


Ding! Ding!
























p .














• [ Upper Twilight Vampire (Unique) ]

• [ Blood Kimera (Variant) ]

• [ Kimera Vampire (Variant) ]

• [ Demonic Vampire (Variant) ]

• [ Energy Vampire (Unique) ]

• [ Blood Demon (Variant) ]

• [ Corrupting Demon (Single) ]

All those notifications before bed and now this, my head is going to explode like this, all I wanted was to get some peace of sleep.

Since I can't avoid that I'm going to choose the safest option for me, all these Kimera races and Demon races have dangerous names, so I'm going to choose the race that seems to be superior to my current race.

I choose [ Superior Twilight Vampire (Unique) ].

















When I try to open my eyes I find I can't, I can't smell or hear anything, I can't move either.

"(What's going on?)" (I)

I was confused and scared by what was happening, when suddenly I feel a hand on my face and I start to hear a voice in my head, that voice has already become familiar to me.

"(My dear child, you came back faster than I expected.)" (mysterious woman)

"(If she's here it means I haven't woken up yet.)" (I)

"(You're kind of right, actually you're still evolving, your body has already finished its evolution, but I need to adjust your soul to your new body.)" (mysterious woman)

"(Don't read my thoughts, where is my privacy?)" (I)

"(Hahahaha...)" (mysterious woman)

"(It's so funny that you think you can hide something from me.)" (mysterious woman)

"(But don't worry, I won't poke around in your head and I won't deprive you of your privacy.)" (mysterious woman)

"(After I finish talking to you and make some adjustments to your new body and soul I'll leave you alone.)" (mysterious woman)

"(For now...)" (mysterious woman)

Once again she just does what she wants with me, if I could move now she would get what she deserves for doing this to me.

"(Wait, what did she just say!?)" (I)

"(You said what are you doing with my body and soul!?)" (I)

"(Don't worry, I'm just preventing a future problem, those Faerie Kings healed your soul, but they missed something.)" (mysterious woman)

"(Because you forced the creation of an astral body your soul created a disharmony with your body, you won't realize it now, but one day you might die from it, it's best to fix it now while it's still easy to deal with that.)" (mysterious woman)

"(...)" (I)

With her explanation I get scared, I hadn't noticed anything wrong before, but I don't understand anything about souls either.

"(You don't have to worry about that now, I'm almost done.)" (mysterious woman)

"(But I'm not feeling anything?)" (I)

"(And you won't even feel it, that's what happens when you do these reckless things.)" (mysterious woman)

For some reason I feel like a child who has done something wrong being reprimanded by his mother, this situation is very strange to me for many reasons.

"(It's over, soon you will be pulled back into your body.)" (mysterious woman)

"(But first I must warn you a few things, the first is that the person who will join you is already on the way and don't try to ask that person any questions, because there will be no answer until you are strong enough to that.)" (mysterious woman)

"(This person will arrive within a month, you must make one more evolution before then, if not something very bad will happen to you, to this person and possibly to the city you are in, so good luck.)" (woman mysterious)

"(Wait...)" (I)

"(I also advise you to be careful with your bloodline fusion, but if you do, ask someone to be by your side with some HP potions.)" (mysterious woman)

"(I said to wait, what are you...)" (I)

"(Keep going your own way my little Zenos, I hope the next time we meet you will know my name.)" (mysterious woman)

I was trying to ask her what she meant by all these weird things she's saying, but she doesn't give me a chance to speak, every time I go to speak she interrupts me.

Just as she's finished speaking and I think I'm going to be able to speak, I suddenly feel something pulling me and I can't hear her in my head anymore.

Soon afterward I feel my conscience darken and I blackout.


I wake up the next day feeling different, I try to get up but find I can't move and several notifications start popping up in my vision that I'm going to ignore for now.

I try to look around and realize I'm in the middle of the bed being hugged by the girls who are still sleeping.

"(How did I get here?)" (I)

"(I was pretty sure I had slept on the bottom of the bed where there were fewer people, so how?)" (I)

Not knowing what was going on I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself, I don't want to wake up the girls who must be tired after yesterday's monster wave, so I decide to wait for them to wake up, in the meantime I'll take a look at these notifications that have started to appear the moment I woke up.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!...




<[ Your skill leveled up [ Identify: 2 > 3 ] ]>




<[ Your skill has evolved [ Weak Blood Elemental Affinity: 10 ] > [ Blood Elemental Affinity: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Weak Affinity with Curse: 10 ] > [ Affinity with Curse: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Weak elemental affinity: 10 ] > [ Dark elemental affinity: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Martial Art Fist of Chaos: 10 ] > [ Martial Art Fist of the Lord of Chaos: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Basic non-elemental magic: 10 ] > [ Non-elemental magic: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Blade of Chaos Technique: 10 ] > [ Blade of the Lord of Chaos Technique: 1 ] ]>




<[ A new achievement has been added to your title [ Founder of the Blade of Chaos Technique ] ]>



<[ A new achievement has been added to your title [ Founder of the Fist of Chaos ] ]>




<[ The titles [ Founder of the Fist of Chaos ] and [ Founder of the Blade of Chaos Technique ] merge and a new title is acquired ]>



[ You have acquired the title [ Founder of Chaos Techniques ] ]>




<[ You have leveled up ]>

"..." (I)

"(Why have so many skills evolved?)" (I)

"(Did my evolution do all this?)" (I)

I was surprised at so many things happening, I can feel a lot of power coursing through my body, but I can't enjoy that power if I can't get out of bed so I'll have to wait for now.

I also want to see my appearance in the mirror, I want to know if I managed to grow in this evolution, but I will also have to wait.

I also want to test these evolved skills, but I'll wait too.

"(I'm so looking forward to testing so many things, but I can't do anything dammit.)" (I)


I don't have what to do about it right now, so I remember what happened before I woke up.

"(Just as I imagined, that mysterious woman must be a Goddess.)" (I)

"(She said she was messing with my body and soul, I may not know much about things in this world, but if you put together everything this mysterious woman has done so far it's obvious she's a Goddess, I guess I just didn't want to accept the truth.)" (I)

"(For some reason she is adamant about me learning about her name.)" (I)

After finally accepting the obvious I remember what she said about my soul and my body being in disharmony because of the astral body I somehow created when I helped Layla, knowing that made a shiver run through my body, even though I didn't know. what does that mean I still know it shouldn't be any good.

This Goddess also said that the person she made me promise to let into my group is on her way, I don't know who that person is and I don't know why she wants this person close to me either but considering everything she's done so far. for me, I don't think she wants to do me anything bad so I'll wait and see when that person arrives.

The red-haired Goddess also said that she wants me to evolve one more time before this person arrives, I don't know why, but it will be difficult, one thing I learned in each evolution is that it gets harder and harder to evolve, I will need more EXP and more levels.

I have so many things to think about, there are so many things going on at once that I don't know what to do first.

"(So I have a month to resolve this, eh?)" (I)

I take advantage of this time when I wait for the girls to wake up to change my job to [ Rookie wizard ].

Since I can't move until the girls wake up I think I'll take a look at my Status, so I open it and take a look just to be shocked.

"(But what is this!)" (I)
