Jana Pov:

"Are you sure it's safe for me to go too?" (I)

"I've said several times that everything is fine." (Dora)

"It's easy for you, you can hide from most people's view by being a fairy, but I can't do that." (I)

"If the humans find me they will attack me immediately, are you sure you warned me I was a Ghoul?" (I)

"I didn't find anyone else but that weird Fairy, that cat-like spirit and the bizarre Cursed Crow." (Dora)

"But I said you were a Demi, they said the people in that mansion don't care about races so it should be okay." (Dora)



"I hope you're right and the person we're going to meet is who the Village Guardian spoke to." (I)

"No mistake, I could feel his Aura from afar, I could feel the touch of the Goddess of the Fairies in that Aura, the only way for this to happen is if he is a Guardian of the Fairies." (Dora)

"Then let's get going, we don't have all the time in the world." (I)

I go with Dora through the night towards the city using my shadow element spells to hide in the darkness, luckily there are fewer adventurers in the forest at night.

When we reach the city walls Dora flies to the other side to become a reference point, so I use a shadow spell to get to her by stepping inside a shadow.

"< Path of Shadows >" (I)

I step into the shadow of the wall and am pulled into the shadow where Dora waits for me, when I step out of the shadow I find myself in a deserted area surrounded by old buildings.

"This is a residential area near the wall, there's no one around to see us, now let's go." (Dora)

"Yea." (I)

I cover my head with a hood and use my shadow magic to completely hide my face inside the hood so no one can see, that way I follow Dora for a while always passing where there are fewer people until I reach a place with big buildings.

"This area belongs to nobles, so try not to attract attention." (Dora)

I did my best to hide my presence by always staying close to the shadows, after a while we arrived in front of a gate with a sign written in the Common Language.

"Eclipse Mansion." (I)

"This is the place, let's go in." (Dora)

"Are you sure we should go in?" (I)

"Look at this giant barrier, to put something like that I don't think they're going to like us getting in." (I)

"Don't worry, as soon as we get past the barrier they'll know we're here, we just need to stay put and wait." (Dora)

"You don't have to worry about the barrier, it's just a concealment barrier, it won't do you any harm." (Dora)

"..." (I)

"(What kind of power does one need to build such a huge barrier of concealment?)" (I)

While I'm distracted looking at this giant concealment barrier, Dora starts flying over the gate, so I also jump over the gate and follow her through the barrier.

"But what is this place!??" (I)"I think I told you this place was weird." (Dora)

"Strange isn't enough to describe this place." (I)

"Because there are so many Child Fairies here, there's the same amount as there were in our village, maybe even more." (I)

"There are also Infant Spirits, you can't see them, but they are flying around here too, but their numbers are much smaller." (Dora)

"Infant Spirits too..." (I)

As if that wasn't enough I feel the miasma around me strengthening me, feeling my Affinity with the magic element of shadows get stronger just by being here, I try to feel the surroundings and find that the Dark element is superior to my element shadow is everywhere.

"Are here." (Dora)

While in shock I see a Black Elf coming towards me along with a White Elf, I also see a multicolored light trail coming towards us from the back of the Large Mansion in front of us.

The multicolored light trail stops in front of the two Elves and I see that it was a Fairy, she seems to say something to the Elves before coming to where the three of us are together.

As they get closer I can better see the appearance of the Fairy, she had eyes of different colors, hair of three colors, dark skin, four arms, and wings of seven colors.

"(What a strange fairy, I've never heard of a fairy looking like that.)" (I)

Once again I was distracted by the strangeness in this place, so when the three were close Dora flies ahead of me.

"Hi Layla, just as we agreed I came along with my master." (Dora)

"I thought you were coming tomorrow, but it doesn't matter." (Layla)

"I already spoke to the master about you, he is already waiting for you." (Layla)

"Let me introduce you, the White Elf is called Freya and the Dark Elf is called Sophia." (Layla)

Listening to the introductions I know I shouldn't keep hiding my face, it can get me into trouble, so I break my magic and lower my hood.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jana and I'm Dora's Contractor." (I)

"Nice to meet you two." (Freya)

"It's been a long time since I saw a Ghoul, come let's take you to the master." (Sophia)

"The master is near the gardens, I will guide you there." (Layla)

"Then I will prepare something for our guests." (Freya)

I and Dora follow the strange Fairy around the mansion while the White Elfa goes inside the mansion, the Dark Elfa follows us as we go to the other side of the mansion.

As soon as we reach the back of the mansion we are led into a beautiful garden with some pretty tables, then I see a boy lying in a hammock get up and come towards us.

I knew right away that this was the fairy master by the name of Layla, that's because he strangely has the same skin tone, similar hair color, and the same eyes.

He was dressed in casual clothes, because of this huge mansion I expected him to be a nobleman in luxurious clothes, but it seems that is not the case.

As we sat at the table he arrived walking casually, but I could feel a great presence in him, I felt like I was in front of the village leader.

"Good night, my name is Zenos, what can I call you two." (Zenos)

----------Zenos Pov:

I decided to meet these guests outside the mansion to enjoy this beautiful starry sky, it helps me relax.

After the guests arrived I calmly walked over to them while taking in their appearance.

To start with the Fairy has the appearance of a black-skinned woman with Gray hair and eyes, she is 25 cm tall, she has bat wings and a pair of purple horns.

The woman had gray skin, claws on her fingertips, golden eyes, pointed ears, short light green hair, could see fangs and sharp teeth in her mouth when she opened her mouth slightly, plus she appears to have a height of 1.72 meters or so, I can't see her whole body because of the clothes she's probably wearing to hide when she came into town, but her face is really pretty, she looks like she's around 25 I think.

Both the Fairy and the woman are very beautiful, if I'm not mistaken the woman's appearance matches that of the Ghouls, I think in the books I've read they are described as monsters, but in my view, they look more Demis, from what Érica told me in the past the ghouls are in the mountain range on the other side of the blood forest, this is my first time seeing one, I'm a little curious as to why it's here.

While thinking these things I reached where they were and greeted the guests.

"Good night, my name is Zenos, what can I call you two." (Zenos)

The ghoul woman stands stiffly.

"My name is Jana and this is my Hired Fairy Dora, it's a pleasure to meet you." (Jana)

"I'm sorry about that, she's a very serious person and is a little nervous to meet you." (Dora)

"Why would she be nervous to meet me?" (I)

"Her Aura of hers releases a very strong presence like that of a leader or a ruler, she was affected by being emotionally shaken by everything she saw here." (Dora)

"That's true?" (I)

I actually have an ability with the presence name of the Ruler, but I'm not using it, is it a passive effect caused by my titles?

I try to look to Sophia and Layla for an answer from them.

"I thought the master knew." (Sophia)

"I was waiting for you to find out for yourself, it was really funny to see that the master didn't notice something so obvious, hahahaha..." (Layla)

"You little Demon..." (I)

I try to grab this little Demon, but she's faster and always dodges while laughing.

"After I deal with you, now what did you want to talk to me Dora?" (I)

"Actually it's not just me who has to say something, it would be better if Jana spoke about it." (Dora)

The Fairy raises a hand that sucks in her shadow and transforms it into a large Black hand that she uses to slap her master Jana on the back of the back.

"Get back to normal you idiot, how are we going to talk to you like this, get hold of yourself." (Dora)

"..." (Jana)

"Sorry about that, thanks Dora." (Jana)

"Looks like I caused you some trouble, I'm sorry I still need some Aura training." (I)

"I can teach you whenever I like, master." (Sophia)

"Thank you, Sophia." (I)

I sit in the chair across from the two guests and wait for them to be seated.

"First of all, I appreciate you allowing a Ghoul to enter your home." (Jana)

"I don't care about your race, as long as you don't do anything hostile to me or the rest of my group we'll be fine." (I)

"No need to worry about that." (Jana)

"But I would like you to be to the point, tell me why you are looking for me?" (I)

I see that my attempt to be direct has both of them change to a serious expression, the Fairy and the Ghoul look at each other before turning to me.

"The truth is, we came to ask for your help." (Jana)
