The day was starting to get dark, I find a nice place where we can all stop and rest where there are some old fallen trees and we can sit.

I want to tell everyone how we're going to travel now, so after we've all sat down and started drinking water while eating something, I tell them about everyone going into the Dungeon and leaving Nix traveling overnight.

"That's a good way for Farus' troops not to notice our group, we're in a lot of people right now and we'll be discovered sooner or later if we go on foot." (I)

"In addition to taking longer if we go on foot, I can get there much faster by flying." (Nix)

"I heard you guys talking, so I also heard your master plan, I agree." (Diana)

"As I was close I also listened to you, my only problem with your plan is that we will still need a guide to get to the village." (Ivan)

"Dora who can also fly will be the guide for Nix, she will point out directions and she will also know places where Nix can stop and rest on the way." (I)


"It's fine by me." (Dora)

"..." (Jana)

As we all talked about how we're going to travel to our destination, I realized that almost no one was surprised when I talked about the Dungeon.

Maybe Elsaris has been listening to my conversation with Nix all day and has warned her kids somehow since she shows no reaction.

When I introduced Nix when we arrived at the cabin a few days ago, I told everyone just that she was my new Hired Spirit, apart from my group who already knew what they were going to do in Valen City before leaving, Elsaris and her kids didn't know what to do I was going to do, the same goes for Jana and her Shadow Fairy Dora.

Jana was the only one who was paralyzed by the shock of the things I said, it was funny to see her immobilized with her mouth open and looking at me with a confused look.

I had to take some time to try to calm her down her Fairy looked surprised and confused too, but she took it more easily than I expected.

After Jana regained consciousness I started to explain the plan again, this time Jana paid more attention to what I was saying, it was written on her face that this whole situation was surreal for her, but I made her say if what she was saying would work and she said that there was a good chance of getting to the village without being disturbed.

"You really are someone weird, creating a Dungeon that you can take wherever you want like that, that's something few have been able to do over the ages." (Elsaris)

"If anyone found out that you managed to do this, then armies would be sent to finish you off, so do your best to hide it, Master." (Ivan)

"In addition to the Realms that would want to exterminate you, there will also be people who will want to control or use you in some way." (Elsaris)

"Certainly it will be dangerous no matter what kind of person comes after you, Father." (Vanessa)

"So make sure you don't go off talking so casually about the Dungeon as you did today, remember you never know who might be listening." (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

Hearing others saying how dangerous it will be if others know about the Dungeon or Nix made me see how irresponsibly I have been taking it, the only risks I considered were the ones I suffered while creating the Dungeon and releasing Nix, I never stopped to think about it the consequences on others finding out about what I did."You're already someone who draws attention to the wrong people wherever you go, if you're not more careful it's going to be dangerous for both you and those close to you." (Elsaris)

"What do you mean when you say I get the wrong people's attention?" (I)

"In addition to your appearance that attracts attention in itself, you have many secrets that make you a mysterious being, so there will be people who will try to dig out these secrets in every way possible, and the more known you become, everything will only become worst." (Elsaris)

"(What she says, unfortunately, makes a lot of sense.)" (I)

While everyone was talking and I was starting to worry more and more about the future after hearing what everyone was saying, Freya and Caryna were serving various types of cut fruit for everyone to eat.

I took advantage of this time while everyone was having a little break to test together with Nix how to open and close the Dungeon gate.

"You just want to open the gate and imagine him stepping out of your shadow or a shadow that's connected to yours." (Nix)

"As simple as that?" (I)

"Yes, now test a little." (Nix)

It was strange to see this strange gate coming out and coming in through my shadow, especially because of the shape of this gate, every time I opened the gate a Dragon head just like Nix's comes out of the shadow, this head is made of black crystal, so the head appears the mouth opens showing a five-meter high opening full of sharp teeth inside the mouth and with a swirl of darkness where the passage to the throat would be.

It was a strange and bizarre sight, for a moment it reminded me of the entrance to the Great Serpent Dungeon which was similar, but the dragon's head was much more realistic and fierce if it weren't for Nix beside me in her human form I would be thinking that that head was Nix opening her mouth.

"Sounds a lot like you, was it your idea, or did I do it without realizing it?" (I)

"Unfortunately the Dungeon entrance is created automatically taking into account the individual characteristics of the Dungeon, if I could choose I would change it as it's a little embarrassing for me, but it's impossible." (Nix)

"The only thing that was my decision was the top floor of the Dungeon." (Nix)

"What did you do?" (I)

"The top floor is where the mansion and the Cradle of Fairies are, while the dungeon was in the process of being created and you made the dungeon assimilate the mansion, I thought of creating a more comfortable environment, so I built a fake sky with the ability to change over time similar to where the dungeon is currently located." (Nix)

"For example, now it's night inside when the three suns rise in the morning outside, a single sun will rise on the top floor of the Dungeon, plus I made the entire floor forest." (Nix)

"But that wasn't for free, I spent a lot of DP that I got from absorbing the energy from the barrier that Irina had made." (Nix)

"Why didn't you mention this earlier?" (I)

"Rebuilding the top floor just finished this morning, so I talked about taking everyone inside the dungeon with you just today." (Nix)

"That's why you only have that much DP now." (Nix)"Does the amount of DP we get increase just by being inside the Dungeon?" (I)

"Yeah, it won't be as much as we earn while the person is fighting or how much the person dies, but it's still better than nothing." (Nix)

"That will be enough, will the amount of DP also increase based on the strength of the person or monster?" (I)

"Yea." (Nix)

"So with all these strong people living in this mansion every day, we're going to get a lot of DP right?" (I)

"That's quite possible for most, but those who have a strong bond with you like Layla and I won't earn you any DP, the same goes for you who is the Dungeon Master." (Nix)

"All right." (I)

"Strong emotions make more energy and Aura leak out of the person too, so take that into consideration in the future." (Nix)

"OK." (I)

"I think I've figured out how to open and close the gate, let's find the others now and enter the Dungeon." (I)

I and Nix go to the others, then Nix opens a gate just like mine from her shadow, everyone enters the Dungeon without hesitation except for Jana and Dora, they looked scared at first, but Layla basically pulled them inside without giving much thought. choice.

Nix stayed outside the Dungeon, couldn't leave a gate open in the forest with no one around to watch, so after everyone entered Nix closed the gate.

After entering the Dungeon for the first time I noticed that it looks like just a normal safe room, with the exception that the crystal in the middle of the room is shaped like a statue of Nix in her Dragon form and the crystal is black in color with sparkles of various colors inside like Nix's scales resembling stars.

"What a beautiful statue..." (Jana)

"So cute..." (Ibuki)

"This is not a simple statue, the Dragon's head is similar to the Dungeon gate." (Érica)

"This must be the crystal in the safe room, we'd better register ourselves on it before continuing." (Diana)

As everyone was heading towards the crystal, including me, a voice comes out of my shadow.

"The master doesn't need to register, in fact, he can teleport to any safe room in the Dungeon." (Nix)

"Did you come in too? Weren't you supposed to wait outside?" (I)

"I'm outside, I'm just transmitting my voice through your shadow, master." (Nix)

"I also forgot to mention that there aren't any monsters or traps in the Dungeon yet, so don't worry." (Nix)

After listening to what Nix said the others registered in the crystal and we started to explore the first floor, somehow I felt like I already knew everything here and as I walked I quickly checked the stairs as if I already knew where they were.

After that we continued until we reached the top floor, the first two floors were networks of underground caves, but just like Nix had told me before, the third floor was a forest, after entering the forest I followed a certain direction with the others following and I checked up to the Mansion in the middle of the floor, it was exactly the same as before, the Infant Spirits and Fairies were still happily flying around the mansion.

After confirming that the mansion was the same, Dora went outside the Dungeon along with Layla to join up with Nix, Dora will guide Nix while she is flying through the mountain range.

"Let's have a relaxing and peaceful trip this time." (I)
