After we've all heard what Elsaris knew about this symbol and the Heretic God it represents, I ask Freya to go get Nira to try and identify these two items, I hope she has better luck than I do.

While we wait for Nira to arrive I speak to discuss the results of today's battle.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was the representative of the Nymphs who was responsible for collecting information on our current state right after today's battle." (I)

"You're right, so it took me a while to arrive, but it seems I still managed to meet the village leader on the way along with other council members." (Nymph leader)

"It was difficult to gather all this information so quickly, so I asked the Hobgoblin representative for help." (Nymph leader)

"To summarize the information, we had 2000 slightly injured, 700 seriously injured and... 1200 killed... on our side..." (Nymph Leader)

"..." (Village Council)


"..." (Sapphire)

"It's within the estimate that I had already thought, I was worried that I was being too optimistic thinking of such a low number." (I)

"Low... such a low number... did he say that?" (Ogre Leader)


The representative of the Ogres seems to have become enraged by my words and hits the table while looking at me full of anger, he is the only one showing anger, the other representatives of the village council as well as the Village Leader herself seem to have understood what I meant as they show a sad expression.

"Keep calm, you must also understand that Zenos told the truth, you yourself saw how strong every warrior in Farus' troops was and how they seemed to feel no pain or fear." (Hobgoblin leader)

"My race was the one that had the most deaths, but even then it was only less than half, that's thanks to the advice Zenos gave me before the battle." (Hobgoblin leader)

"..." (Ogre Leader)

"You were one of the first to join me and my village to fight against Farus, you may remember how each battle was full of deaths and yet we always lost as Farus grew stronger." (Sapphire)

"I will admit that I also find this death toll very high, but it is true that Farus' troops are stronger individually." (Sapphire)

"The truth is that these numbers are still low, the number of deaths would be much higher if not for Vanessa and Irina healing our warriors throughout the battle, as you may know, there are only three Mages with healing ability in our village, two are here but one is still in the village." (Nymph leader)

"But Vanessa alone is worth ten healing mages, Irina on the other hand helps with support, her upgrade spells and shields had a big impact in decreasing the number of deaths." (Nymph leader)

"We won, so don't complain, Zenos had warned that this battle would have many more deaths, you accepted it even knowing that, so don't complain now." (Sapphire)

"I understand you are both angry and also saddened by this information, but this is not the time to give in to your emotions, we still have more things to discuss today." (I)

I understood the sadness and anger they were feeling, those who died were members of their races, they were people from their village and maybe even people they knew.

The only reason I'm not as sad as they are is that I don't have a connection with these people, I can sympathize with them and their sadness, but empathizing is not the same as feeling what they're feeling since no one on my side has died.

"You still have something else to say, representative of the Nymphs." (I)"I have to report that only 6500 are still in combat condition, 300 people have injuries that make it impossible to fight again." (Nymph leader)

"We can't do anything about it, at least this time our numbers are similar to Farus's." (I)

"With the enemy numbers the village leader told me when we first met, I can say that there must have only been around 6000 left on Farus's side." (I)

"Even if that's true, we still can't let our guard down." (Sapphire)

"Exactly village leader, if I'm right, those 6000 enemies must have spent a long time inside the dungeons training, so we can assume they can be stronger." (I)

"I agree, but how are we supposed to fight in such a situation? How can we attack Farus this time?" (Sapphire)

"I've been thinking about it..." (I)

"Sorry to interrupt, but I brought Nira as the master requested." (Freya)

While we were almost reaching the most important part of the meeting, Freya suddenly arrives accompanied by Nira who has Yomi on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Freya." (I)

"Did you want to see me, master?" (Nira)

"Yes, I have two items I wanted to know what they are, do you mind using your skill?" (I)

"I'm glad to be of assistance to you." (Nira)

Nira approaches the table and stands next to me, then she looks at the two items next to Layla who has been sleeping on the table for a few minutes.

Soon I see both Nira's eyes glow, then an energy circle forms in front of her right eye, then an energy lens forms inside the circle, then Nira's expression starts to change as she looks at these two items, she he takes a step back, his face pale and sweaty.

"What's up Nira? Are you okay?" (I)

With my questions, Nira seems to disable her ability as the power lens is gone and she looks at me.

"I'm fine, master." (Nira)

"Just freaked me out a little, where did you get these things?" (Nira)

"Do you know what they are?" (I)

"I could only read the names, I couldn't read their exact description of functionality, but just the names already hint at how these things are used." (Nira)

"How old are the names?" (I)

"The black metal skull is named Kaharak's Soul Collector and the crystal heart with a dagger piercing through the top is named Kaharak's Vitality Collector..." (Nira)"..." (all)

Upon hearing the name of the two items the room is silent, even I was surprised, in a short time I understood how these items were used and ended up speaking out loud.

"You mean these items are to collect the souls and vitality of the villages that Farus destroys?" (I)

"..." (all)

"But why would he wear these things? Is he not afraid of the consequences for breaking this kind of Taboo?" (Sapphire)

"We can assume he's still planning something, he shouldn't be collecting souls and vitality to keep, that means he still has more that we don't know about." (I)

"If I may say something master, perhaps these souls and vitality are to use as an offering to the Heretic God." (Ivan)

"You may be right, Elsaris said something similar just now." (I)

"During my youth when I was still alive I had many teachers, one of those teachers taught me about the Heretic Gods." (Ivan)

"The Heretic Gods accept sacrificial offerings, which can be a person's vitality or soul." (Ivan)

"So you think that Farus is using the people of the mountain range as a great sacrifice to his God?" (I)

"Maybe so, but it could also just be that Farus is taking advantage of his moment conquering the entire mountain range to collect this offering, he's already killing anyone who doesn't join him, so Farus must be thinking it would be a waste not collect all that vitality and souls, it might even please your God." (Ivan)


"..." (Sapphire)

"You mean that Farus has been handing over the souls of the people of my village as food to an Heretic God!?" (Sapphire)

"My mother... you mean... that she can't even rest in peace... you mean... that her soul too..." (Helena)

I was also angry to hear what Ivan was saying, I even saw that Leo was covering Caryna's ears so she wouldn't hear the conversation, that kind of conversation can be very heavy for someone so kind.

But a bloodlust has started to spread throughout the meeting room, all the council members are red-eyed like a monster, even the usually calm representative of the Nymphs.

The two who were the most bloodthirsty were the village leader and the Arachne representative, I can understand your feelings but I can't let it go on like this.

I release my Aura and use my deadly intimidation skill for a second, just long enough for everyone to regain their rationality and turn to me cautiously, some even took their weapons reflexively, but I felt the bloodlust diminish a lot with this one. my little trick.

"I apologize for scaring everyone, I just wish you guys didn't lose control of your emotions right now." (I)

"I'm not going to pretend I know what you're feeling, but I understand that you're hearing things that must be shocking to you, but this is not the place or time for you to unleash this bloodlust." (I)

"Save that anger and hatred for battle, use it as motivation to destroy Farus' troops, don't think about what has passed, you can't change the past, we also don't have time to cry over the lives that have been lost along the path." (I)

"Wait to wail and weep only when the blood of Farus is shed, wait until you can proudly say that you have brought justice to him who has done you so much harm." (I)

"We're going to take a break from this meeting for twenty minutes, that should be enough time for you to get your emotions in order before we continue the meeting." (I)

"Freya, could you bring some things for us all to eat, please?" (I)

"Your orders master." (Freya)

"Caryna and Leo, come help me bring everything." (Freya)

Everyone heard what I said and tried to control themselves, but there was still a heavy air in this room and a slight bloodlust was still present, I should have known that just a simple speech would not be enough, I hope that after a delicious meal the spirits of everyone get better.

I'm more worried as the Arachne representative, her body is shaking slightly and I can see the blood coming out of her hands clenched into a tight fist, she's about to lose control, I can only hope she can handle it, I don't think anything I say or do will calm her down.
