People Nix:

Since I freed myself from that seal the master was the first person I met, he was the one who freed me and allowed me to be reborn as myself, the master gave me an immortal body and unlimited potential.

Being in the shadow of the master allows me to feel him all the time while being surrounded by his power, this body is still strange to me, but little by little I managed to get used to moving it.

When we arrived at the cabin in the middle of the forest I was able to meet the people that the master described as his family, they are all employees or servants of the master, but the way they behave does not coincide with that.

Of all these people the strangest is the Fairy with the name of Layla, her appearance has many characteristics similar to the master, she is the master's hired Fairy and has a strong bond with him just like me.

Layla seems a little strange, but she is easy to talk to and fun, but when I hear the things the master says about her, I think that this fun personality hides a great deal of danger.

The master took advantage of a moment where it was just me, him, and Layla to know more about me, he seemed interested in getting to know me better, so I told him about my past.


It was sad to remember what happened back then, if I could I would run to my dad and mom to show that I'm okay now.

But I know I can't do that, first of all, I need information, I have to know how long I was stuck on that seal, I need to know what happened to my parents that day and I need to know where I am.

The master said that one of his daughters must know something, it seems that she was someone of high rank within the Church of Light a few centuries ago, so when I saw that everyone went to sleep but she was still awake kneeling outside from the cabin, I thought it would be a good time to talk, just me and her.

​ "I hope I'm not interrupting you." (I)

I get out of a shadow on the cabin wall and walk towards her, who gets up calmly.

"I was just saying some prayers to the Goddess Selene, I was praying for a safe journey to our destination." (Vanessa)

"What you want to talk about, I suppose there's still a lot you don't know, feel free to ask me anything." (Vanessa)

"I talked to the master earlier, told my story and he said I could come to you for some of the information I want to know." (I)

"I'm happy to answer if I know anything, why don't we sit on those rocks over there so we can talk more relaxed." (Vanessa)

"All right." (I)


I spent some time talking to Vanessa, she was very kind to me, first I told her my story to her, I needed her to know from my parents to be able to find out something, she also told me a little about her past in return, it seems her family was not as united as mine since her own father was the one who hunted her down after fleeing the Church of Light.

Vanessa seemed very surprised by my story, it seems like she knows something about it.

"So you are the one the Church called the child of darkness, to this day the story of how the Hero of Light gave his life to end evil is told within the Church of Light." (Vanessa)"How dare you tell that unnecessary and violent battle that had no reason to happen as if it were a heroic story?" (I)

"We didn't do anything to deserve that, they attacked by surprise, if it wasn't for having other Dragons and Spirits around I'm afraid of what could have happened." (I)

"I never researched this story much, for me it was just one of several stories I was forced to learn, but I'm really sorry for everything you went through." (Vanessa)

"From the stories I know you must have been sealed 4,300 years ago or so." (Vanessa)

"Four thousand years... more than four thousand years have passed..." (me)

"..." (I)

It's been a lot longer than I thought, how could I have stayed asleep inside that seal for so long?

"Do you know what happened to my father and mother?" (I)

"I remember the last time I saw my mother she was very hurt." (I)


"I hate to tell you this, but the Moon Spirit did not recover from her injuries, she underwent a spiritual rebirth." (Vanessa)

"So my mom is gone..." (I)

"But you have at least one sister, the new Moon Spirit seems to have looked everywhere for your seal since she was born, her hatred for the Church of Light is also well known.." (Vanessa)

"She may have my mother's soul and memories, but she's not my mother, maybe you're right and I should consider her a sister now, someone born from the same mother, thank you." (I)

Spiritual rebirth is death for Fairies and high-level Spirits, normally the body is destroyed and the soul is purified being reborn as a new soul with a new body, powers and memories are inherited and the being that is born this way is considered a son. or successor to its previous version.

I was lucky, my spiritual rebirth was more a metamorphosis of my soul than purification of everything I am, thanks to that I'm still myself, but that's thanks to the master.

"Do you know anything about my father?" (I)

"Yes, he is known to this day as an Evil Dragon and enemy of the entire Church of Light." (Vanessa)

"After killing and devouring the Hero of Light in that battle, he wounded the Hero's soul in such a way that he cannot ascend as a Servant of Baldr after death." (Vanessa)

"That's not enough for that scum, to come out with a soul he must have had to help." (I)"I have no information on that, all I know is that your father was consumed by his fury after the battle, he ignored any damage he suffered and killed every elite army that attacked you, unable to calm down he started flying across two continents during months destroying all Churches, Sanctuaries, and Temples belonging to Church of Light." (Vanessa)

"From what I've heard, he only stopped when an Ancestral Dragon along with three Dragon Emperors managed to knock him unconscious." (Vanessa)

"At least I know he's alive." (I)

"Since that time the Dragon and Spirit races have become hostile to the Church of Light, the Church, in turn, has declared these races evil and monsters." (Vanessa)

"This has also caused some discord for the Dragon and Spirit races, it seems that the Heavenly Dragons and the Light Spirits have split into two groups, those who are together with the Church of Light and those who are hostile to the Church of Light." (Vanessa)

"I can imagine that these two species of Dragon and Spirits have always been close to the Church of Light, it would be hard to separate completely." (I)

"Yes, but that only made the situation worse, I don't think that one day the Church of Light will be able to regain ties with the Spirits and Dragons again." (Vanessa)

"Looks like I'll have to be careful if the Church finds me I might end up causing problems for the master." (I)

"You don't have to worry about that, my Father will probably be hated more by the Church of Light than you are." (Vanessa)

"Why would the master be hated more than me?" (I)

"From ancient times until today, the greatest enemy of the God of Light Baldr has been the Blood Goddess Selene, because of this the Vampire race is greatly hated by the Church." (Vanessa)

"My Father besides being a Vampire Patriarch with light resistance, he is also the son of the Goddess Selene and helped lift Baldr's Blessing that was like a curse on me, so he has once marked a Heretic by Baldr." (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

"Hahahahahahaah..." (I)

"It seems I chose well to become his hired spirit, this is the master I admire, hahahahaha..." (I)

"I don't know why you're laughing so hard, it's going to cause my Dad a lot of trouble." (Vanessa)

"I don't care, that means I'll have plenty of opportunities to go against the Church of Light in the future." (I)


I talked for hours with Vanessa, she told me that her two brothers Irina and Irius are also former members of the Church of Light, it seems that the master is determined to go against them, this is wonderful for me.

On the morning of the second day everyone woke up and prepared to leave, everyone was on their feet and the master looks much better, I saw him drink a lot of barrels of blood last night before going to sleep, according to Layla this made him go back to his normal appearance that was very beautiful.

I haven't had many opportunities to talk to most people who serve the master yet, but I don't need to rush, I'll have a lifetime for it.

After everyone is ready we start walking towards the mountain range with a Ghoul and a Shadow Fairy leading the way, from what I hear we are heading to this Ghoul's village to help fight a Necromancer who serves an Heretic God.

"(This time I will be strong enough to protect those important to me, I won't be a burden, someone who needs protection while others are struggling.)" (I)

With strong conviction and will, I step out of the master's shadow and walk beside him towards the mountain range.
