The next day I woke up in my bed, looked to the side, and saw Vanessa and Irina's sleeping sitting by the bed.

"This time I think I overreacted, I didn't think that synthesis of lineages would be so painful." (I)

"You worried them both a lot master, even I was worried this time, you were covered in blood and your vitality was so low I thought you were going to die." (Layla)

Layla who was lying on top of me seems to wake up with my movements and starts talking complaining that I have put myself at risk, she has a sad expression and is almost crying, I take her in one hand and sit down, then start to caress your little head.

"Sorry, I didn't imagine that would happen, I think the more powerful the lineage the harder the synthesis will be, I'll try to be careful from now on." (I)

"Stupid master..." (Layla)

After comforting Layla I get up and tuck my two daughters into my bed to sleep better, then walk out onto the porch and realize it's almost halfway through the day.


What happened yesterday crosses my mind and I remember that before losing consciousness I had to name the race belonging to that lineage, apparently after so many syntheses I ended up creating a new lineage.

I try to use my ability to identify this bloodline, but nothing appears but question marks, maybe it's because I don't have any living beings besides me with this bloodline, like my other bloodlines I can't feel any effect of this new bloodline.

If I remember correctly the Goddess Selene advised me to merge these bloodlines with mine, she said that only then would I take the powers of those bloodlines for myself, but after what happened yesterday I'm afraid to do that, if a monster's bloodline Grade S left me in that state, so the bloodline of a True Dragon or a Goddess will get me killed at the time of synthesis.


"I think I'll have to wait until I get stronger to find out." (I)

I check my status to make sure I'm fully recovered, it seems the cures and potions have restored my vitality and energy.

I look at the Eclipse Serpent bloodline in my status and remember my plan, I think I can implement it soon, but I'm going to make some changes.

In the beginning, I wanted to find a Serpent-type monster and use my abilities on it and turn it into a familiar while granting a bloodline that I had created by synthesizing all the bloodlines of monsters belonging to the Dungeon of the Great Serpent, at least that was the planned initial.

But I realized that it might be better if I use a humanoid monster or a Demi for this, but I can't force someone to do that, nor do I want to use someone as an experiment for this plan.

"What should I do?" (I)

"... ... ..." (I)

While thinking an idea came to my mind if I meet a criminal or someone who has done a lot of bad things I could make that person a guinea pig for my plan, I'm sure the person won't die, my skill will also get rid of all darkness inside that person, the only thing that will happen is that person changes race and becomes much stronger.

This seems like a good idea, so I won't worry about what the person wants or doesn't want anymore, I'll also get one more strong person for our group, the question is where to get someone like that?

"What are you thinking so much about, master?" (Layla)"I think I can tell you now, but keep it a secret from the others for now until I get everything sorted, okay?" (I)

"Yea." (Layla)

I spent a few minutes explaining my plans to Layla, I've been thinking about it for a long time, the reason I want to do this is out of pure curiosity, Layla was delighted with my idea, she gave excellent advice to look for a suitable breed for this bloodline in library books.

That was an excellent idea from Layla, maybe I can even buy a criminal slave who meets the requirements I thought.

I left the room and spent a few hours in the library with Layla looking at information on various races of humanoid monsters and Demis, I also researched their characteristics, affinities, and abilities.

"I found the ideal master race here." (Layla)

"Let me see." (I)

"..." (I)

"Sounds like a good option, but are you sure?" (I)

"Yes, of all the races we seek this one will be the one that will make the best use of their powers and this strange bloodline." (Layla)

"It may be true, now I need to look for this race, I'll leave it until after conquering the Dungeon of the Undead." (I)

"Why the rush, master?" (Layla)

"I don't think I've told you guys yet, but I plan to leave Valen City after we conquer the Dungeon." (I)

"..." (Layla)

Layla looks at me with a strange face a mixture of worry, sadness, and doubt.

"I think it will be difficult to leave this mansion, I received the Blessing of the Goddess of the Fairies and she seems to want me to keep taking care of this place, maybe I will lose her blessing if I leave here." (Layla)

"Don't worry, I have everything planned, I also received her Blessing." (I)

"I hope it's true, pissing off a Fairy is often very reckless, I don't even want to imagine making the Fairy Goddess angry." (Layla)

"But you are also a Fairy." (I)

"That's why I know the importance of a Cradle of Fairies." (Layla)"..." (I)

"Don't worry, I already have a plan so let's not think about it for now." (I)

"We should focus on this Dungeon of the Undead first." (I)

After having already discovered everything I wanted in the library Layla and I are going to eat something, today's food was the meat of that Basilisk, I must say it was the best food I've ever had the pleasure of tasting in my two lives.

Freya and Ivan told me that the higher the rank of a monster, the more flavorful its meat will be and the more powerful its body will be, so the materials of the higher-ranked monsters are better and so is their meat.

After eating I asked everyone to gather in the usual room, I said I wanted to talk about conquering the Dungeon of the Undead.

I've talked to everyone about this before, but it seems like everyone thinks the Undead Dungeon will make it easier for our group.

While we were talking Vanessa said that she could use light magic and could use Holy magic too, she said that since she became a Vampire for the first time she could no longer use neither her Light element powers nor her holy powers, but as long as I made her my daughter her powers of Light returned along with the powers of the shadow that my race has, she also said that by becoming a priestess of the Goddess Selene she was able to regain her sacred power.

Ivan said that with so many people having Light elemental affinities in our party it will be much easier to fight the Undead and if Vanessa joins the party while fighting inside the dungeon we will be able to clear the dungeon in a few days.

I've listened to everyone's opinion, everyone seems to agree that no matter who the boss monster of the Undead Dungeon is, it will be easier to kill for our group than Basilisk was, especially if Vanessa fights on our side, that's as long as it's a Grade S monster.

I didn't want to let Vanessa join the Dungeon with our group as she still hasn't completely gotten used to her new body and new powers, but Ivan said it would be perfect for Vanessa's training to join us and fight from the very first. walk from the dungeon.

Ivan explained that this way Vanessa will get used to it faster as she joins our group.

Ivan's explanation was very convincing, the others also agreed, so he said that tomorrow we will start our mission to clean up that dungeon.

I take the opportunity that everyone is gathered to remove the storage crystal for everyone to see the information Carlos gave me about the Dungeon of the Undead, Érica takes a Reading Crystal and reads the information aloud for everyone to hear.

After knowing so much information, we started thinking about combat plans for difficult places, we also thought about how to deal with floors that we consider more dangerous.

One thing that made everyone happy was finding out that there are no Ghost or Specter monsters in this dungeon, these monsters are often difficult to deal with from what Irina and Irius said.

After everything is resolved I say we are going out in the morning, so I go back to my room, this time I choose not to use synthesis this week until I clean the Undead Dungeon, I do this to make sure I am in my best condition to enter the Dungeon. so I lay in my bed to get a peaceful night's sleep tonight.




,m ----------

The next day everyone woke up and got ready to leave, Vanessa wears an outfit that Tânia spent the night creating for her after everyone is ready we left towards the Adventurers Guild.

We're just going to the Guild to get the special quest that Carlos asked for, after getting the quest we're heading to the Dungeon inside the Forest of Blood.

Diana guides us to the place where she faced the Undead a few months ago, when we got there we saw some soldiers taking care of the entrance to the passage and we showed that we were on a Guild mission, we entered the passage that is in the lower part of a Dead tree, we follow the tunnel from this passage to a cave where we see the entrance to the Dungeon of the Undead.
