Everyone had already entered the Dungeon after taking several boxes with the things we want to sell outside putting them inside the boat, after that I asked Nix to close the Dungeon gate.

Now it was just me, Érica, Kira, Diana, Nix, Nira, Vanessa, Samira, Leo, Freya, Irius, Elsaris, Jade, Beatriz, and Jay inside the boat.

Nix was inside my shadow, Layla was hiding two of her four arms and her wings looking like a normal wingless Fairy, Layla was sitting on my shoulders humming.

Byakko was hiding inside Kira's hood, Yomi seems to have learned to transform in the time I haven't seen him, his spectral shadow appearance has changed to a normal blackbird appearance, he has become much smaller being less than half his normal size, Yomi is nestled in Nira's hair.

I didn't plan on bringing Nira with us, but Ivan said it would be nice as she can handle all the processes of selling and buying goods in the Trading Guild.

After the three people we rescued left, Nira came to me with some lists for me to look at, these lists were for Ivan, Freya, Lyra, Tânia, Anton, Érica, and Irina.

Ivan's list had the types of people we're going to need for the prosperity and independence of the small town we're going to build, we have to rely only on ourselves.


Lyra, Tânia, and Anton's list only had things they need for their jobs like books, tools, dyes, metals, etc.

Freya's list was about a few ingredients we don't have in the Dungeon and various condiments she and Caryna would like to have for meals.

Érica and Irina's list was made up of magic books, it was a list that the two put together after checking all the books we have at the moment, according to them both this list will complement the books we already have, there are also many books banned on the list that will be hard to find, especially the books about curses that Érica wants.

I approved everything on the list as these are things we will need anyway, money is no problem as we have all the treasure that Farus stole and amassed while conquering the mountain range.

I had already talked to Nira as we were approaching the port of the capital city of Moros, the money we have is enough for everything.

Before arriving at the port I go over each one's tasks, Elsaris, Samira and Kira will go after the information regarding Ivan's list, I want them to look in the Black Market and the Assassins' Guild, I also asked them to buy the items from the lists which are prohibited if possible.

Nira, Leo, Freya, and Jade will go to the Trading Guild where Nira will take care of selling the monster materials we don't need and will try to buy the items from the various lists that are legal, Freya will also choose the ingredients she needs while is there.

Vanessa, Érica, Irius, and Beatriz will look around the shops to try to find some things we might need and to see if there is an interesting quest in the Adventurers Guild of that city.

Me, Diana, Jay, and Nix are going to take a look around the slave market to see if we can find someone who meets the requirements on Ivan's list.

After going over each one's tasks Nix stayed in my shadow the whole time and Layla said she's going to remain invisible to normal people, I made Layla promise not to make a fuss while we're here.

Layla and Nix told me during the night that no Spirits or Fairies are going to be attracted to me this time, it seems these two used my connection to the Cradle of Spirits and the Cradle of Fairies to divert the characteristic of my Aura that attracts the Fairies and Spirits over there.

But Nix warned that even if they're not attracted to me they'll still find it pleasant to be around me and will instinctively like me, she said that might be enough for some Fairies and Spirits without a contract to decide to follow me just for fun.I hope this doesn't cause me too much trouble.


As we were approaching the harbor town of Moros I noticed that the number of ships and boats nearby was much greater than I had seen near the Harnes Kingdom.

Not only that, but I also noticed that all the boats had symbols or names on the sails or on the body of the boat itself, at that moment I also realized that our boat didn't have a sail.

When Érica saw my confused face she said that part of the magic they put in the boat was to propel the boat into the water, some water element Mages from the village did this following instruction from Irina and Lyra.

After knowing this I looked around and realized that some boats must also have similar spells since they didn't have sails, in addition, I also saw some boats that swayed less than others.

It didn't take long for me to notice a problem, all the boats I noticed had some magic working were expensive-looking, the normal looking or plain looking boats didn't seem to have any magic at all, I was afraid that this could get us into some trouble.

"You don't have to worry, master." (Érica)

"Boats like ours are not that rare, there are a lot of people who don't want to attract too much attention and choose to have simple boats, so no one will pay attention to that." (Érica)

"Érica is right, people in the harbor judge based on the boats, usually these fancy looking boats will have nobles or arrogant merchants." (Elsaris)

"While simple boats like ours will think we're important adventurers, nobles who are trying not to attract attention, or smart merchants." (Elsaris)

"How do you know that?" (I)

"Because there are always people from the Black Market hiding in the ports, they have the job of collecting this information, they also have the job of helping with the contraband that arrives at the port, almost all ports will have this type of system." (Elsaris)

"My mother told me that she also has bandits and pirates who watch the ports, they keep an eye out for the flashier boats as they will have more valuable goods to steal or prettier people to sell as slaves." (Diana)

"Your mother is someone smart, those people who look for targets in ports will avoid suspicious ships as they may have strong people inside." (Jay)

"That's why I thought those pirates from before were idiots, they attacked us because they saw Lamias and Nymphs fishing, when I heard that during the interrogation I could only think that they were idiots." (Elsaris)

"They were thinking that the boat had been attacked by monsters and stolen, so they wanted to take the opportunity to attack the boat." (Jay)

"Idiots, they were very weak, but the person they called the boss was drunk, so they must not have thought too much before attacking." (Jade)"Forget about those pirates, they must be dead by now." (I)

"(All are dead, the last one died less than thirty minutes ago, their souls are stored along with Farus's inside the Dungeon.)" (Nix)

"(Keep those souls, criminals like them who steal, kill and abuse others don't deserve mercy, they even admitted they sold children.)" (I)

"(I have no reason not to use your souls to create monsters later.)" (I)

"(Then I will keep these souls.)" (Nix)

I had a little conversation with Nix in my mind that the others don't need to know, I don't think they would mind, but there are matters that are best not talked about out loud.

"When we arrive at the port we are going to transport the boxes how? Should we store everything inside storage items?" (I)

"No, storage items are expensive, merchants usually only use storage items for things of great value or they don't want to be discovered." (Nira)

"The master may not know, but the amount of storage items we have is abnormal, that's why most of them are stolen or obtained from the enemies we kill, few were bought with our own money." (Nira)

"That's why I prefer not to squander what we have that way, let's do like other traders and hire a transport when we reach the port." (Nira)

"There will also be people at the gate who help to unload the boxes, this will serve to show that we are merchants." (Érica)

"There must be some people at the port who are employees of Trade Guild, I can talk to them to sell everything, so they can take care of the transport themselves, this will save us having to spend on transporting the things we are going to sell." (Nira)

"I'll leave that part to you." (I)

Soon we were very close to the harbor and I could hear the noise of people talking and working there, I could see the ships and boats docking and unloading things or loading things in.

The harbor had several people running to and fro with boxes in their hands, they were mostly muscular men of various races in plain clothes, but there were also people in overly extravagant clothes walking around as if they owned the place giving orders to everyone around.

When we arrived at the harbor a man from the Beastman bird tribe landed on our boat after asking permission and asked a few questions.

After answering questions like how long we were going to stay and how much we were willing to pay to rent a space in the port, the man who had green and white wings pointed out a place where we can stop, when we get there this man gets off the boat to talk to a man white-skinned human.

When we stop the boat this human man goes to a sign at the front of the boat and holds a paper there, then some men come bringing a ramp that they stretch to the boat so we can get off.

When we get off the boat we are all wearing masks and the man asks for the identity of some of us, so Nira, Vanessa, and Irius show their Trader and Adventurer Guild cards to the man.

Nira spends some time talking to the man to find some people to help unload the crates from the boat and to find some Trade Guild employees.

After a while, Nira comes back saying that there is a shed where the Trade Guild employees do business here in the port.

Nira said the boxes will be sent there so we decided to split up to do our chores, I told everyone to be back on the boat before dark.
