When the notifications popped up I was surprised, I never thought that getting a pure elemental affinity was so easy, at least that's what I thought before the maddening pain left my mind reeling.

The next thing I remember is lying in a pool of blood inside a green energy dome, I couldn't even move and my whole body was sore.

Gradually I felt energy heal my body, when I was able to move again I lifted my head and realized that my clothes were destroyed in pieces.

I don't know what happened, but I'm covered in dried blood and naked, at that moment the energy dome disappears letting me see that I was still inside the mansion in the room, the Fairy Queens and Spirits of the wood element were still there, they were looking surprises for me.

"You adapted very quickly, it only took a week." (Hera)

"I thought it would take a month, even if we were curing him, it shouldn't be possible to adapt to an externally acquired pure element that quickly." (Kamelia)

"We couldn't give him innocent blood, so the only option was this way, even if it's a little more difficult." (Hera)


"What are you talking about?" (I)

"It appears he has regained consciousness, his resistance to pain is commendable." (Hera)

"You were trapped for a week while your body adapted to the pure element of wood, normally that would be impossible, but because you have divine blood you still have chances of success." (Kamelia)

"I'm glad it worked, seeing your state during this process was horrible even for me." (Hera)

"Now that everything is settled we are leaving, it was a pleasure to meet you Zenos, please take care of Nix for me..." (Kamelia)

Without waiting for me to say anything, the two disappear.


<[ Your skill leveled up [ Great Pain Resistance: 9 > 10 ] ]>

But what happened to me while I was unconscious? I don't remember anything, the last thing I know was that green energy sphere entering my body and notifications popping up in front of me, after that I just remember waking up inside that green energy dome a few minutes ago.

I shouldn't think about it, of course, it was such a bad experience that my brain tried to block it out, so never mind.

I get up and head straight to the bathroom to shower, when I thought I was going to rest a pair of hands pulls me under the water.


Two hours later I leave the bathroom more tired than when I entered, I was carrying a naked Érica and sleeping in my arms when I was about to leave the bathroom the doors opened and Freya enters.

"I'm sorry master, I didn't realize that Érica was in the shower when I realized it was too late and I didn't want to interrupt." (Freya)

p "Alright, I just want to go rest now, so I'm going to sleep." (I)

"Do it master, don't worry about anything else, you need to rest." (Freya)

I say goodbye to Freya and go straight to my bed, on the way I was reaffirming the skills I need to get in the next town, all the women around me are strong and have an inhuman resistance, if I don't get these skills I'll be dead from exhaustion in shortly.

I went to my room and threw myself on the bed heading straight to dreamland.





The next day I wake up with one foot in my nose, Layla was sleeping on my face, I took her with one hand, but when I got up I noticed that the Fairies and Spirits were in my bed again, this time Nix was also lying next to me. next to me, she was biting my arm filling it with drool while she keeps repeating "meat...meat...delicious meat...", I don't know what Nix is ​​doing here and it took me a while to get her to let go of my arm without wake her up.

When I open the door I see Freya coming towards me.

"Good morning Master." (Freya)

"Good morning, how do you always know where I am and when I'm leaving the room?" (I)

"A competent maid always has to know where the master is, so I trained the Fairies to tell me where the master is always." (Freya)

"Have you been watching me?" (I)

"Yes, I needed Layla's help, but it was so worth it." (Freya)

"That way I can always be there when the master needs me." (Freya)

"Remind me to punish Layla later." (I)

"Don't worry, I'm just thinking of the best way to be of use to you." (Freya)

"I'll admit that you've always been there when I need it has been great, but knowing someone is watching me all the time is scary." (I)

"Fairies just tell me where you are and if you need help, it's not like I know everything you do." (Freya)

"Good thing, otherwise I'd think I was in a horror movie." (I)

"What is a horror movie?" (Freya)

"Forget it, since you're here can you tell me what Nix is ​​doing in my room?" (I)"Nira made a suggestion about building a boat, so we spent five days building a boat and two days reinforcing that boat with various spells." (Freya)

"We got to shore yesterday morning, so we put the boat out to sea and Nix opened the Dungeon gate inside the boat, after that she went in to get some rest." (Freya)

"I'm glad she's resting, but why in my bed?" (I)

"You let Layla sleep in her bed, so why would Nix be any different?" (Freya)

"..." (I)

That's true, maybe it's because of Layla's size that I don't see her as a woman, I even change clothes in front of her without caring, but Nix has a much more human appearance and height, so I'm embarrassed to do the same things in front of her or sleeping in the same bed as her.


"I don't think I should be a hypocrite, Nix certainly doesn't see anything wrong with this, so I'll leave it as is." (I)

"Where are the others?" (I)

"Most are still sleeping, but Sophia is teaching Érica about Aura control." (Freya)

"Looks like Érica managed to learn the Aura magic skill, so she's trying to learn more about controlling Auras." (Freya)

"I'm happy for her." (I)

Now that I've stopped to think I'm talking to Freya about various subjects when I forgot to ask something important.

"Do you know how long I've been sleeping?" (I)

"The master was alone with the Fairy and Spirit Queens for a week, after which you slept for two days straight." (Freya)

"So it's been 9 days..." (I)

"Thanks for the info, do you have any food prepared?" (I)

"Yes, a lot of people have been taking turns on the boat to fish, so we have a lot of fish to eat." (Freya)

"I don't think I've ever tasted a fish in this world, it will be good to change the taste a little." (I)

"I will prepare for you now, master." (Freya)

I went to get something to eat before looking to see how things are going at the camp, I am responsible for these people and I was away for 9 days, this was something I could not accept.

I accepted that responsibility and couldn't leave it all behind for 9 days, so after eating a fish that was bigger than my body, a fish that was spectacularly delicious, I went to the camp to see how everything was going.

It seemed that nothing much happened during these 9 days, the only thing I learned was that the Shadow mage Jana had evolved into a Shadow Ghoul, with that her powers of the shadow element became much stronger, she also managed to learn a magical Aura skill, so I took her to where Sophia was teaching Érica to learn how to control her Aura as well.

I already figured out that Sophia was the best Aura user around here, so I gave her the task of teaching the others Aura control.

After solving this I went out of the Dungeon, I am amazed at what I see, I was in a room made of wood where there was only the Dungeon gate, as soon as I left the room I was in another room twice the size where there were some boxes and a ladder leading up, there was an Arachne and a Werewolf carrying some big fish putting them in the boxes.

After greeting them both I go up the stairs and open the doors that take me to the deck of the boat, for some reason it looked a little smaller from the outside, I also noticed that the boat hardly rocks.

There were some people fishing but I didn't pay attention to them, I went straight to the edge where I saw a beach not far away, there were many Lamias lying on the beach wearing very revealing clothes, I also noticed that the boat was a little over 25 meters long, it was bigger than I thought it would be, but inside it somehow felt bigger, I thought I must have seen it wrong.

"Master, have you finally woken up? How do you feel?" (Jade)

"I feel good, can you tell me what those Lamias are doing on the beach? Can you also tell me why this boat doesn't rock and doesn't move?" (I)
