Pov Vanessa:

When it was close to dusk I went to my Father's room, it's been a while since he asked me to do that.

I was very worried since every time he calls me into his room it's because he's about to do something dangerous, he calls me to heal him knowing he's going to be hurt more than his ability can help heal.

As soon as I entered the room he was already there laughing at Layla who is dressed in a cute maid outfit, she even looks like a doll with her small size.

I don't know what Layla did, but Dad brought her tied-in lines to the kitchen where he threw her to Freya and Caryna telling her to make her work with them today as punishment.

After she was released she tried to run away, but when Freya threatened to leave her without desserts for a week she came back with her head down in defeat, Fairies love sweets.

When I entered the room my Father looked at me as he tried to stop laughing.


"Hahahahaha..." (Zenos)

"Come in Vanessa... hahahaha... come see this little Demon wearing maid clothes, it's very funny, ha ha hahaha..." (Zenos)

"You'll pay me for this, you idiot master, laugh while you can." (Layla)

"Did I hear someone asking for another day as a maid?" (Zenos)

"..." (Layla)

"Hahahahaha... I feel like I'm hearing things." (Zenos)

My Dad talks about Layla like he's a Demon all the time, but this scene just looks like he's the Demon abusing a little Fairy, but everyone in the mansion knows the truth, thankfully there's no one outside here.

"Why did you ask me to come here, Father?" (I)

"You're not planning on doing anything dangerous again, are you?" (I)

"..." (Zenos)

cough cough

With my words he coughs twice and looks away awkwardly, his reaction already answers my questions.


"Why do you always do these things? What is it this time?" (I)

"I will merge four powerful bloodlines, I will probably be very hurt." (Zenos)

"They're rabbit bloodlines, right? It's to help Elsaris' sister?" (I)

"Yea." (Zenos)

"Haven't we talked about lying to her and putting it off until after we're done with Farus?" (I)

"I don't like to tell lies to our companions." (Zenos)

"Technically she hasn't joined our group yet, she's not yet her servant or a believer in the Goddess Selene." (I)

"Elsaris left the Black Market to follow us to a dangerous place like this for her sister's sake, all without any concrete proof that he could help her." (Zenos)

"She believed the things you and I said, she took our word for it." (Zenos)

"You and I were telling the truth." (I)

"We know that, but she doesn't know that yet." (Zenos)

"I can't lie to her in this situation, so I want to prove to her that I mean it when I say I'm going to help her sister." (Zenos)"..." (I)

"(I don't like the direction this conversation is taking, I have a bad feeling.)" (I)

"What did you do, Father?" (I)

"Nothing yet." (Zenos)

"I spoke to Elsaris in the morning, tried to explain to her that I want to put off helping her to heal her sister until after Farus is defeated." (Zenos)

"As you might expect, she was furious about it, so to show that I'm really willing to help her sister, I asked her to come here tonight." (Zenos)

"I will show her the synthesis of the bloodlines and I will also explain how I will help her sister." (Zenos)

"You can't do that, how can you reveal your secrets so easily?" (I)


After that I spent a few minutes arguing with my Dad, I was trying to convince him not to do what he said, Elsaris spent centuries doing dubious work for the Black Market, she's not the type of person you can trust so quickly, especially with the secrets that the Father has.

While talking to him we both stopped and looked at the door, then Elsaris walked in, as you would expect from someone who spent years working in the Black Market, I can't see anything in her expression.

"I was waiting for you." (Zenos)

"I came here to hear what you have to say." (Elsaris)

"Why is Vanessa here too? I thought it would just be the two of us again." (Elsaris)

"I'll need it later, you'll understand soon enough." (Zenos)

"I'll just make this clear, I don't agree with that." (I)

"Enough arguing, I've already made my decision." (Zenos)

Dad is sometimes stubborn about the strangest things, he has to learn to make better decisions with less risk.

"Before I start, let me do this so I don't disturb anyone." (Zenos)

"< Sound Barrier >" (Zenos)

Father used his barrier that prevents sound from coming in or out, at least he's taking a little precaution as he has a lot of people from the Village inside the Dungeon.

"Now we can talk." (Zenos)

"As I promised this morning, I'll start by explaining how I'm going to help your Sister." (Zenos)

When Father mentioned about helping Elsaris' sister, I could see her expression starting to change, it seems like she can't keep up her facade when her sister is involved.

"I'm going to start explaining why I needed that Rabbit blood I ordered for you." (Zenos)

"I've always found this strange, I'm curious to know why I want that." (Elsaris)

"I have a skill that allows me to acquire the bloodlines of other creatures, I also have the unique skill of synthesis, do you understand what I'm getting at?" (Zenos)

"Are you synthesizing strains together? Is that possible?" (Elsaris)

"As long as the bloodlines are mine, yes." (Zenos)

"You synthesized all those bloodlines together? Is that what you're going to use to help my sister?" (Elsaris)

"Yes and no, I'm almost done synthesizing all the rabbit strains together." (Zenos)

"Another thing you need to know is that the final bloodline is just a part of what I'm going to use to help your sister." (Zenos)

"I have certain abilities to awaken and transform other creatures, it's not easy, but this can be used to give this rabbit bloodline I'm going to create to your sister while transforming her body, if all goes well she'll become a Vampire and obtain a humanoid body." (Zenos)"Are you going to make my sister your daughter?" (Elsaris)

"Yea." (Zenos)

"..." (Elsaris)

Elsaris closed her eyes and started to think, I hope she understands what my Father is doing to help her sister.

"Was that all you needed, a Vampire with awakening ability and some bloodlines?" (Elsaris)

"Don't be silly Elsaris, you know it's not that simple, don't think we're naive to drop into your conversation and tell you more information you don't need to know." (Vanessa)

"I don't know what you're talking about." (Elsaris)

"That's not the only reason to call me here, is it?" (Elsaris)

Elsaris says this looking at me, she must still be trying to understand why I'm here.

"Vanessa is here to help me, I called you here to see me synthesizing the latest Rabbit strains." (Zenos)

,m "After seeing this I hope you understand why I need to wait until after I'm done with Farus." (Zenos)

"Just stand there and watch." (Zenos)

"I'm ready anytime, Dad." (I)

"I will start now." (Zenos)

My Father sits cross-legged on the floor, then four types of powerful energies begin to emit from his body, I see him change from a calm expression to one of pain, then sweat starts pouring out in large amounts from his body.

"Now that the worst part begins, I hope you understand what my Father needs to help your sister see this." (I)

"What you're talking about, it doesn't seem to be that bad, these four energies are powerful, but they are equivalent to his strength." (Elsaris)

"Look, it's not over yet, it's just begun." (I)

Soon all of my Father's veins begin to swell, and four streams of red energy begin to pass through his veins faster and faster until they all meet and collide where his heart is.

"Agh!!" (Zenos)

Even though I cannot see the collision within his body, with my current level of perception and senses, I can feel the force of these four energies and the force of their collision within my Father's heart.

As I expected he vomits a large amount of blood as he starts to leak blood from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

His face shows the pain he is feeling, but he still tries not to scream at that moment the four red energies begin to flow through my Father's veins with a much greater speed and follow the same path as they intertwine with each other.

My father's veins can't take it, every second the red energy gets stronger emitting more power out of his body, more and more wounds open in his skin at the same time his veins tear to not withstand that pressure.

"< Accelerated Healing >" (I)

"< Enhanced Healing >" (I)

"< Physical Repair >" (I)

"< Blood Boost >" (I)

I use the four strongest healing spells I know to heal your wounds that are showing up more and more often.

"Damn it!!!" (I)

It takes thirty minutes for these four red energies that represent the bloodlines to finish merging into one, the final energy was very powerful, after only one bloodline was left it kept running through my father's body causing colossal damage wherever it went, but every second it mixed more with his blood until the light was no longer visible through my Father's skin and clothes.

When I see that it's over I run to him and give him a powerful HP potion that I asked Lyra to create and a blood replacement potion, that's because this time he lost a lot of blood, where he was sitting there's a big pool of blood, even his clothes turned almost completely red from the blood.

"Irresponsible father, that's why I told you to wait, if you had already evolved it would be easier." (I)

"Haaa... haaaa... haaaa... haaaa..." (Zenos)

"Don't say anything, I'll finish healing you so you can sleep until tomorrow, I'll take care of the rest." (I)

He nods, then falls asleep in my arms as Layla flies close to his face, she looks sad and worried.
