All I wanted was to rest after I got back from the Dungeon, the fight against the two Grade S monsters was very exhausting, I still had that problem when I went to get the Dungeon Core, I thought I would come home, take a shower, eat delicious food and I would throw myself in bed to sleep.

But what I find when I arrive at the mansion is a guest I didn't expect to find, so far I don't understand why they chose to come here today, it could have been any other day, but since I have nothing to do, let's see what they want and then I'm going to bed.

"Miss Elsaris, I'm a little tired so I'm sorry if I'm too direct." (I)

"But I would like to know the reason for your visit? It must be something important for you to wait so long for me to return, right?" (I)

"To tell you the truth I just wanted to meet you and find out what happened to the neutral faction envoy." (Elsaris)

"As you can see I'm fine, I plan on staying with my Dad from now on." (Vanessa)

At Vanessa's words, I see Elsaris' face change into an expression of astonishment, then she looks at me, the Elf next to her had a very similar reaction.


"Yes, she is talking about me." (I)

"..." (Elsaris)

"The neutral faction intends to stay in this city?" (Jay)

"You don't need to worry, my Father is not from any faction, I am here only as his link to the neutral faction, I will not interfere in your business." (Vanessa)

"Unlike Vanessa, I don't know what your business is, I don't care either, as long as you don't interfere with me or my group don't plan on interfering with you." (I)

"I'm glad to hear that, but I'm worried about what you guys might be planning." (Elsaris)

"I'm not planning anything else, no need to worry." (I)

"You say that, but according to my employee this place is completely full of Spirits and Fairy Infants, doing something like that in the middle of a town is something no one would dare do." (Elsaris)

"Looks like you can't see them then, but don't worry, I don't plan on staying in this town much longer." (I)

"As you may have seen, we are tired and we have a lot to do." (Vanessa)

"Of course, sorry for the inconvenience, but I would like to ask if Mr. Zenos has any special healing abilities?" (Elsaris)

"Why do you ask?" (I)

"When Vanessa arrived in town along with Jay, she wasn't even able to speak, we had to communicate with her through the use of telepathy, so how is she now able to speak so normally?" (Elsaris)

"That's a question you won't get an answer to, I also suggest you don't investigate." (Vanessa)

Looks like the reason these Black Market people came here was to probe me and Vanessa, I can see they're seeing us as potential threats.

I don't know their abilities but the woman from the Beast Man Rabbit tribe called Elsaris seems to be stronger than Ivan, I'm worried about that but I don't think they want to be our enemies, it seems they don't want to get involved with the neutral faction of the Vampires.

After a brief conversation I accompanied them to the gate, I wanted them to leave soon so I could rest, so I tried to be direct when talking to them so I could finish this soon.

After that, I joined the others for some delicious food before going to my room with Vanessa to drink Dragon's blood.Ding!

<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ True Dragon: 35% > 40% ] ]>

After enduring the usual suffering I thank Vanessa and then go to sleep even more tired than before.





The next day I wake up feeling much better, there are a lot of things I need to do today, one of the things I wanted to do was test something first.

I wake up Layla and ask to go get Vanessa, I want to try to drink Dragon's blood twice a day to try to speed up the process, I need to do this before I leave this town, but I need to get out of here soon before someone from Igreja da Luz comes looking for me.

When I told Vanessa about what I wanted to do she didn't agree, she said that True Dragon's blood is very strong and my body needs this time to adapt to it, by reducing this time in half will overload my body.

I was worried about what she said, but I still asked what could happen, she said that every time I drank Dragon's blood the suffering I would feel would be even worse as my body doesn't fully support this bloodline yet.

I thought it through and decided to stick with the plan, so I drink more of Dragon's blood, as I drank it I realized the effect Vanessa spoke of being worse than the previous time, this time I felt that violent energy hitting my bones, my whole body was shaking, the blood in my veins took longer to consume that energy too.


<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ True Dragon: 40% > 45% ] ]>

When it was all over Vanessa said it took me five more minutes of suffering, not to mention that she was continually healing me during that time.

But I told her I would try one more time tonight, I can't waste too much time on this, even if I suffer a little it will still be worth it if we can get out of this town faster.

Once I was on my feet again we went downstairs to eat something, then I step into Anton's place and I hand over all of the metals, damaged weapons, damaged armor, and pieces of Death Knight armor to him.

I tell Anton to think about what he can do with this and discuss his plans with Lyra, I tell him I want to make use of the crystal cards we have to make magic weapons of the highest quality possible for each one, at the moment we have very little of these cards. crystal so I'll have to get some more.

After that, I go to Nira and deliver everything we can get from Dungeon for her to evaluate, distribute to others, and sell anything I wouldn't want.

After that I went to talk to Diana who was training with Ibuki, I wanted to know what happened yesterday at the Guild when she said that we had already destroyed the Dungeon of the Undead.

Diana said she will need to wait until today as she needs to confirm the Dungeon's disappearance before receiving our reward.

After hearing what Diana said I tell the others that we are going to the Guild for the night, by then the news of the Dungeon's disappearance will have already been heard by the people of the Guild.

After that, I spent the day relaxing to prepare for what I was going to do tonight, I also took the opportunity to talk to other people about why I chose the Dungeon core, I told them what I was planning and everyone was surprised calling me crazy, only Layla, Erica and Vanessa were excited about my plan, everyone didn't even know if what I wanted to do was possible, but I talked about the great chances of working by the theory I have in my head.

After nightfall I joined Vanessa in my room to once again drink Dragon's blood, Vanessa was still against saying that I should go back to doing it once a day, but I continue and drink another glass of blood.

This time it was much worse, I felt the veins in my body swell, more than half of them were tearing causing a lot of pain in me, the worst thing was that Vanessa kept healing me which only made me have to feel my veins tearing more than one time and having to feel that crazy energy coursing through my body out of control, destroying me from the inside, before it finally ended.Ding!

<[ Your bloodline has become stronger and purer [ True Dragon: 45% > 50% ] ]>




<[ You have acquired the skill [ Dragon Constitution ] ]>

At that moment I'm happy that the suffering is over, I was also happy that I finally got skill with this blood, it was at that moment when I was happy that everything started to go very wrong and go completely against my plans.


<[ Starting body reconstruction by skill [ Dragon Constitution ] ]>

I feel the energy within my blood, the same energy that absorbed this wild energy within me, I know this energy represents the Dragon lineage within me, but at that moment I feel this energy leaving the veins of my body and it started to travel. all my body.

Before there was nothing wrong but a strange feeling, so I felt my body being destroyed little by little because of this energy, but at the same time I feel like this energy only healed me at the same time that it destroyed me, it threw me into a hell of Suffering.

"What is this... some kind of transformation..." (Vanessa)

"Dad I can't heal you now, you're going through some kind of transformation so try to stay awake, if you sleep or pass out you could die." (Vanessa)

"Did you hear me? Try to stay conscious..." (Vanessa)

In the midst of my suffering of having every part of my body being destroyed and continually healed, I could hear Vanessa's voice, so I try to stay steady despite the excruciating pain.


Elsaris Pov:

I was in a hidden room that only Jay and I know where it is, he was my first child since I evolved into a Vampire, he's the person I trust the most.

Right now I'm holding a red crystal that has a White Rabbit frozen inside it.

"Are you really considering this?" (Jay)

"If the neutral faction needed his help to heal this woman named Vanessa, then he must have a very special and unique power." (I)

"Perhaps my quest is coming to an end, you know why I joined the faction that is on the side of humans." (I)

"But we still know next to nothing about him." (Jay)

"He and those around him are strange, but I didn't feel malice coming from either of them, I could also feel that they care a lot for each other, their union is very strong and apparent." (I)

"You know I will go wherever you go, the decision is yours." (Jay)

I look away from the crystal in my hands and walk over to Jay, kissing his forehead.

"Thank you son." (I)

"If all goes well, you will soon be able to meet her, for she was the one who did all this, the one who was always by my side and protected me until I was strong enough." (I)

"I made a promise to always be by her side and I intend to keep that promise, whatever the cost." (I)

I look back at the crystal and gently rub my hand with all the care and love I have as tears stream from my eyes.

"Just wait a little longer, sister." (I)
