After so many surprises with this evolution, I was afraid to check my status, I just hope my luck has stopped being negative, that alone would be enough to make me happier.

I was on the porch, I took a few deep breaths before opening my status to see what had changed.

<[ NAME: Zenos

RACE: Noble Twilight Vampire (Duke)


LEVEL: 1/100

EXP: 42/300



• [ Selene (Blood Goddess): 100% ] [ Twilight Vampire (Zenos): Original ] [ Horned Rabbit: 100% ] [ Little Spider: 17% ] [ Gray Wolf: 100% ] [ Kobold: 100% ] [ Human: 100% ] [ Dwarf: 14% ] [ Tiger Beast: 17% ] [ Vampire Bat: 100% ] [ Earth Monkey: 100% ] [ Blood Wolf: 100% ] [ Infernal Serpent (Unique): 100% ] [ King Snakeman (Variant): 100% ]

JOB: [ Novice Dark Mage ]


WORK EXP: 0/100


• [ Apprentice Wizard: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Warrior: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Martial Artist: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Hunter: 10/10 ] [ Novice Adventurer: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Thief: 10/10] [ Apprentice Trader: 10/10 ] [ Apprentice Alchemist: 10/10 ] [ Novice Warrior: 20/20 ] [ Great Martial Master: 70/70 ] [ Novice Mage: 20/20 ] [ Novice Thief: 20/20 ] [ Novice Merchant: 20/20 ] [ Novice Hunter: 20/20 ] [ Mage: 25/25 ] [ Warrior: 25/25 ] [ Thief: 25/25 ] [ Merchant: 25/25 ] [ Adventurer: 25/25 ] [ Hunter: 25/25 ] [ Apprentice Killer: 10/10 ] [ Novice Killer: 20/20 ] [ Killer: 25/25 ] [ Novice Fire Mage: 30/30 ] [ Novice Wind Mage: 30/30 ] [ Novice Earth Wizard: 30/30 ] [ Novice Water Wizard: 30/30 ] [ Novice Light Wizard: 30/30 ]

HP: 1140/1140

MP: 1250/1250

Ki: 700/700

EP: 1400/1400

Strength: 800

Dexterity: 630Agility: 700

Defense: 540

Intelligence: 940

magic defense: 570

Charm: 659

Luck: -50



• [ □□○☆•○● ] [ He Who Brings Chaos ] [ World Transgressor ] [ Last of His Race ] [ First of His Kind ] [ He Who Brings Chaos ] [ Named Monster ] [ Unique Monster ] [ True master ] [ Elemental Mage ] [ Goblin Chief ] [ Grade B Adventurer ] [ Literate ] [ Thief ] [ Kidnapper ] [ Goblin Killer ] [ Friend of Spirits ] [ Blood Child ] [ Daywalker ] [ Patriarch (Vampires of the Twilight) ] [ Shadow Eclipse group leader ] [ Fairy Friend ] [ Faerie Contractor: Layla (Fairy of Lesser Chaos) ] [ Master Alchemist ] [ Pervert ] [ Monster Slayer ] [ Founder of Chaos Techniques ] [ Son of Goddess Selene ] [ True Ruler ]


"..." (I)

I look up at the morning sky, the weather is cloudy, maybe it rains this afternoon, then I look at the mansion grounds below, it's all calm and I can see the Spirits and Fairy Infants flying around freely, luckily it doesn't seem to be increasing the number of them.

I take a few deep breaths to keep myself calm and try to look back at my status expecting a different result.

"..." (I)

"(How did this happen? Why has all my status doubled in all values? And why is luck still negative? Is this a prank by chance?)" (I)


I try to take another deep breath to calm myself down, I can't keep getting this nervous about every single thing that happens, or else I'll end up having a heart attack someday.

Being calmer I look at my status accepting what I see and trying to understand the changes.

The luck stat is still negative to my regret, I'm sure it's because of this horrible luck that so many bad things are happening to me, all I wanted was to live a happy and peaceful life, but something always happens to mess up this simple dream.

I feel the tears running down my face, I wipe the tears away and start to analyze the rest of my status.I was happy to see my vitality grow so much, you never have too much HP, it will give me more chances of survival if I fight Basilisk, I was also very happy that my energies are almost all in value ​​of more than a thousand, that it will allow me to fight longer and more freely without worrying about running out of energy in the middle of battle.

The other stats also grew a lot, it seems that I will need some training to get used to values ​​this high, I had noticed from the brief training of a few minutes that there was a big difference in my power, but I didn't imagine it would be so much.

After finally finishing checking all the changes in this evolution I decided to go get something to eat in the kitchen, on the way I ran into Irina and Irius who were talking on the stairs.

I joined them and we went down together going to the kitchen, on the way they told me that they had acquired Aura skills, not only that they feel a strength inside them that doesn't belong to them, that was the subject they were talking about when I showed up, so Irius commented that this strength within them is similar to what they feel from me, maybe because they are considered my descendants and have my bloodline within them, they are receiving a part of my powers through that bloodline in some way.

After eating and talking to everyone explaining my changes a bit, we decided to face Basilisk tomorrow afternoon, Diana, Irius, and Ivan said that with my current status I am strong enough to fight a Grade S monster, but I still can't. win alone.

One of the things I found out about Ivan is that he had a +S Rank strength when he was still alive, but his strength dropped a lot after becoming a Death Knight becoming an -A Rank, he said that after becoming mine Servant and regaining some of his abilities he should have a strength comparable to Grade -S by now, but that's just in theory, he said he's a little rusty after so many years trapped in that secret room, he's been training with everyone but his strength is far superior to them, so he can't train with everything he's got.

In order to solve Ivan's problem I said that we will train together today all day, as my status has grown so much I am in a better position to train with him and this training will also be useful for me.


Ivan and I spent a lot of time training, starting with unarmed fights, then to fights with our weapons, and finally fights using our skills.

The mock battles between the two of us went much further than I could have imagined, the training arena I built for everyone behind the mansion was in pieces of rubble, he and I were so engrossed in combat that we didn't realize the damage we caused to the surroundings, Freya was furious with the mess we caused.

During training, it was an almost unilateral beating by Ivan against me, and I realized that the biggest problem was not combated skills and techniques, but combat experience.

Ivan helped me a lot by showing me that I was wasting the chaotic and unpredictable moves of my martial art because I was attacking too head-on without paying attention to the enemy's next moves, and that was just one of the things he taught me.

After such an intense workout and having the muscles in my body so sore we went to clean up our mess and go get something to eat.

This training with Ivan was very useful for me and for him, I feel that I understand and can better control my new strength now.

As I'm clearing the rubble with the others, I suddenly see Caryna coming calling out to me.

"Master! Master! We have a visitor!" (Caryna)

"..." (I)

"(Visit? Could it be...)" (I)

After Caryna came closer I asked her what this visitor was like, she replied that it was a woman with an overcoat, hood, and a mask, she said to show me something and Caryna takes a red crystal coat out of her pocket and shows me.

As soon as I see it I recognize it, in the throne room where I met the Goddess Selene in my last evolution, this coat of arms was marked on the crystal columns and on the black doors, it was even marked on the throne where she was sitting, at that moment I ignored it thinking that was part of the decor, but it might be the Coat of Arms representing the Goddess Selene, so that person might be who I was hoping for.

I take one last look at the Goddess Selene's Coat of Arms, I can feel a similar presence to the pressure that nearly killed me in the test that Goddess put me through, so it must be her Coat of Arms, it's made of scarlet red crystal on the shaped like a half-moon, it has a black crown in the center of the moon and a drop of golden blood on the top of the crown.

I hand the crest back to Caryna and tell her to let this masked person in and return this crest to her, in the meantime I'm going to take a shower and get ready, I'm in no condition to entertain guests like that.

"(Finally a guest who knows how to use the magic bell item at the gate, instead of ones that only invade other people's property.)" (I)

It was high time I got to know this person, I'm curious about this person since I made that deal with the Goddess Selene, one of the reasons for my curiosity is to know who this person is and why the Goddess Selene wanted to send this person to me, it's high time I found out the Goddess Selene's intentions about this.
