I avoided thinking too much about the strange things that happened here today, I'll leave it to talk about it when we're home safe and rested.

I take this brief break that the others and I are having to take a look at the notifications that have appeared before.


<[ You gained 3000 EXP by killing enemies ]>





<[ You have conquered the Dungeon Corpse ]>




<[ You have leveled up ]>



<[ Your work has reached the maximum level ]>

"(So that was the name of this dungeon?)" (I)

After checking the notifications I get up and start rummaging through the bodies of enemies and picking up everything that seems to be worth something, this battle was tough so I won't leave anything that might be useful behind.

I collect the bodies of the two boss monsters, their cores, and their weapons.

Unfortunately, the Lower Lich's priest clothes and Death Knight's armor were destroyed because of our attacks, so we won't be able to do anything with these things, at least I'll try to get the pieces of Death Knight's armor back, I'm thinking about giving it to Anton, maybe he can melt these pieces of armor and turn it into something useful.After that, I look around the room and I don't find anything that seems to be worth anything, so I wait a bit until everyone is recovered or at least recovered enough so we can go to the treasure room of this dungeon which is the golden door we found inside this castle.

When we left the boss's room, which already had the doors open, we went to the treasure room, when we got to the big golden doors I put my hands on top and they opened.

When we enter it is a large circular room with a mural that stretches the entire circumference of the treasure room, these murals were just as gruesome and macabre as those inside the Dungeon Chief's room, these murals told stories of torture, death, profanation, war, suffering, etc.

Not only the murals, but there were also statues of grotesque beings throughout the room, but the most macabre statue was the largest one that was farthest from the golden door, it was a ten-meter tall statue of a being whose lower body it appeared to be made up of hundreds of columns with the bones intertwined forming a kind of hideous snake tail, the upper body was humanoid with six arms, had bone wings and had three heads of skulls that seem to belong to beasts with three horns each, the six arms seemed to hold something that was floating in front of his chest, this was a green crystal sphere smeared with black glows.

"(This is the core of the dungeon.)" (I)

But before I have to deal with that core, the others and I go to the golden chest in the center of the room, I open it and find fifty crystal coins, a large amount of gems, five bars of an unknown metal, two crystal cards and a bracelet made from tiny skulls.

I tell Layla to pack everything away with her space magic, then tell everyone to wait by the golden door as I make my way to the dungeon core and stop in front of the statue where he is.

This statue is so macabre and grotesque that I feel like I'm alive, if this thing represents a monster that actually exists then I hope I never meet him as just standing in front of this statue is making me scared.

"(It's time to do what I came here to do.)" (I)

"(Wait a minute, I think I forgot to tell the others what I wanted to do in this dungeon, I think only Layla knows maybe.)" (I)

"(Never mind, I'll explain everything later, let's start this soon so I can go home.)" (I)

According to the information the Goddess Selene gave me I only need to use my Auras to take possession of this Dungeon Core, she also made it clear that the core will be influenced by my Auras and will become different, but she didn't exactly explain these differences.

Since I've never done this and I don't know if I'll get another chance to do it, I don't want to run the risk of failing, so I'm going to use my four Auras from the start.

I activate the Aura of Judgment, Aura of Martial Master, Presence of the Ruler, and Aura of Chaos abilities all at the same time, so I expect them to intertwine and merge into one powerful Aura, and I spread that Aura until I reach the Dungeon Core.

When my Aura reaches the Core I feel like I can't get into it like there's something stopping my Aura, so I try to focus on one point, but I don't know how to control my Aura well yet, so I jump to the core of the Dungeon and put my hand in it, then make my Auras merged into one out of my hand at that single-core point through my hand.

I still feel a lot of resistance trying to keep my Auras from coming in, but this time I feel like I'm making little progress, little by little I feel my Aura coming in but I can't lose concentration for even a second.

After a while, I manage to get my Aura into the core and fill it in little by little, but all of a sudden it feels like the core is connected to something else, I realize it was this connection that was preventing me from getting my Aura into the core earlier.

What confused me was that the Dungeon has no owner, so it shouldn't be connected to anything and anyone, from the information the Goddess Selene left in my head, a Dungeon Core should already have its owner's Aura imprinted inside it, but this core doesn't, this core is a kind of unique link item, once marked, there's no going back and there's no way someone else can steal the core from you, making the owner a Dungeon Master.

I can feel that there is no Aura of any kind other than mine in this dungeon core, so I'm confused about what this core is connected to, I also feel that this connection is preventing my aura from completely filling the dungeon core, I have to break this connection somehow.I try to touch this connection with my Aura to try to break it somehow, but the moment my Aura touches the connection I feel my body go numb and my whole body starts to shake, I feel a brutal and cruel presence slumbering through this connection, I also feel that when I touched the connection that presence or the owner of that presence woke up and turned his eyes to me, I felt like an insect about to be crushed by a tsunami.

"(Which worm woke me up!?)" (Ghastly voice)

Suddenly I start to hear a voice full of cruelty and coldness through this connection, realizing that I may have made a mistake I try to withdraw my Aura to escape as soon as possible from this dungeon, but I feel like I have something holding me and at that moment I realize this Green and black energy coming out of the Dungeon's core and enveloping my body, I realize I have no way out, so I try to get in touch with Kira, Diana, or Layla but I can't.

"(The priest I raised and his bodyguard are gone.)" (Ghastly voice)

"(You made this worm? Do you dare to mess up my plans?)" (Ghastly voice)

That hideous, cold voice gets louder and louder, with every word I feel like my heart is going to stop beating.

"(After I kill you I will make you my next priest as a reward for your boldness, be grateful hahahahaha.)" (Ghastly voice)

Soon I feel as if the presence I was feeling through this connection with the core extends to me, I could feel the urge to kill in that presence, but at that moment a multicolored light and another scarlet red light come out of my body and into the Dungeon's core, then I start to hear two other voices in my head.

"(You are very arrogant for daring to call my son a worm, little Evil God.)" (Goddess Selene)

"(Looks like someone is trying to do something on the sly, very smart for someone who looks hurt.)" (Goddess Aine)

"(Witch of Carnage and Fairy of Destruction!? What is this, a trap?)" (Ghastly voice)

The once cold and cruel voice was now filled with fear and surprise, the energy that once held me in place had disappeared and I don't feel as scared as I used to, as I don't know what's happening I take this moment to fill the entire core with my Aura as it seems to be a good opportunity.

"(How dare you call someone as kind and gentle as me with such a destructive name, I will crush you not to spread that name to anyone else!)" (Goddess Aine)

"(I'll show you what happens to those who try to harm my dear Zenos.)" (Goddess Selene)


Soon the core glows half a scarlet and the other half a multicolored light, so I feel the strange presence of earlier severing the connection with the dungeon core as I hear a scream of pain.

"(Does he think he can escape me? I will make my Fairies find him, I will not let an Evil God who profanes the dead escape.)" (Goddess Aine)

"(What troubled child are you becoming my son, first Baldr and now an Evil God?)" (Goddess Selene)

"(Hahahaha, I like your boldness, thanks to you we found this Evil God, well done.)" (Goddess Selene)

After that, the multicolored and scarlet energies come back into my body and I feel that my auras have completely filled the core which starts to turn liquid at the same time as the hideous statue where the core is turning to dust disappearing.

I drop back down to the ground and watch the core float down and become smaller and smaller as its liquid form tries to take on several different shapes at the same time it changes between various colors.

The core stops in front of me while it's still continuously taking on various shapes and colors, then it turns a completely black sphere and hardens into a half-transparent crystal, so I see several different colored glow shining in the darkness of this crystal, I feel like this crystal sphere guarding a night sky full of stars, it even reminds me a little of the image I see inside the hood of my astral body.

"How beautiful." (I)
