Pov Alessandra:

I don't know how long I cried in his arms that night, since the death of my parents I didn't cry, since that day the pain and humiliation that that Devil did to me didn't hurt as much as the sadness, loneliness, and despair I felt for the death of my parents.

That day I knew there was no one else in the world I could count on, I knew I was alone and all I could do was endure until the day I could see that Devil suffer.

But tonight for the first time in years someone reached out to me with a sincere smile on their face.

For the first time in years, I didn't feel alone, I could finally feel someone else's warmth, for the first time in years there was someone who got angry for my sake.

All I knew was that when the tears started to come out of my eyes I couldn't stop crying while crying I felt as if a weight I had been carrying for a long time was disappearing with each tear until the moment my eyelids got so heavy that I lost consciousness.

What happened next was that I was in that dream again, a dream where this hateful castle is destroyed and everyone's bodies are mangled around me, but this time something was different.


This time everything in the surroundings was dark, in the middle of the castle's rubble there was a gigantic throne where a being that couldn't see was sitting, his whole body was hidden by darkness, all I could see was his intense red eyes looking at me while a boundless bloodlust was spreading to the surroundings.

"You've proven yourself worthy, furthermore, you've shown that even as a Human you were able to control that darkness within you rather than being consumed by it."

"That voice..." (I)

This strange figure emanating this boundless bloodlust made me feel safe and calm, at some point I had knelt down without realizing it, but when the strange figure started to speak I recognized who it was.

This was the third time I heard it this time, it was this voice that woke me up in time to meet that young Vampire.

"I am the one who heard your prayers years ago, I am the Demon God of Vengeance, Vidark!" (God Vidark)

"You have overcome an ordeal few have managed while maintaining your patience until the right time to seek your revenge." (God Vidark)

"From this day forward you will not only be my believer, but I also give you my blessing to aid in your Revenge." (God Vidark)

Soon a black light comes out of the darkness and covers my body, I felt a wave of being able go through my body.

"Many in this world get lost in their revenge, choosing to blame people who did nothing to them simply because they are of the same race, gender, kingdom or status as the person they want revenge on." (God Vidark)

"There are also those who give up their revenge out of fear or simply because the darkness within them has surrendered." (God Vidark)

"These people don't deserve my power and they don't deserve to seek righteous revenge." (God Vidark)

"Only those who are able to direct their vengeance to the right target and manage to control the darkness within themselves deserve my recognition and my blessings." (God Vidark)

"Young Alessandra, you endured suffering you did not deserve and your revenge is considered fair, you showed self-control, patience, and wisdom during the time I was looking at you." (God Vidark)

"Today you reap the rewards for what you conquered for yourself, those who seek revenge are destined to be reborn as new creatures, for either what they suffered or because they managed to get revenge, it will mark them forever and change them in a way permanent, will not be able to go back to what they once were." (God Vidark)

"Now the time has come for your decision, the time has come to decide how you will be reborn and who you will be!" (God Vidark)

As he spoke I felt great happiness to hear his words, he accepted my revenge, he recognized my efforts to this day, and gave me his power.

Each of his words was eternally etched in my mind, his words bring me comfort.

But I felt that as he spoke the surroundings got darker and darker until all I could see were those red eyes in the darkness, so I woke up.

----------When I woke up there was a black and white snake lying on top of me, when I opened my eyes it lifted its head while looking at me.

"What a beautiful snake..." (I)

I caressed the snake's body which is happy before wrapping itself around my arm as it climbs up to my shoulder as I lift it up.

"..." (I)

I looked around realizing that this wasn't my room, moreover, I was lying on a comfortable bed instead of the usual hard floor.

I get up going to the nearest window, when I looked out what I saw was a beautiful forest and a garden with many flowers, there was a White Elf in a maid outfit and a Beast Man watering the garden plants with smiles on his face, I looked at the sky seeing something strange.

"Why is there only one sun in the sky?" (I)

The little snake on my shoulder points to clothes that were folded on a table in the bedroom, only now that I realize I'm wearing a different nightgown, this one isn't stained with blood and has a faint, pleasant scent of flowers.

I go to the folded clothes and change clothes, the clothes were a beautiful white shirt with flower embroidery and comfortable black pants, there was also a simple pair of shoes.

When I got dressed I noticed that all these clothes and shoes were exactly my size, but I didn't recognize these clothes, besides that they all looked brand new.

"Want me to go over there? Alright..." (I)

When I finished changing clothes the snake started pointing toward the door, I open the door and the snake starts pointing directions to me, then a beautiful White Elf appears coming out of a room and seems surprised to see me.

"Good morning Miss Alessandra, my name is Freya, are you hungry?" (Freya)

"Where am I?" (I)

"This is Master Zenos' mansion." (Freya)

"Zenos..." (I)

"Did he happen to forget to introduce himself?" (Freya)


"He was the young, dark-skinned, red-haired Vampire." (Freya)

"So his name was Zenos..." (I)

"You haven't eaten anything since you arrived unconscious last night, please follow me to the kitchen, there's still food from earlier." (Freya)

"..." (I)

It was a strange feeling to be treated so well by a maid, she was very polite and kind, she also guided me to the kitchen where I find a young woman with black skin and dark blue hair drinking a cup full of a thick red liquid, I only knew from the look that was blood, then this young woman must be a Vampire.

"Hi Alice, are you done cleaning yet?" (Freya)

"Hello Mrs. Freya." (Alice)

"Good morning Miss Alessandra." (Alice)"I've finished my chores, I was taking a break before going to train with Miss Sophia." (Alice)

"Go on, I just came to get some of the leftover food for Miss Alessandra from earlier." (Freya)

I see the Elf not caring about the Rogue drinking blood in front of her, so the Elf walks over to a table with several covered trays holding a plate, soon she comes back with a plate with a large piece of meat, vegetables, and bread.

"Here you go, wait a minute and I'll get you a glass of juice too." (Freya)


After eating the best meal I've had in years, the Elf named Freya guided me through the mansion as she introduced me to the people we met along the way.

I started to realize that there were a lot of races here, so when I arrived at the library there was a Demon woman sitting reading a book, she had black hair and light blue skin with a thin tail waving behind her.

"This is Érica, one of the first to stand beside master Zenos, now let me show you the gardens." (Freya)

"Don't try to run with her Freya, I said yesterday I wanted to talk to her." (Érica)

"It would be better to wait another moment, she just woke up." (Freya)

"Don't worry about me, if you want to talk then come on, my name is Alessandra." (I)

It seems that Freya wanted to get me out of there, from what I heard it sounds like they talked about me last night, but what caught my attention was the reason the Demon woman wanted to talk to me.

I walk to the front of the Demon with the name Érica as I introduce myself, she does the same and we sit at a table nearby, Freya exchanged glances with this Demon before leaving saying that she would fetch tea for both of us.

"What would you like to talk about?" (I)

"Nothing too important, I just wanted to get to know you better, but I realize the master told the truth." (Érica)

"What did he say?" (I)

"That you were a broken person, looking into your eyes I can understand why he said that." (Érica)

"He's right, I'm fully aware of my condition, but I'm glad at least one person is stating the obvious while everyone I've encountered avoids certain subjects." (I)

"They're just worried about you, they don't realize these things don't matter, in your condition few things should matter, right?" (Érica)

"True, I stopped caring a long time ago about what others say or think about me, but I must say I find it strange to be treated so well by everyone here." (I)

"Everyone is treated like that, so get used to it." (Érica)

"I'll be fine if I can eat food as good as this again." (I)

"The food really is amazing, you will have meals like this every day." (Érica)

As we talked I felt that this woman was analyzing me, she was paying attention to my eyes, voice, demeanor, and face.


Soon she sighs and shows me a sincere smile.

"I'm surprised you don't really feel any hatred or contempt towards me for being a Demon, I think the master won't have to worry too much about you." (Érica)

"So you and Freya were worried about that?" (I)

"He already asked me that question and I answered him sincerely that I have no hatred for the Demon Race." (I)

"I don't hate Demons, I only hate those who have done me wrong, especially my husband." (I)

"The master didn't go into details, he just said superficially what happened to you, I must admit that you resisted a lot more than I did, I respect that." (Érica)

"Thanks, it's been a long time since I've heard someone say they respect me for something." (I)

This Demon woman by the name of Érica is very pleasant to talk to, her eyes are red and show an innate coldness and cruelty that she must possess, for some reason I feel some similarity between the two of us, so I spent some time talking to her in the library to learn more about Zenos and this place.
