Pov of an excommunicated priest:

My name is Andrew, used to be a priest of the Church of Light who was part of the extremist faction, one day those of the peaceful faction found out about how I was killing some Beastmen in small villages during my visits, so I was excommunicated, but I still had people like me who could not tolerate such filthy things.

The one who was my superior at the time before he was excommunicated invited me to be part of a plan, after he told me the plan I was delighted, he didn't tell me in detail and I understand why, but I was happy to be part of the plan. backup plan.

That person was Archbishop Thomas Galaretto, he is a man I admire and so I was happy to be a part of that plan.

I went to the town of Valen in the Trigan Kingdom and became an adventurer there, my training at the Church of Light was easy, I also spent a few months getting some subordinates I could use, to do this I started looking for greedy people among the talentless adventurers, I made them join me and attack new adventurers and I left most of the profits to them, so I made them happy and in my control.

Killing these newbies I was also able to keep cleaning these inferior races that are all over this city because I'm doing this inside the Dungeon, nobody notices.

A few days ago they sent me an item I needed to fulfill my mission, it took a long time to arrive, but I learned that Archbishop Galaretto was unconscious for a while.


With the item I needed in my hands I went to the dungeon with my subordinates, I told them this would be a great rookie hunt, they don't need to know what I'll do, after it's all over I'll run out of the dungeon and then out from the city, as far as I know, I'm not the only one on this mission, so I don't want to die staying here.

As I went deeper into the Great Serpent Dungeon I killed all the groups that had species other than Humans and Elves, I did this to make my subordinates happy and as a way to clean up some of that filth before I left.

While going deeper into the Dungeon I found the group of a famous adventuress of that city, her name was Diana a woman from the Wolf tribe of the Beast Man, she became famous in the city with the title of Guardian Wolf, it turns my stomach to know that someone that race had become famous, the worst thing was that it had members of other races in its group.

I couldn't see something like that, but I didn't have the strength to do anything against her, I tried to follow her group to wait for an opportunity to attack them on the sixth floor of the Dungeon, just as I expected her group was getting tired with every fight, not only that but Diana had to protect them sometimes.

"(That's what happens when you assemble a group full of newbies.)" (Andrew)

As I follow them I notice they are heading to an unvisited spot on this floor, they are also tired, so I advise one of my subordinates to call the second group, better forewarned as Diana may be stronger than I think.

As the second group arrives we manage to surround them, after getting closer I notice that there is a beautiful Human woman and a beautiful White Elf woman in Diana's group.

It would be a waste to kill them too quickly, maybe I can have some fun before leaving this Kingdom, after having fun with them both I can let my subordinates have fun too.

After we get close I start talking to Diana, I want her to know how inferior she is before she dies, I want her to see what I will do with her mates, I want her to know that humans are superior to her.

As I spoke to her and am amused by her anger, her group of the noble boy stands in front of her.

I don't know how this noble child has such courage, does he really think that because he is noble he can do whatever he wants?

I don't care about this Kingdom and its nobles, these nobles accept to live with these inferior races, looking better at this child he seems to be a half-breed with these different colored eyes and red hair.

It is disgusting to know that there are beings that mix the superior Human bloodline with the bloodlines of the inferior races, I will show this child how inferior he is before my mission."Noble brats like you are always like that, confident and proud." (I)

"You hire experienced adventurers to be able to kill some monsters with ease while others have to fight to protect you." (I)

"Look at that look, look at that hair and look at these new weapons, it looks like your family invested a lot in you putting together this group and hiring the famous Guardian Wolf to lead your group." (I)

"But it looks like it's gone to your head, you're just a child, without her to defend you, so you'd be dead already, do you think because I'm noble I won't kill you?" (I)

"He talks too much, doesn't he Diana?" (crossbreed brat)

"Yes, he made a lot of errors in judgment too, truly competent adventurers wouldn't have fallen for that." (Diana)

"Competent adventurers wouldn't waste their time fighting new adventurers." (crossbreed brat)

"You are right, master." (Diana)

"You brat, acting like he has everything under control, I'm going to..." (I)

In the middle of my sentence, I feel a strong thirst for blood emanating from the child and I am speechless with shock.

"(How can a child emit such a strong bloodlust?)" (I)

Soon the half-breed child starts talking, every word that comes out of her mouth becomes colder and more terrifying.

"I will show you and your subordinates that those who dared to treat my companions or rather my family the way you did, will have a slow and very painful death." (crossbreed brat)

Suddenly a strong Aura comes out of the child and spreads throughout this space, the moment this Aura reaches me my legs give out and I drop to my knees on the floor as if something extremely heavy is holding me there, not only that but also I felt a huge rejection coming from the Aura for me.

I felt like I was surrounded by enemies and I was being judged, I looked around and saw my subordinates in the same condition as I was.

As soon as I turn to see Diana's group I see everyone well as if they are not affected by the Aura, I also notice that they don't look tired anymore, taking away the dirt on their bodies they look good and calm, seeing this it wasn't hard to understand the situation.

"(Damn, I was tricked, this was a trap to lure us in.)" (I)

I see the half-breed brat look at me and my subordinates coldly as if we're nothing before he starts ordering his fellows around.

"Layla, try using a space barrier to isolate this entire area." (crossbreed brat)

"You can kill everyone as you please, but the leader is mine." (Mongrel brat)"You can take care of it brother, I'll stay aside I don't want to get dirty with their blood." (Dhampir woman)

"It will be a pleasure, how dare these idiots treat Father and Sister like that, as they are criminals I don't need to feel sorry for them, so I'll punish them a bit before I finish them off." (Dhampir man)

"I'm going to make these nasty perverts pay for looking at me with those eyes, only the master can look at me like that." (Human woman)

"As the master is going to stay with the leader, I'll have to be content with the others, too bad." (Diana)

"I don't really care what they say about me, but I think I can use some of them to train my torture techniques for a few years now that I haven't used these techniques." (white elf)

"Master, master, can I eat?" (Oni girl)

"Feel free, but you can only take two at most." (crossbreed brat)

"Thank you, master." (Oni girl)

I'm horrified by their conversation and attitude, I see everyone move and head towards my subordinates, I don't care what happens to them, but I must assume I'll go through worse.

"I'm not going to do anything to you now, I want you to see what each person with you will suffer before it's your turn." (crossbreed brat)

The half-breed brat approaches me calmly, then he stands behind me and holds my head turning so I can see what every subordinate of mine is suffering.

I see the Oni girl cut off the arms of one of my subordinates and start eating in front of him with a smile, I see the Dhampir man punch my subordinates to death by cutting their heads, I see Diana just piercing her swords into the hearts of my subordinates, I see White Elfa pick up daggers and start cutting fingers, cutting muscles and cutting other things from my subordinates, I also see her making cuts in places that won't kill them, worst of all was the Human girl, black energy covers her and her appearance changes showing that she was actually a Demon, she makes a magic circle and purple energy comes out of the magic circle to my subordinates who start screaming hysterically, I see blood coming out of their eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

"(She is of the Demonic race.)" (I)

Seeing such a hellish scene I realize my mistake, I should never have come after these monsters, they must have come from the Demon Realm to do such cruel things, before I knew it, tears were coming out of my eyes.

"Are you enjoying the show?" (crossbreed brat)

I have no escape, but at least I have to fulfill my mission, I should do it on the tenth floor, but there's nothing to do about it right now.

I try to reach my hand up to the leather bag at my waist, but the half-breed brat holds my arm.

"What do you think you're doing." (crossbreed brat)

He tries to grab the bag, but the moment he touches it, a strong light throws him back, I take this moment to grab what's inside and pull it out.

It was a completely black crystal that emanated energy and a dark glow.

"(I was ready to die when I accepted this assignment, I just didn't want it to be that way.)" (I)

This crystal is called Evil Seed, once broken it will release a large amount of miasma inside the dungeon, after the dungeon absorbs all this a new wave of monsters will happen.

I throw the crystal to the ground with all my might and a lot of black clouds come out of it taking over this entire area quickly.

At this moment I feel a pain in my chest and I see one not coming out of my chest holding my heart in my hands so everything goes dark.
