After we enter the dungeon we go straight to floor number 20 where we will face the boss of that floor.

As we already have a map we go through the swamp that is this floor and goes straight to the place where the floor boss is, from the information we have the boss of this floor is a Skeleton Mage that uses innovation magic, in addition, he can use two other spells, one that creates a shield around you and the other that creates five shadow energy spheres that attack the closest enemies.

Knowing this information about this floor boss, Vanessa asked to fight him alone, she wants to take advantage that the enemy is a single monster Mage to train her use of her own magic.

I told her she could fight alone, but I also asked Diana and Irius to stay by her side if necessary.

Not after an hour of walking around killing the Skeletons on this floor do we arrive at a kind of ruined building that resembles a library, as soon as we enter we see that the books are in terrible condition and are blank, the shelves form a circle around an empty area in the center.

In the center of this empty area is a Skeleton in an intact black robe holding a book, as soon as we enter the Skeleton turns to us and lifts the book that opens in front of him alone, so a magic circle starts to glow on the floor and we notice that all this big empty area in the center of this library gives way to this magic circle.

Soon cracks start to appear on the ground and Skeletons come out of these cracks which disappear later, the number of Skeletons is 15, most of them are using different weapons, there are only one of the Skeletons holding a staff who must be a Mage.


"It doesn't look like you're going to have any problems with these monsters, so they're all your Vanessa." (I)

"Thanks, Dad." (Vanessa)

Vanessa walks to the magic circle and takes out a beautiful red wooden staff with a white crystal in the shape of a heart on the tip, this staff is almost the same height as her.

Vanessa enters the summoning magic circle and focuses her magic on the staff before slamming her underside hard into the ground, spreading a wave of white energy throughout the surroundings that makes the light in the magic circle on the ground go out.

"< Magic Cancellation >" (Vanessa)

"< Mana Barrier >" (Vanessa)

The summoned skeletons don't stand still, by the time the energy wave Vanessa caused was passing through them harmlessly, they were already running towards Vanessa, but before they reached her a transparent barrier appeared around Vanessa blocking all attacks.

At that moment the Skeleton Chief raises a hand and five black spheres appear floating on top of him, Vanessa raises her staff and five white glowing spheres appear, Vanessa seems to use the same type of Magic, but even though she started after the Skeleton she ends up before pointing with your staff forward sending the five spheres to your enemies.

"< Light Shot >" (Vanessa)

The five spheres of light go flying at great speed towards the enemies, two hit the Boss barrier of this floor-breaking it, the third sphere hits the magical Skeleton that has just been summoned and seemed to be preparing to launch a magical attack, when if hit by Vanessa's Magic the skeleton is blown backward and their bones fall to the ground with some smoke coming out of them, the other two Vanessa spheres hit the skeletons around them defeating three of them and pushing the others back."< Blade of Light >" (Vanessa)

Vanessa builds a white magic circle on the tip of her staff and swings her staff horizontally from left to right in front of you quickly creating a large blade of light that flies forward cutting through all summoned skeletons before disappearing.

While Vanessa was creating this magical attack the skeleton's five black energy spheres hit her shield causing explosions that make the shield ripple and cracks appear in various parts, but soon after the shield seems to repair itself and resist the magical attack, so Vanessa he raises his staff and the crystal heart at the end begins to glow with a powerful white light, then Vanessa points the staff at the Skeleton and a spear of light goes flying from the crystal at the end of the staff going at great speed towards the Skeleton.

"< Light Spear >" (Vanessa)

The Skeleton didn't have time to react and the spear cuts through his chest making his body dismount and fall to the ground.

"It's still a bit difficult to control the large amount of magic I have, my limit is intermediate level spells apparently." (Vanessa)

"You fought very well Vanessa, congratulations." (I)

"Thanks for the compliment, Dad." (Vanessa)

"But I still have a lot to improve, the cast time of a magic circle must be instantaneous to be used in fast combat, I also need to improve my control over my magic, I wish I had hit this Skeleton's head and not its chest." (Vanessa)

"One step at a time, you did well in this combat facing 16 enemies alone, if you think you can do better then see what you can use different in your next combat." (I)

"I'll do it, thanks." (Vanessa)

Vanessa gives me a happy hug and a kiss on my forehead, if a person saw us now they would think she is an older sister being affectionate with her younger brother, no one would realize that I am Vanessa's father.


After Vanessa's fight against the master of floor number 20 we took everything that could be sold or would be useful like the skulls of the boss of that floor and the Skeleton Mage he summoned, we also took the magic cores, we took the book that the boss gave floor held, we also took the tunic he was wearing since it was in good condition, we even took the Skeleton weapons on the floor and took the rewards from the chest that appeared after defeating the floor boss which only consisted of a few global silver coins and a magic book on basic shadow magic.

After that, we spent the rest of the day descending to the next floors killing every undead along the way.

When we got to floor number 30 I myself wanted to face the boss monster of that floor as I was tired of doing nothing until now.The boss monster on this floor was a 8-foot-tall Zombie in full armor and a large war ax in his hand.

He was very strong and tough, but he was slow so I was able to dodge his attacks easily with my superior speed.

During the entire battle with the Zombie I found out from Ivan that he was a Zombie Commander who didn't use any skills or magic other than his melee combat techniques, so I understood why.

His skills should be resistance type, as I was using him to train I didn't use magic or strong skills to kill him, but my normal attacks did little damage to him, moreover, he didn't even try to defend if it wasn't in his head, if it were a living person it would already be dead from my attacks, but this Zombie Commander seems to have good resistance skills.

After a few minutes exchanging a few blows and understanding how he was fighting I waited for his attack, then I dodged to the side spinning and took advantage of this spin to throw my dagger in his eye as he made the downward movement while trying to attack me with his axe. from top to bottom, no time to dodge my dagger hits the target piercing the eye and hitting the brain and the body of the great Zombie Commander falls to the ground almost crushing me.


<[ You received 460 EXP for enemy kill ]>




<[ You have leveled up ]>



<[ Your work has leveled up ]>

After that we got the war axe, full armor, and magic core from this monster, Irina also wanted to take some organs from this monster saying they might be useful for Lyra as they can be used in alchemy.

This boss's chest only yielded a few dozen global silver coins and a few gems, we took them all and continued on our way through the dungeon with great speed as usual.

Only when we arrive at the safe room on the 40th floor do I say to end the day and head back to the city, our conquest of this dungeon is very fast, there is no challenge but it could be better I think.

What makes me happy is that I learned a lot about the Undead in this dungeon, I'm still a little scared thinking we're going to face a Grade S monster that we don't have any information about, but after seeing how well prepared our group is to face the Undead I have a lot of confidence in winning even without knowing which monster it will be.

But one thing I noticed as we went deeper into the dungeon was the large amount of miasma, now I understand why other adventurers were having a problem, the amount of miasma on this floor is incomparable to the miasma of the mansion, but it seems that neither I nor the others are affected by miasma, in fact, Érica and Ivan said they felt stronger and stronger inside the Dungeon with each deeper floor we went.

After returning to the first floor we leave the dungeon chatting as usual, then head towards the town of Valen and straight to the mansion, this time we have a lot of things for Nira to evaluate and distribute to the others later.
