Pov Nix:

The master gave me the mission to take down a mansion with 3 Demons and 50 Vampires, it was an easy job.

I traveled through the shadows, every time I found someone alone I made a shadow dome around them before killing with my bare hands, then I used my shadows to guard the body, so when I undo the shadow dome after a few seconds there were no left clues, I also didn't have to worry about the blood of enemies alerting me to my presence.

It took me less than two hours to kill them all and none of them noticed, but now I'm in some trouble.

"Tell me again, why are these Lizardman trapped in the basement?" (I)

"It was a gift for the King, he likes to eat more exotic meats, when we found a village in the swamps near the city we did our best to attack them without killing more than necessary." (Less Demon)

"We were keeping them alive to make the meat as fresh as possible for the King later." (Less Demon)


"(There must be about 70 people here, I can see the fear in their eyes, there are even children here.)" (I)

I was in a half humanoid and half-dragon form, my legs and arms were Dragon's, I also had two black crystal horns with sparkles inside on my head and a tail behind my back.

"I'll leave you alive for later." (I)

I take a sleeping potion from a storage item and force the red-skinned Demon trapped by the neck in my claws to drink the potion, when he loses consciousness I release him to sink into the shadow prison.

After that, I go to the cell and pull out the thick iron bars breaking into pieces before entering the cell where all the Lizardman were held.

"Do any of you speak the common language?" (I)




"That makes it difficult since I can't communicate with them..." (I)

"..." (I)

After breaking the cell all the lizardmen look at me and look at each other, then with difficulty, they begin to kneel in front of me.

"Thank you for saving what's left of our people, Great Dragon." (Lizardman)

"..." (I)

One of the tallest and strongest lizardmen, a man about my height with olive skin and green scales on his arms and legs, when he kneels you can see the scales on his shoulders and back as well, as well as his tail covered in green scales, his hair was black and his body had many scars, strangely there was a small white horn on the left side of his forehead.

This Lizardman spoke the common language and thanked me as he kneels in front of me, not understanding what was going on but relieved that one of them was able to communicate with me.

"Why are you kneeling?" (I)

"The people of my village are believers in the Dragon God Akatosh, so we have immense respect for all True Dragons." (Lizardman)"I see some of you have horns." (I)

"We are descended from a Dragonewt Knight, as such even after many generations the people of my village still have a trace of their lineage, sometimes some show a physical trait like me." (Lizardman)

"But I think that's what got us into trouble, I heard some of those who attacked us saying that their leader would love our blood." (Lizardman)

"What is your name?" (I)

"My name is Barok, I am the strongest warrior in the village, I have failed in my duty to protect others." (Barok)

"Are you the only one who knows the Common Tongue?" (I)

"Yes, only the village leader and I knew the common language, but now that the village leader is dead only I do." (Barok)

This is getting complicated, I don't know what to do, I think I'll have to ask the master for help.

"Please raise your head, tell the others to stop kneeling too." (I)

"As you order, great Dragon." (Barok)

"■○□□○●■○□■○■○□□■□○□○●" (Barok)

At my request Barok gets up and turns to the other lizardman speaking to them in their language, meanwhile I close my eyes and try to contact the master through our connection.

"(Master, can you hear me?)" (I)


"(Master, I need help.)" (I)

"(Are you in danger?)" (Zenos)

"(No, I'm done on my side, all enemies here are dead.)" (I)

"(I need your help in another situation, I found Lizardman prisoners where I am, looks like the Demons wanted to give them to the King of Makari for the meal.)" (I)

"(What should I do with them?)" (I)

"(Ask if there's a place to go back to, maybe we can take them back to their homes.)" (Zenos)

"(How many?)" (Zenos)

"(More than 70.)" (I)

"(Ask what they plan to do now? We can drop them off anywhere.)" (Zenos)

I open my eyes only to find that all the lizardmen are silently staring at me.

"Do you have somewhere to go? Maybe I can help you get there." (I)"Our village is older than most of the smaller Realms, but we are always involved in their troubles, now our village is destroyed, our fields and houses all destroyed." (Barok)


"We know we won't be welcome in any city, unlike the Beastmen, our race is treated like Demis by the surrounding Realms, but the populace treats us more like monsters." (Barok)

"We don't have a place to go back and we don't know what to do now." (Barok)

"..." (I)

"(Did you hear that, master?)" (I)

"(Yes...)" (Zenos)

"(Could we welcome them to the Dungeon too?)" (I)

"(There's already over 6000 in the Dungeon, so what's another 70? Why not?)" (Zenos)

"(I still have other things to do, so deal with them yourself and if they don't want to stay in the Dungeon, then don't force them, just take them out of town.)" (Zenos)

"(All right.)" (I)

The master cut the connection, I turn to Barok and explain about the Dungeon, I also explain about other races living there without being very specific about which ones, after that I ask if they want to live in the Dungeon too, Barok smiles and turns to the other Lizardman speaking in their language.

Soon Barok turns to me as he kneels again along with all the other lizardman's, some are even crying.

"I am honored to allow my people and I to live with you Great Dragon." (Barok)

"Stop calling me Great Dragon, my name is Nix, that's the name my master bestowed on me." (I)

"As you wish Great Nyx." (Barok)


"(Now I know why the master doesn't like that kind of situation.)" (I)

I open a gate to the Dungeon and tell them to wait in the secure room on the 1st floor while I go up to the 4th floor to talk to Sophia and Ivan about the new residents, then I let them handle it and exit the Dungeon, closing the gate behind me.


Pov Leonardo:

My family has always been lovers of the arts and cultures of different places, my passion was the cities I visited since I was little, each city was unique.

As I grew up, I started to get into the habit of designing houses, shops, buildings, streets, cities, etc.

When I became an adult I started to work in the construction of houses and buildings, I traveled through many Kingdoms to learn different techniques, as time went by I became famous without realizing what made new opportunities open to me, I had the opportunity to even build an entire street of a city where everything had been destroyed because of an attack by a wave of monsters.

But one day I was falsely accused of a crime I didn't commit and I became a criminal slave, I didn't know what happened at the time when I was bought by a King of some nation I thought I could be free, but I was wrong, he forced me rebuilding a city that didn't need repairs, I found that strange, but I was a little happy as it would be the first time I was going to rebuild an entire city.

As time went on I discovered that what I was doing looked very suspicious and at the end of the job the death of my subordinates was obviously planned.

As the years went by and other jobs to rebuild cities I started to notice suspicious things around me, the death of my subordinates always affected me a lot, but I had understood that my becoming a slave was also planned, I had also realized what the King really was.

When there was no more work I was trapped in the basement of a mansion, I thought I would be killed just like my subordinates until now, but it seemed like they wanted me alive until they put their plans into practice, it made me trapped for a long time.

Until today something strange happens, a being dressed in black appeared out of nowhere in front of the cell where I am, he was the height of a child, but he managed to destroy the thick iron bars with his hands with great ease and enter the cell.

He moved his hands once more destroying the chains that held me, then took off the mask revealing a beautiful child, but I was not able to tell if it was a boy or a girl, all I know is that the child laughed at me while saying a sentence to me that I never thought I would hear.

"I came to rescue you, Leonardo."
