Pov Elsaris:

I was on top of the mansion's roof, I was lying looking at the starry sky inside the dungeon.

"A night sky where there's only one moon, how strange even for a fake dungeon sky." (I)

The meeting lasted a long time today, Zenos talked about the results of that battle, also talked about those two items his Fairy managed to get after killing the Bird-type Undead, we also talked about Heretic God Kaharak, I never thought I would hear this one name on that continent, we even talked about Zenos' plan to attack Farus' stronghold.

"Because he's taking such a risk, he could do it in a very different way, so he wouldn't take such a big risk." (I)

"Still thinking about what happened at the meeting?" (Jay)

"You also know the plan is that way to cut down on unnecessary deaths." (Jay)


"I don't know if he's doing this to make it easier for the villagers to accept or because he's too naive." (I)

"I don't think this has anything to do with naivety, from what I've observed so far it seems that Zenos has his own ideas about what is right and wrong." (Jay)

"His way of thinking is a little confusing and unpredictable, but it seems like he always tries to find a path with less risk." (Jay)

"It doesn't seem like that to me, if he wanted to take less risk then he would have left this place and let the Kingdoms of this continent sort it out." (I)

"I think he's doing all this for reasons he hasn't told anyone, I'd really like to know what he wants." (I)

"Even if you say that and it's true, we also have to admit that he is making an effort to help the people of the mountain range." (Jay)

"You also know that the other Realms didn't help these people, that could put everyone in even greater danger." (Jay)

"To me, this is all nonsense, whenever believers of an Heretic God have involved things get very complicated." (I)

"It wouldn't be surprising if a saint or some great Holy warrior came here one day to kill Farus and all these undead." (I)

"Those associated with Heretic Gods are always hunted." (Jay)

What has been bothering me is Vanessa, she seems to be a priestess of the Goddess Selene, not only that but she can also use Holy magic, so she must have a high position in the neutral faction, so why is someone like her on this continent and in a place of these without proper protection?

If I'm not mistaken, Zenos himself seems to be special somehow, his Aura is something so bizarre that I've never felt anything like it in my entire life, the night of his evolution was something that completely shocked me, he might have some connection deep with the Fairies and the neutral faction of the Vampires since Vanessa is here.

Another thing that is always bothering me is this weird Fairy and now this Dragon Spirit that Zenos has a contract with, Zenos himself is weird enough already, but somehow even his contracted Fairy and Spirit are weird.


"No matter what happens in the next battle, I won't let Zenos die." (I)

"But you can't stay by his side all the time, didn't he ask us to get the Lamia called Jade?" (Jay)

"I will, if she is as strong as her mother, then she will come to Zenos." (I)

"You might be right." (Jay)

I get up and see a glow coming from far away in the forest, I walk to the edge of the roof.

"I'm going for a walk, see you later." (I)I jump and start walking in this quiet forest, after some time I reach the edge of this floor where I see Sapphire who is the village leader training with her sword, I can also smell blood.

When I took a closer look, her hands are bleeding as she holds the hilt of her sword, she also seems to be very tired and covered in sweat.

I look around and see trees and rocks destroyed, everything around is covered in sword marks.

I walk a little further without hiding my presence and sit on the trunk of a fallen tree, the village leader turns towards me still holding her sword.

"What are you doing here?" (Sapphire)

"Nothing, I just saw a slight glow from that direction and felt like going for a walk." (I)

"But I'm surprised to see you put yourself in that state with such an important battle looming." (I)

"I needed to vent some of my anger and stress, so I decided to do that with a little training." (Sapphire)

"You call that a little training?" (I)

"Your arms are shaking, blood is dripping from your hands, your body is covered in sweat and you barely have the strength to keep lifting your big sword." (I)

"This doesn't concern you, by any chance did you come to harass me?" (Sapphire)

"I don't care what happens to you or your village, I've seen too much in my life to care about a village full of warriors like yours." (I)

I noticed that she has the same strength as mine, but my speed is greater than hers, besides, she doesn't trust me anymore after what I said in the meeting, so the best way is to try to make her understand my point of view, if that doesn't work at least I'll know I tried.

She looks at me angrily and I can feel her bloodlust rising, she also contracts the muscles of her whole body to stop shaking while she tightens her grip on the handle and her sword, by the look in her eyes I can tell she's not long before she attacks me.

"I noticed during the meeting that unlike the others in Zenos' group, you seem to stay away from them and the people of my village." (Sapphire)

"I learned not to get too attached to people either because of my immortality or the type of work I did, losing people or even being betrayed by those close to you was normal." (I)

"Over time I learned that it is better not to approach others, I have my two children and my sister, for me that is enough, any other is disposable." (I)

"If you think so, then why are you still here, you might as well walk away, I'd rather fight and die alongside people who understand what we're fighting for." (Sapphire)

"If I could I wouldn't even have come here, there are too many variables in this whole plan, Zenos knows that too, to me he's crazy to even think about something like that." (I)

"Do you care about Zenos?" (Sapphire)

"I don't remember his name being among those you said you cared about." (Sapphire)

"..." (I)

"I made a deal with him, I help him and he helps my sister, that's why I'm here." (I)

I can feel her bloodlust waning, but she still hasn't come out of her fighting stance.

"I finally get it, so it's your sister he wants to help, why does he want my daughter as a guinea pig?" (Sapphire)

"What are you talking about?" (I)"Zenos came to talk to me to say that he will take my daughter and use her as a guinea pig before using his power to help someone else, but he didn't tell me who he was, now I know he must be talking about his sister." (Sapphire)

"(So that's why he asked me to capture the village leader's daughter?)" (I)

"I don't know why he cares about helping you and your family, I wouldn't think it's weird if you kill him after you get what you want." (Sapphire)

"(I had already thought about it at first, even with Vanessa's warning at that time I was still thinking about doing this, the neutral faction of Vampires might be the strongest, but it's the least influential, it would be hard for them to find me.) " (I)

"(But after seeing all that Zenos can do, after seeing how tight-knit his group is, I think my sister will enjoy being in a place like this, after all, I've seen of Zenos I know he will protect her, for this I gave up doing any harm to him.)" (I)

"His silence and that look on your face showing you've really considered this." (Sapphire)

"The mere fact that you think about betraying who will help your sister proves what kind of monster you are." (Sapphire)

"..." (I)

I listen to what the village leader says and look at my own hands, they may look clean to others, but in my vision, they will always be stained with blood.

The number of people I've killed in my life far outweighs the number of monsters I've killed, this blood on my hands will never go away.

"(Sometimes I wonder if my sister will still recognize me when she wakes up one day.)" (I)

"You're right village leader, I know that and I've accepted what I am a long time ago, your words won't shake me." (I)

"I just want you to understand that I will do anything to make Zenos safe, even if I have to die for it, so you need not fear that I will do something unexpected like run away at a critical moment or betray you." (I)

"All I want is for Farus to die as soon as possible so Zenos can fulfill his end of the bargain." (I)

Sapphire appears to be a competent leader, she has shown talent in leading different races against a common enemy and was also wise enough to seek help when she saw that her defeat was only a matter of time.

As a warrior, Sapphire has also shown to have a lot of talent and experience in combat, so I know she has strong instincts.

By recognizing these qualities of hers I can say that she will not believe my words, being honest so far has shown to be the right way, at least she has made her listen to me this far, she must have realized that I am not lying, but she knows that I am plotting something too.

To show her that she can trust me at least during the battle I look her in the eye, I'm sure she'll see that I'm firm in my decision when she looks into my eyes.


She stays a few seconds looking into my eyes as if she is sizing me up, I wait in silence until she sighs and lowers her sword, and uses it for support as she relaxes her body.

"Why did you want to tell me all this? Why waste time trying to gain my trust?" (Sapphire)

"For my sister's sake, I have to keep Zenos safe." (I)

"The next battle already has too many variables that I can't control, so I can't allow another variable just because you don't trust me during the battle." (I)

"I don't care how you think of me, but at the time of battle I want us to fight side by side, I was already thinking about talking to you, I was lucky to find you here far from everyone, it makes it easier for that kind of talk." (I)

"If you're done saying everything you wanted, then get out of here." (Sapphire)

"Okay, I just hope you don't keep overloading yourself before battle, use this time to rest and be as combat prepared as possible." (I)

"..." (Sapphire)

Sapphire turns to the other side and leans against a broken stone, she doesn't say anything else and doesn't look at me anymore either, but I know I've accomplished my goal, her distrust has lessened a little, I hope this kind of conversation has been enough that there would be no problems between her and me during combat.

I get up and start walking into the forest back to the manor, I can feel I'm being watched but I know it's these strange Fairies and Spirits, they usually keep away from me but for some reason, they're closed today.

"Mom, where did you go? I went to bring you food, but you weren't on the roof anymore." (Beatriz)

"I just went for a walk." (I)

I meet my daughter as I approach the mansion, Beatriz and Jay are the only ones I can count on besides my sister, I already told them both to leave but they don't want to leave my side but I'm glad they're having fun being here, it's been a long time since I've seen the two of them so relaxed.

"Come on, let's go to my room." (I)
