I activate my [ Aura of Chaos: 4 ], [ Aura of Judgment: 4 ], and [ Blood Servant: 3 ] at the same time.

And I try to control it so my power and Auras don't spread all over the secret room, I try to just direct it to the father and daughter in front of me.

Right after activating my abilities my two Auras come out of my body and intertwine as they reach the two targets, as soon as my Auras reach them I feel my Auras enter both, and for the first time, I notice something moving inside the glass cylinder filled with that greenish liquid.

As soon as my auras start to enter their body I feel my mana, Ki and spiritual power leave my body along with drops of my blood, this time is much worse than the previous times, it takes almost all my energy.

I see the three types of energy mix with the drops of my blood that evaporate, then everything turns into a red cloud with three types of energy shining from within, this red cloud surrounds Ivan and the glass cylinder where Ivan's daughter Lyra is.

Little by little I see the red cloud enter through whatever opening the glass cylinder has and then the greenish liquid glows in three different colors.

"Ugh!" (I)


The weakness starts to take over me, it's not as bad as the time with Layla, but it's still difficult.

I feel my auras and energies fully fill the body of the father-daughter duo, then a green glow completely envelops Ivan, meanwhile, the greenish liquid inside the cylinder starts to bubble and evaporate releasing green vapor that spreads through the room.

Ivan couldn't resist and I'm not having difficulty with him, but his daughter is being very difficult, somehow it feels like her body is divided into several parts and I have to fill each part one by one, after a few minutes I fall into one. knee, but at least I ended up with Lyra.

All that was in the glass cylinder now was a tense green vapor that obstructs vision, but there's a three-color glow coming from inside.

Ding! Ding!

<[ You have successfully submitted Death Knight to your will ]>



<[ You have successfully submitted Hybrid Homunculus (Variant) to your will ]>




<[ Choose a power to grant to Death Knight ]>



<[ Choose a power to grant to Homunculus Hybrid (Variant) ]>

Once again that bunch of information pops into my head, information about abilities and bloodlines, I use my parallel thinking ability to choose what I'm going to grant each of the two.

To Ivan, I choose to give the ability [ Aura of Death: 1 ] which appears to be one of the auras that make up my Aura of Chaos.

For Lyra I choose the unique skill [ Synthesis: 1 ] the same skill I have, maybe it's more useful in the hand of someone who knows alchemy.


<[ Grant of power completed ]>

At that point my auras and power stop entering their bodies and go back inside my body, then I see the glow that had been covering them both fade away and the glass in the cylinder shatters, releasing Lyra.At first, he wasn't able to see her body because of the glow that covered her body as well as her father's body, but gradually the glow began to fade and their appearances were revealed.

Ivan looked like a middle-aged man with white skin with red hair and eyes, his body was very well trained and he wore incredible black armor with red accents.

"(Where did this evil-looking armor come from?)" (I)

After seeing Ivan's great appearance who is six feet tall I turn to the cute girl next to him.

The girl I assume to be Lyra is a size 1.35 meters tall, she has red hair a little lighter than her father, she has silver eyes and white skin, she is extremely cute and adorable, she has a body not very developed, but from its current appearance, I can say it will be spectacular when it gets older.

"Lyra!!!" (Ivan)

Ivan in his evil armor looks at the little girl and throws himself at her wanting to hug her while screaming her name.

The girl turns to him and as soon as he is close enough she jumps up and does a spinning kick to Ivan's head which flies to the side and gets his head stuck in the wall.

"You idiot, idiot, idiot dad, how can you become an Undead!?" (Lyra)

"..." (all)

Lyra to everyone's surprise starts yelling at her father as she cries, she runs to where he is with her head pinned down and grabs one of his legs, she then pulls and releases him from the wall only to knock him to the ground several times as yells at him.


"I've been conscious all this time, you idiot dad!" (Lyra)


"I know what happened to my moms and the others!" (Lyra)


"I know what you guys did to save me!" (Lyra)


"I've been listening to your laments and your suffering all this time!" (Lyra)

Baammm! Baammm!

For someone so small and with such a skinny body she is insanely strong, she is getting up and hitting her father on the ground as she cries and screams at him, suddenly she stops and leaves him lying on the ground in the middle of a crater that she herself did, so she jumps on top of his body and hugs him crying like a normal child.

"I know none of this was your fault, no one knew about that Abyssal creature." (Lyra)

"You kept saying you're going to wake me up and you kept that promise, but all I ever wanted to say to you is that it's not your fault, so stop suffering, please stop..." (Lyra)

Ivan lifts an arm whose hand has returned to a trembling skeleton and embraces his daughter.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't know you could hear me, I always worried about you waking up one day alone, that's why I stayed by your side all this time." (Ivan)

"I know, the only reason I haven't freaked out for being this long without being able to move or talk is because you were always talking to me, thanks." (Lyra)

Something's weird, Ivan's voice isn't coming from where he and Lyra are, so I figure out why.

"I hate to interrupt our precious father-daughter reunion moment, but can you do your old dad a favor?" (Ivan)

"Of course, what do you want daddy?" (Lyra)"Can you get my head off the wall and put it back around my neck please?" (Ivan)

"..." (Lyra)

"..." (all)

When the dust from Ivan's body thumping on the ground has settled, we can finally see his scrawny body in its evil headless armor.

Upon hearing her father's request little Lyra looks to where her father's head should be and sees nothing there, she takes a moment to look before moving her head robotically to the wall where he had pinned his head and sees his head still there.

"..." (Lyra)

She gets up and runs over to it, then claws grow out of her fingers and she smashes through the wall and grabs her father's head, then runs back trying to refit his neck until it locks.

"Thank you daughter." (Ivan)

I put my hand to my forehead as I mentally moan.

"(Why do I only meet strange people?)" (I)


I turn to see my companions and find they are looking shocked, only Layla is flying as she laughs, I turn to Irina wanting to talk to her.

"Do you have any clothes in your storage item?" (I)

"I have, why?" (Irina)

"Then take it to Lyra, I don't think it's right for her to stay naked like that, in fact, I don't think she even noticed." (I)

In my words it seems that just now she realizes that Lyra is naked, she removes an article of clothing from her storage item and runs over to Lyra.


Vampire Neutral Faction Leader's Pov:

Today is the day, the Goddess has already given her orders and from what I've been told, I can finally wake up that girl after more than 500 years.

I walk through the castle and go to the tower where she is sleeping.

Upon reaching the top of one of the towers that have ten floors I enter a room that has a pink crystal sarcophagus, as the crystal is a little transparent I can see her sleeping inside the sarcophagus.

I go to the sarcophagus that is in the middle of a complex magic circle that deactivates before I get closer, arriving at the sarcophagus I use a spiritual Rune that goes through the sarcophagus and lands on her forehead.

As soon as the rune disappears the girl opens her eyes and the lid of the sarcophagus comes out of the side on its own, then the girl gets up and starts to stretch.

"It's time my daughter, the Goddess has given you a mission that will finally release you from your restraints." (I)

I pick up a necklace with a piece of gold jewelry and pass it to her.

"This necklace will help to hide you, it has the same function as this magic circle, but it will only have effect for a month, that's how long you will have to reach your destination." (I)

"I got a Wind Dragon to take you to the Morror continent and the Realm you need to go to, after that the Goddess's power will guide you." (I)

I put the necklace around her neck and give her one last hug, then help her out of the sarcophagus and lead her outside to the tower where a large white Dragon is waiting.

"Is this who I should take?" (Dragon)

"Yes, make sure you take her safely and away from prying eyes." (I)

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to her." (Dragon)

I nod my head to the Dragon and turn back to her who is wearing an outfit and masks I prepared to hide her.

"Your destination is on the Morror continent, it's one of the cities of the Trigan Kingdom called the city of Valen." (I)

I give her one last hug before watching her climb onto the back of this fifty-foot tall Dragon and fly away.

"May your trip be safe my child!" (I)
