There are simply too many things to consider, I thought we could keep doing everything the same way, I was naive to think that I would easily defeat Farus' troops, but now I get two news that made me realize that things don't always go the way they do. plan.

First comes a Wind Spirit to give us the news that the other two troops we were going to attack are on their way and will meet before they reach us.

As if the first news wasn't bad enough, Leo tells us about what happened in the place where he fought and about the crystal that turned all the corpses into the Undead.

"(Nix was right, there will have to be changed to the plan.)" (I)

"This is the first I've heard about these crystals, if that's true then Farus doesn't need to be always present to turn corpses into Undead." (Sapphire)

"It makes things more difficult than planned." (Ghoul Leader)

Everyone started to discuss what they thought we should do again, I decided not to participate in the conversation now, I closed my eyes and started doing some simulations in my head using the new information we had.



I think it must have been almost an hour since I'm doing these simulations in my head, I'm already feeling mentally tired, I didn't have time to rest after my fight, I thought it would be a quick meeting, I didn't know it would turn into this one heated discussion.

I open my eyes only to realize that the argument continues and that they have split into two sides, those who think it's best to go back to the village and those who believe we should fight now.

"You finally opened your eyes, could you think of anything?" (Sapphire)

"..." (I)

While everyone was arguing I noticed that the people in my group were quiet without saying anything, they didn't participate in the discussion, meanwhile, the village leader was doing her best to calm the others by serving as a mediator between the two groups, so she looks at me with a glint of hope in her eyes.

When the village leader spoke to me, everyone stopped talking and looked in my direction.

"I'll be honest, things are difficult, but I think we should continue with our current plan with some changes." (I)

"I must warn you that there will be many deaths, but we should still be able to win." (I)

"Any warrior of my race is ready to die the moment he takes his weapons." (Orc Leader)

"My race doesn't like combat like the Ogres, but we're not afraid to die to defend our people." (Nymph leader)

"Every Arachne that came to this village with me was ready to die taking their enemies with them." (Helena)

"As you can see, Zenos." (Sapphire)

"Everyone who has entered this Dungeon to join the battle has the determination to fight even knowing the risks, as long as there is still a chance to win, so get straight to the point." (Sapphire)

"We're going to stick to our plans, we're going to bring the generals into the dungeon, but we're not going to fight them right away, we're going to leave them trapped inside the dungeon while we fight outside against the army formed by the joining of the two troops." (I)

"But if we do that we'll be outnumbered again." (Ogre Leader)

"But we're going to have people with Grade S and higher strength, as long as we can defeat the troops in less than an hour, we can take care of the generals later." (Sapphire)

"That's what I thought, but that too will have its risks." (I)

"I see, in a head-on battle like this many on our side will die, I can imagine that more than half of my people will die this way." (Hobgoblin leader)

"If you who are the weakest race fight head-on, then you will have many deaths." (I)

"But if you can arm the Hobgoblins at a distance and tell them to help others by attacking from afar, then you can avoid a lot of these unnecessary deaths." (I)"Arrows wouldn't do much against Farus' troops who don't feel pain or fear during combat, they don't even care about their wounds." (Hobgoblin leader)

"But if these arrows contain various types of poisons from the potions Lyra made, then Hobgoblins can be of great help in battle while fighting from afar weakening the enemy." (I)

"What does everyone think of this?" (I)

"This is an efficient way to use our troops, I approve." (Orc Leader)

"For me, this is a viable plan, we must avoid as many deaths as possible and if we are going to use this plan then I prefer to leave the Hobgoblins attacking from the backline." (Ogre Leader)

"Is there no other way? We've fought Farus head-on in the past and we lost." (Nymph leader)

"This time we will win, my daughter will have a big part this time." (I)

As I say this I look at Vanessa, I'm going to need her in this next battle, when I look at Vanessa everyone looks at her too.

"Now we need to discuss where we are going to ambush them, we have to decide this quickly because we only have 2 or 3 days." (I)

"If we're going to fight them outside the Dungeon, then we have to choose an advantageous place for us." (Sapphire)

"I have a suggestion for that plan." (Helena)

"I imagine the plan will start the same way, as usual, right?" (Helena)

"If you're talking about fog and illusions, then yes." (I)

"We have to do this to give Nix the opportunity to catch the generals off guard, but since we won't be able to fight in the mist I'll have the Mages make a dome with the mist to hide what we're going to be doing there." (I)

"My idea is once we've got the four generals, we could attack Farus' troops with ranged attacks, this will help to reduce their numbers a little and we'll be able to take advantage of the opportunity that the mist will give us to make an attack surprise." (Helena)

"This is a good idea." (Sapphire)

"I agree with your idea, I will implement this idea in the plan." (I)

"We shouldn't waste too much time on this meeting, we have a lot to do, so let's choose where we're going at once, after that we'll make preparations while Nix takes us to our destination." (I)

After that we discussed the route that the enemies were most likely to take if they were heading to their base, we chose a place with few trees and a rock wall where we can attack from above as the Arachne representative suggested.

After all, this is done I go to my room where I change jobs to [ Awakening Master (Unique) ].

I've had this work available for some time, but like other works I have, I didn't want to use it because I couldn't identify what this work does.

But I will have to choose this job so that I can help Elsaris' sister and I will also need this job when I find the daughter of the village leader Sapphire.


<[ You have acquired the unique ability [ Awaken ] ]>




<[ You have acquired the title [ The One Who Brings Awakening ] ]>"..." (I)

I think this is the first time I learn any skill when switching to a new job, this skill I already know, it is registered as a powerful skill that only Spirits, Fairies, Dragons, and those connected to the Gods should possess.

Not only does this skill help to unleash someone's potential, but it also links the skill's target with the skill's owner in some way that the books couldn't describe, so I'll take a look at that later.

It seems that I also acquired a new title, after identifying this title I realized that it gives me the ability to perceive someone's potential through their Aura and allows me to feel if that potential is dormant or is already awake, this ability will help me a lot.

After doing all this I make my bedtime preparations early.




Ding! Ding!



Pov of a Dryad:

A village is hidden in the mountain range.

I spent most of my life in this place, before coming here all I knew was killing my enemies, I didn't know anything else, but now the killing has just become the last option for me.

I would do anything to protect this village, I would do anything to protect my children, I have watched them be born, grow up, have children of their own, grow old and die.

This is my home, the people of this village are my family, but I can't do anything to help my children, I have to watch my children go out to battle without knowing if they will make it back.

All I want is to be able to go with them to fight Farus, to be there to defend them, but I can't leave this place, all I can do is stay here and wait in the hope that they all come back safe.

"..." (I)

"You look sad Dryad, are you worried about the people of your village?"

I, who was always one of the strongest in the mountain range and who prided myself on my powers of perception, was once again surprised by a visitor whose voice I recognize.

I look up and see a beautiful woman who looks like a White Elf with green hair and eyes wearing a leaf dress, she had a crown of twigs on her head and green butterfly wings on her back, this was the same Fairy Queen I met before.

This Fairy Queen was sitting on one of my branches so close to me and I still couldn't feel her until she spoke to me, I'm not able to measure such a level of strength, in her presence I just feel like kneeling down, but I do the same. possible not to do this.

"To what do I owe your great presence once again, Fairy Queen?" (I)

"You don't have to be so formal with me, you can call me Hera." (Fairy Queen)

"As you wish, Miss Hera." (I)

"You know I like you, I've watched you since I came to the mountain range, for a dryad you are very peaceful and I can feel your strong connection with nature." (Hera)

"Even now I can tell by your Aura that you're frustrated, I imagine it's being stuck in this place, right?" (Hera)

"You're right, I wish I could join the fight against Farus, if I was there less of my children would die in the battle." (I)

"Most Dryads have more bloodlust or lust in their Auras, but what I feel from you is love, you love this village, you love the people of this village and you love nature." (Hera)

"You enchanted me Dryad, but also made me realize something I can do for Zenos if he fulfills a request from our Goddess, thank you." (Hera)

"(A request from the Fairy Goddess to Zenos? Who is this Vampire really?)" (I)

"I was sorry I couldn't help you with what was to come after the fight against Farus, but now I have an excellent idea, but I'm going to have to call a friend, see you more Dryad." (Hera)

Without giving me another chance to speak, a light breeze hits the Fairy Queen's body which turns into leaves and flies away along with the wind.

"What does she mean by what's to come after the fight against Farus?" (I)
