Finally arriving at Jana's village, I share the eyes of Layla who is outside sitting on Nix's head.

I look around and realize we're landing in a small forest with nothing around.

"(Are you sure we're coming, Layla? I can't see anything around.)" (I)

"(Dora said the village is just ahead, but it looks like it's hidden by barriers and illusions, so we can't see.)" (Layla)

"(We are landing now to continue on foot, Nix thinks this will be better so as not to scare the people of the village.)" (Layla)

"(Tell Nix I'll send Jana out as soon as you land, it'll be better that way.)" (I)

"(Okay.)" (Layla)


I go over to where Jana is, she's spent most of her time reading magic books or talking to Érica about magic, so she must be in the library, as I walk in I see her sitting on the floor with piles of books scattered around her.

"We're here, it looks like we're close to her village now." (I)

"It was a lot quicker than I thought it would be, it would normally take two months of traveling on foot." (Jana)

"I think you better go outside the Dungeon and guide Nix to your village, if you and Dora are there it will be easier to explain about us." (I)

"I could spend days here reading all these wonderful books, but you're right, I have to be there when we go into the village, they might think something happened if they see Dora and I'm not there." (Jana)

"I will open a gate for you, the others will remain inside the Dungeon with me until we are in front of the village." (I)

"Aren't you afraid of people from my village finding out about the Dungeon? I thought you were going to ask me to keep quiet about what I know." (Jana)

"On the way here I had some time to think, it will be impossible to hide about your village's Dungeon as I have plans to use it as an advantage against Farus." (I)

"How are you going to do that?" (Jana)

"Don't rush things, you'll know soon, now I think you better go, I'll ask Layla to create a space portal for you to get to the safe room on this floor faster." (I)

"Alright, I'll go now." (Jana)During these days Layla discovered that she can open space portals as long as the two destinations are inside the same floor of the Dungeon, she tried to do it outside the Dungeon but she couldn't, she also couldn't open a portal from one floor of the Dungeon to another floor or outside the Dungeon.

Seems like the only reason I can do this is because she's my Fairy Hired, she has some of my authority within the Dungeon, but she's different from Nix as she can't help me run the Dungeon.

Nix said that if I had Affinity with the Space element I could do even better than Layla, it seems that because I am the Dungeon Master I can teleport anywhere if I have Space Elemental Affinity.

I contact Layla, she enters a gate that Nix created, as soon as she appeared in the safe room on the first floor she goes to the crystal in Dragon form of Nix, then she teleports to the safe room on the third floor and there it opens a portal to where I am.

Soon the space in front of me starts to ripple and I can see Layla through the ripples.

Jana wastes no time and goes through the portal that closes soon after, so I see through Layla's eyes the two of them leaving after teleporting to the first floor.

With Jana and Dora in the lead, Nix and Layla start walking through the woods after Nix has closed the Dungeon gate, it seems like an hour or two to dawn.

I contact Layla asking her to let me know when they arrive at the village, so I leave the library and tell the others that Jana is outside guiding Nix to the village, telling everyone to get ready, then wait until we get there.


After about forty minutes everyone was ready, it didn't take long for Nix to contact me through my shadow.

"We have arrived master, Layla will open a portal for you." (Nix)

"Okay, thanks for the warning." (I)

"Everyone listened, let's go outside now." (I)

I start to leave the mansion with everyone following me, a few minutes later the space in front of me starts to ripple, I pass through the portal with everyone following me, we have all seen Layla training with these portals for the last few days so no one was scared or fear of entering the portal.

After that, we all go to the first floor of the Dungeon and then we leave, as soon as we leave I notice that the sky is still dark, but I already see signs of a glow on the horizon, it shouldn't be long before the sun rises.

I look around and notice a five-meter wall made of solid stone, I also see three-meter gates made of whole logs.

The Dungeon gate closes behind me after everyone has left, Nix comes to me and stands beside me as Layla comes flying up and lands on my shoulder sitting comfortably.Jana and Dora are in front of us with Jana kneeling in front of the gate that is closed, I look up from the gate and see several different creatures.

I see female ghouls that have similar skin color and height characteristics to Jana, but also have creatures that also have gray skin in the same color as Jana, these creatures have a muscular male human body and beast head like the mix of a lion and a bear, these creatures are holding swords and spears in their hands.

There were also other creatures, there were big humanoid beings with dark green skin color, they are big and muscular too, their lower fangs are big and are on the outside of the mouth looking very sharp, there were also Ogres that looked like skin people light green with horns on its head, it was easy to recognize them as they resemble Ibuki's appearance when she was an Ogress.

There were also beautiful women who wore very revealing clothes, they would have looked human if not for the lower parts of their bodies being snakes, plus there was also what I could only describe as a Werewolf, a humanoid Wolf with a fierce appearance, all these creatures were in front of me on top of the stone walls with weapons in hand, looking ready to attack at any moment.

Among these creatures the one that caught my attention was one of the Lamias, she was more beautiful and bigger than the others, she had beautiful white skin with a blue snake tail, her hair and eyes were also blue, she held a large sword with one hand that looks strange as she doesn't look very muscular and the sword seems to be very heavy, by her features I can recognize her as the village leader Jana mentioned before if I remember correctly her name is Sapphire.

"You took too long to get back Jana." (Sapphire)

"We thought you and Dora were dead, but it turns out we were wrong." (Sapphire)

Sapphire speaks seriously to Jana, she gives off an imposing and dignified presence, she speaks while looking at Jana at first but soon her eyes turn to us but as soon as her eyes and mine meet she focuses on me, she doesn't look away for a second while narrowing his eyes.

"Who are these people with you? Why is an Undead among them?" (Sapphire)

When Sapphire says that I feel all these creatures on top of the walls directing a bloodlust grid towards us, it seems that this Lamia leader was able to see beyond Ivan's human appearance quickly, I'm impressed since even Carlos wasn't able to do that.

"I'm sorry for the delay leader of the village, but I accomplished my mission, these people are our reinforcement and I can guarantee that this Undead does not serve Farus, please believe me." (Jana)

Jana calmly responds to Lamia named Sapphire, I already knew that Ivan could cause some misunderstanding if it was discovered that he was an Undead, so I had already talked about this with Jana, I hope they understand.

"What evidence do you have of what you're talking about?" (Sapphire)

"I discovered that what the Village Guardian felt months ago was someone's Aura, I brought that person here and this Undead is a servant of that person." (Jana)

During the whole conversation this Lamia doesn't take her eyes off me, she even directs her Aura and bloodlust towards me, I allow her to do that, compared to the pressure I felt from the Goddess Selene when I evolved in the past, from the pressure of the God Baldr when I helped Vanessa or that Heretic God when I took Corpse Dungeon's core, this Lamia's Aura and bloodlust represents nothing.

"..." (Sapphire)

"Are you done trying to test me yet?" (I)

During these days that I spent inside the Dungeon, I learned to control my Aura a little better, I also learned some tricks from Sophia, one of those tricks is to completely hide my Aura inside my body which I have been trying to learn since before I left Valen city, the other trick is to let a slight trace of my Aura leave my eyes while using an Intimidate skill, my Aura strengthens the skill.

I used the second trick now for just a second, I used a dash of just two Auras, which were "Chaos Aura" and "Ruler's Presence" at the same time I activated my Intimidate skill for a second.

As I did that I could see Lamia's body stiffen and I could see her tighten her grip on her big sword as if she was getting ready for combat, to show that I wasn't hostile I didn't show any reaction other than saying a few words.

"Looks like appearances are deceiving, don't you child?" (Sapphire)

"That's what you're saying." (I)
