


"Your way of thinking about him is always very strange, he could have died the moment his astral body is complete, in fact, I don't even know how someone with his level of strength survived that." (Goddess of Fairies)

"I always knew he would resist, so I tried, his soul is more resistant than others." (mysterious woman)

The Fairy Goddess looked around one last time and raised her hand, a wave of multi-colored light spreading in all directions making the fine black mist that permeated everywhere disappear.

"I'm leaving now, I advise you to go too, I've cleared the miasma of this little world, but if you keep spreading your sadness here it will resurface." (Goddess of Fairies)

"I'm on my way too, I hope the next time you come bring something nice to eat." (mysterious woman)

"I'll remember that, see you later." (Goddess of Fairies)

The Fairy Goddess turns and goes back to the circle, as she enters the inside of the circle, it stops rippling and the circle disappears.

The red-haired woman looks up at the sky with a slight smile on her face before taking one last look at the headstones around her.

"Be strong faster my dear Zenos, I need you to be ready when the time comes, I can't let this tragedy happen again, this time I won't be the useless one being protected." (mysterious woman)

"Now I have the power and authority to do something, but that won't be enough." (mysterious woman)

The mysterious woman raises one of her hands and claws grow from her fingers, she reaches out and squeezes making her claws rip five small holes in space, soon cracks start to spread from those holes, then blood starts to come out of the holes and cracks make as pieces of space fell and disintegrated, all that was left in place was a red vortex where the mysterious woman entered, then the space around the vortex crushes it making it disappear.

Once again the place around was calm with nothing and no one around, just a place with no living beings, a world filled with tombs and headstones for those who were called champions.
