"What should I do?" (I)

"... ... ..." (I)

Today I got up early, I'm looking at the land around the mansion while I'm standing on the roof, I have to find the center of the land.

"It must be somewhere over there." (I)

I look around and realize that the place must be close to where the training arena Ivan and I destroyed earlier was, that's where the center of the mansion is.

"Now I have to think about how to hide this long enough for me to run away with the others." (I)

"... ... ..." (I)


"So you were here." (Byakko)

While thinking of a way to hide the entire mansion, Byakko comes flying to me.

"What is it, Byakko?" (I)

"Kira asked me to call you, looks like the person you've been waiting for is here." (Byakko)

"The only person I'm waiting for is Elsaris, but if she's here does that mean she got what I asked for?" (I)

"She was much faster than I initially thought." (I)

"Where is she?" (I)

"In Nira's office, she seems to have brought some things from her list that Nira tried to buy from the Black Market these days." (Byakko)

"Let's go then." (I)

I jump off the roof and attach my lines to a nearby wall swinging towards a specific window, before reaching the window I use non-elemental magic to open the window that was closed, then go in by closing the window afterward.

"Nice entrance, master Zenos." (Nira)

"Thank you, I really wanted to do this." (I)

After entering I realize that the people inside this place are Elsaris, Nira, Kira, Irina, and Irius.

"Why didn't you come through the door, Father?" (Irius)

"I don't know, it sounded more fun this way, so I did." (I)

"Carefree as always." (Irina)

"..." (Elsaris)

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Zenos." (Elsaris)

"Hello Miss Elsaris." (I)

"I brought what you asked for, it's inside the two chests over there." (Elsaris)

Elsaris points to two chests that are beside the door behind her.

"As you requested, I brought 70 barrels of Rabbit's blood, each barrel a different lineage." (Elsaris)"As you said that the stronger, rare, or special the race that has the lineage, the better, I decided to bring the lineage of two Grade S Rabbit monsters, I also brought 10 of Grade A races with special characteristics." (Elsaris)

"You did a lot better than I expected, I didn't think I could find so many strains of Rabbit-type monsters so quickly." (I)

"Now that you have that, can you tell me how you're going to cure my sister?" (Elsaris)

"I imagine you're going to use these bloodlines, right?" (Elsaris)

"You are in part, right." (I)

"But don't rush, it will take some time to finish your sister's preparations." (I)

"If you need anything else let me know." (Elsaris)

"I've got everything I need now, but I must say we're leaving in a day or two, I imagine you'll come along right?" (I)

"Yes, I already told the Black Market that I'm leaving this place, so to avoid any problems I said I'm joining the neutral faction, if I didn't I'd be dead by tomorrow." (Elsaris)

"So you lied to them?" (I)

"No, I actually joined the neutral Vampire faction, looks like Ms. Vanessa has enough authority to do that." (Elsaris)

"You said you had family, what will happen to them." (I)

"The two are coming along with me." (Elsaris)

"Alright, I'll give you a map, wait at the cabin for me, as soon as we get there to pick you up we'll leave." (I)

"Alright I have everything I need with me, I can go right away." (Elsaris)

"Not yet, I have one last thing to do before I go." (I)

"Most of the others will go with you, only Irina, Kira, Vanessa, and Layla will stay with me here." (I)

"Are you sure you want to do this, master Zenos?" (Nira)

"I appreciate the concern, but it's okay." (I)

I pull out a map of the Blood Forest that has an X on it and hand it to Elsaris, this is where I built my cabin along with Ibuki, Érica, and Diana.

"I'm leaving town before nightfall then." (Elsaris)

After Elsaris takes the map she leaves, I tell Irius and Irina to call the others, then I ask Nira to call Freya to start getting everything, we're leaving here today.

I turn to Kira and ask her to let our two guests know too, they are also heading to the cabin along with the others.


It was night guard I decided to start the plan, we must be in the middle of the night now, I asked Layla to confirm if anyone was around, after making some curious eyes faint and playing in some corner far from the city went back to the mansion.

In the place I found to be the center of the mansion's land Irina was setting up a ritual, she drew a large complex magic circle, now she is stacking global crystal and gold coins at various points of the magic circle along with the core of a monster of Grade The one in the center.

I approach Vanessa and Kira who are just watching Irina finish her ritual preparation.

"She hasn't finished yet?" (I)

"Not yet, but I think it should be over any minute now." (Kira)"A ritual for a powerful magical barrier big enough to cover all the grounds of the manor is difficult to do." (Vanessa)

"Where are you, Layla?" (I)

"I thought she came back before me?" (I)

"She has already started to build illusion magic, as a fairy she doesn't need a ritual, but she needs to concentrate and gather all the mana she can, she took a lot of gold coins too." (Vanessa)

"I feel like she's throwing money away." (Kira)

"We're really spending a lot of money here, but considering what happened when you helped me, I agree to prepare a little bit to hide what's going to happen here." (Vanessa)

"Exactly, that's why I'm doing all this." (I)

I wait a few more minutes for Irina and Layla to finish their preparations, then they both activate the spells they've been preparing.

"< Superior Concealment Shield >" (Irina)

"< Illusion of Shadows >" (Layla)

When Irina's magic circle was activated it started to glow, then I see the core in the center float three feet in the air, soon after all the coins disappear turning into a flow of energy that is absorbed by the magic circle and then leaves the magic circle going to the core, at this point a bubble starts to grow with the core as the center and expand until it covers the entire mansion.

Meanwhile, Layla opens her eyes and points her four hands up, all the global coins with her turn into energy that she absorbs, then a black energy stream passes through her arms and concentrates on top of her forming a shadowy sphere, but I didn't feel nothing else happens later.

Irina and Layla come towards me now, they both look very tired, I take two MP potions and give them one each.

"Here, have a drink." (I)

"Thanks, Dad." (Irina)

"I really needed this." (Layla)

I wait for them to rest a bit before talking to them.

"Everything is ready?" (I)

"Yes, the barrier will prevent anyone below Grade S from entering, it will also prevent anyone from sensing what is happening here." (Irina)

"It should last for three days." (Irina)

"The illusion is also in place, it will last for five days." (Layla)

"Now it's my turn so back off." (I)

"Layla, give me the Dungeon Core." (I)

"Here." (Layla)

The three walk away from me and go out of the mansion, I pick up the core that looks like a black crystal sphere with lots of beautiful colored light points inside resembling a night sky full of stars.

Then I get a completely black crystal that resembles the shape of a diamond, this crystal was along with the Dragon's blood, it was one of the items that Viper kept in the storage item hidden inside her body.

I've had this for a long time, but I've never been able to identify what it is with my skill, I've also tried asking Nira to use her assessment skill, but it didn't work either, I asked everyone, but nobody knows what it could be.

All I know is that it belonged to the Church of Light, it was something they needed, so I knew that one day it would be useful.

I only found out what this was when I received the letter from Prince Drago de Cartoza, that was when I captured Irina and Irius, according to Prince, that letter should be delivered to me and come from your sister.

I didn't know if I could believe what was in the letter, right after when I evolved the Goddess Selene told me not to do what the letter said, but in my last evolution she said I could do it now, she also gave me all the information what I needed.

I gathered everything I needed, I have a True Dragon bloodline in my veins, I have a Dungeon Core and I have this black crystal.

This crystal according to the letter and the Goddess Selene is actually a mighty and ancient seal, what is inside is a Spirit of darkness, a unique spirit that was born from the love of a Dragon with a Spiritual Empress.

I don't know the details, but it seems that in the past the Church of Light killed and sealed the soul of the Dragon Spirit inside that crystal, they did it because they couldn't destroy the soul.

I needed the core of a dungeon as a sacrifice to create a new body for this Spirit, then I should use my blood and powers to awaken this soul while I create a contract with this spirit, at least that was the initial plan that the letter from the Prince's sister Drago proposed, but I started to think of a different way to go about it.

"The time has come to awaken that Spirit!" (I)
