The battle against the wave of monsters has gotten harder and harder, one of the adventuring groups besides us was almost completely wiped out, but I managed to save one of them in time, I made Diana the fastest to take him to the city gate and come back and I sent Layla with her to help, along the way it seems they helped more people from what Layla told me.

The fight has gotten harder and harder because the monsters are getting stronger, the biggest problem is that Layla warned me that she saw humanoid monsters hiding in the forest.

If these monsters attack when the adventurers are tired it will be a massacre.

The battle has been going on for almost two hours, it's already been lasting longer than I thought, I don't even know how many monsters I've killed, during the fight I was even able to use lower earth element magic, I also managed to use intermediate level wind element magic.

When the fight started I was using fire magic to fight, but I found that wind magic was better for increasing my movement and attack speed, it also served to push monsters away when I was surrounded.

As the fight continued, the first one to tire out was Irina who used all the mana potions she had, she spent all of her time supporting others and I could see in her face how mentally exhausted she is.

After sending Irius to escort the sister to the gate I told everyone to start fighting together as we would no longer have Irina's support.


At first, it was difficult to coordinate, but soon we were managing somehow, I also realized that we were getting help, sometimes when a group of monsters approached and it was too big some arrows hit them giving an opportunity to finish them off quickly.

During the battle there were times when I ran out of mana and drank the blood I saved to recover faster, I discovered some time ago that the ability [ Vampirism: 1 ] makes the blood I drink have energy restoring effect for me what is being of great help.

During the brief breaks when the monsters didn't attack I created some paralyzing venom and gave it to the rest of my group in preparation for when the humanoid monsters finally attack, Diana also told me that the person who has been supporting us from above the wall was Freya, I was surprised to know that her bow and arrow was so strong, it surprised me, even more, to see her level of precision attacking from so far away.

During a brief break, I call the others in for a quick chat while Layla watches the surroundings.

"Things are starting to get tough, I've been hurt several times if I didn't have the recovery skill I'd be dead by now." (I)

"To make matters worse, Layla informed me that the magic attacks coming from above the city wall are getting smaller in number, she also told me that the same happens with the arrows." (I)

"That doesn't surprise me, the battle is going on for a long time, this kind of large-scale attack can't last forever, not to mention there's another battle like this going on across town, so resources are being consumed very fast." (Irius)

"Irius is right, one of our problems is that we are getting tired of fighting for so long with almost no breaks, if this continues the deaths will only increase." (Diana)

"We will split into two groups, Irius and I can continue fighting without having to rest if we drink blood, which we already have in our storage items." (I)

"That's true, I'm having more mental fatigue than physical, but I can take it all day if need be." (Irius)

"The same with me, so I, Ibuki, Kira, and Leo will rest first, then we'll take turns with Irius, Diana and Sophia." (I)

"It's going to be a little heavy, but at least we'll have a few moments to rest our mind and body." (I)

"It's a good idea, but I don't know if we'll make it, the monsters are getting stronger." (Kira)

"If the group that is fighting starts to have difficulty then the resting group will have time to help, any rest time has to be used." (I)

"It can be difficult, but fighting it in turns like this will allow us to fight longer than doing what we're doing now." (Sophia)

"But that will also slow down the rate at which we kill monsters." (Diana)"More are coming, it's five double-headed snakes this time." (Layla)

"I take three, Ibuki and Leo take the fourth, the last one gets Kira and Byakko." (I)

"When you guys are done come help me, let's go." (I)

"< Wall of Fire >" (I)

With our conversation interrupted I create a wall of fire separating the three snakes I'm going to face, I skewer one of them with a rock skewer coming from below, then one of them throws herself at me and takes one of my arms, I take the opportunity to stick my sword in one of its heads and use my strength to lift the snake's body ahead higher than me and use it as a whip on the third snake that tried to attack me.

At that moment Kira appears and stabs the third snake from behind giving her a shock, I take the opportunity to kill the second head of the second snake that is still dying in my arm.

Ding! Ding!

"Thank you for your help." (I)

"How's your arm, master?" (Kira)

"I'm fine, you'll recover quickly." (I)

I use my recovery skill a few times and the arm is like new, I've suffered so many blows that I don't even worry about the pain anymore, I also have an ability to resist pain which is helping me a lot here.

"See, I'm fine." (I)

I look at the first two-headed snake that died in the first attack.

"How did I kill her so fast?" (I)

"You must have hit her heart, she has two heads but only one heart." (Kira)

"I understand." (I)

While talking to Kira we go towards Ibuki and Leo, who had already killed their enemy, I also look around to see if there are no more enemies.

"(How is the battle situation, Layla?)" (I)

​ "(The magic attacks from above the wall are already over, the arrows are still falling, but they are getting smaller and smaller.)" (Layla)

"(The humanoid monsters hiding in the forest are also moving more, so they can attack at any time.)" (Layla)

"(Damn, the situation is getting worse, we didn't have time to rest, we didn't even have time to put the fight and rest shift plan into practice.)" (I)

I gather with the others and tell them about the humanoid monsters, Diana seems to know about them.

"From your description, they can be Snakemans, they are fast, intelligent, and flexible." (Diana)

"I've faced some, this type of monster looks like Lizardmans, but it doesn't have the same physical strength and defense, but they have venom and fight better in groups." (Irius)

"Does the master know how many there are?" (Diana)

"A few hundred maybe, I can't give exact numbers as they're still inside the forest." (I)

"So it's going to be a tough fight because the groups around us are tired they must die in the vast majority at this point." (Diana)

"If that happens we will be surrounded." (Sophia)

"I can use my auras and my intimidation ability to make them stop for a few seconds if we're surrounded." (I)

"But even if I do, how are we going to kill so many?" (Kira)

"I can use a lot of ice spears, but I'll run out of mana fast." (Layla)

"I still haven't learned any area attacks from Byakko." (Kira)

"I don't have the energy to do an area attack like that, but I might try something if Kira passes her spiritual energy to me." (Byakko)

"I and Kira can kill a few with our speed, but Irius and Leo are too slow for that." (Diana)

"It will be difficult, but I have an attack that can kill about ten monsters, but it will be difficult to move after the attack." (Irius)

"I don't have area attacks, but I will kill some during these seconds." (Sophia)

"You don't need to worry, I'll warn the people at the city wall, if the monsters are stationary they'll be easy targets, we don't have to do everything alone." (I)

"Thank you for that, because it wouldn't be much help for a quick attack against so many enemies." (Leo)

"Layla, go up there on the fence and let Mari, Freya, and Érica know about our plan." (I)

"All right." (Layla)

"Hate to interrupt, but there are more monsters coming." (Byakko)

"It never ends!?" (I)

I throw myself into battle again while half the group is still resting, this time it was a quick fight, so I go back to rest next to the others.

"As I was saying before, we're going to have to be quick so be prepared to make your strongest attacks." (I)

"Layla, you can go let us know of our plan." (I)

"I am going." (Layla)

The monsters have been decreasing so I had a few more minutes of rest this time, then it was Irius's group's turn to fight while my group got some rest.

"(They are coming master, the humanoid monsters have finally left the forest.)" (Layla)

"(Have you warned those on the walls?)" (I)

"(Yes, they are getting ready, at your signal they will attack.)" (Layla)

"Get ready, Layla says the Snakemans are coming!" (I)

I hope my plan works but I think it should be no problem, I have been using my intimidation ability throughout the battle and I feel this ability has become much stronger, I have also used this ability in conjunction with my Auras several times, so no must have problems.
