After my conversation with Alessandra I used the "Blood Servant" skill, I did it to free her from slavery just like I did with Rakan and Leonardo.

After that I called everyone to the mansion to introduce Alessandra, so Kira comes to me to ask to change jobs as she had reached the maximum level of her current job, with Kira being the first others to start asking the same and so I spent some time changing everyone's jobs, I also took the opportunity to change Alessandra's job to apprentice mage.

Alessandra said that she would spend her days with Rakan to learn more about how to use magic, she seems to have a great deal of knowledge about it but has never been able to practice it until today.

After that, we started our trip to the next town, but I was worried about the long period of time of a week to reach the next town, so I went to talk to Ivan who was training his sword outside.

We both sat near some trees as we walked away from the others who were also training.

"You seem to be worried, has something happened, master?" (Ivan)

"Since yesterday's meeting I've been thinking that things are going too well, but with the time it takes to get to the enemy, it could be dangerous." (I)


"I have to think about the possibility that the enemy will be waiting for us in the next town." (I)

"But that's obvious." (Ivan)

"By the time we arrived in the first city, the King of Makari should already have known about the kidnapping of Rakan and Prince Henry." (Ivan)

"We were lucky to get to the second city quickly, they must already know that we attacked the first city, there will probably be people being sent to this city and the next city to defend themselves from us." (Ivan)

"Before we reach the next city, you'll be ready for combat." (Ivan)

"That's exactly what I was afraid would happen, we'll probably have to change the strategy." (I)

"Actually we can continue with our plan, they still don't know how we are killing all the enemies without being noticed." (Ivan)

"But they will know the places we are going to attack, we always attack the noble houses, the government building, the drug lab, and the secret room with the central magic circle." (I)

"True, they must realize this, they must probably use an ambush to catch us, but they may also have a different plan, so we better keep an eye out." (Ivan)

p "We can have the advantage when attacking, but we don't know what to expect either, we have to be prepared for everything." (I)

"Ivan, tell everyone who is capable of fighting to stop what we are doing and prepare for the next few days, without knowing the number or strength of the enemies we have to be ready for any unforeseen." (I)

"At your orders, Master." (Ivan)

"I'll spend the rest of this day thinking, tomorrow we'll have another meeting to talk about this." (I)

After talking to Ivan I went to train my spiritual runes and my spells.


During the afternoon of the next day while Nix was heading towards the next town, everyone will meet again, this time I talked to them the same as I talked to Ivan yesterday, I needed everyone prepared.

One thing that worried me, there would be the risk of innocent people getting involved in the battle depending on the number of enemies, I tried to think of plans to avoid these people getting hurt, but I don't know what to expect from enemies I can't plan the way I would like.

During the meeting I told everyone that this time we are not going to split up, the priority will be to attack the center of the magic circle, this is the only place the enemy cannot change.

We have to take into account that all other places will have traps prepared and will not have the most important people.

So this time I decided not to separate anyone, let's start attacking the place of the magic control circle, it will probably be the place with the most enemies to protect place.

After the meeting was over I told everyone to get ready, the people from the camp will also participate, I said they will be armed in the safe room on the first floor waiting in case they are needed.

I hoped I didn't have to call them as it would be the worst-case scenario.

My biggest fear was activating the summoning magic circle, but Rakan said it would take a lot of energy and time, a magic circle of that size would need more than a day to activate.

I told everyone that this time the ones who would come with me for this first attack will be Vanessa, Elsaris, Ivan, Nix, and Layla.

I prefer to use a small group so as not to be discovered by the enemy.

After that we spent the rest of the week training and preparing, we finally arrived in the third city after a week and we are going to prepare for the attack tonight.

----------King of Makari Pov:

This plan has been in place for fifty years, I even brought my foolish son with me to keep him in check.

The dark continent was being ruled by fools who continued with the same small battles against the Humans of that continent, without either side using all their strength it would never end.

Noble Demons continue to try to form deals with other races and accept other races into our cities, and they try to limit our right as a superior race to do whatever we want.

Many of our group tried to convince the rulers to use many plans that would lead us to victory against the weak Humans, but they denied our ideas, saying that they were forbidden techniques or that they were plans that would tarnish the pride of our race.

These fools don't understand that our pride comes from reigning over all other races, they don't understand that just because our noble and superior race exists our pride will always remain.

Because of this, those who can see the truth have come together to do what the rulers lack courage, one day we will be hailed as heroes for our deeds, but for that this decades-long plan needs to be completed.

I endured for 50 years to live among humans, I did my best to please and attract them to the Realm I created, every time I heard their voices calling my name I felt an urge to vomit, it was disgusting to see so many humans every day with smiles while I had to suffer alone.

But now we were close to putting an end to our plan, we already have almost everything we need and we were just waiting for the most opportune moment, but when all the religions sent their armies to the mountain range a few weeks ago, I knew it was the It was time to start the plan, I sent my foolish son to get some more items we could use that would be auctioned in the Moros Kingdom.

But that was the beginning of a big problem for me, a few days later I got the news that my son and Rakan had disappeared, that fool was careless as usual and let himself be poisoned.

The day I got the news I sent people to the Moros Kingdom to look for him, I gave orders to kill if he finds that useless son, I can't risk having someone like him around now that we're so close to our goal, now that we're so close to conquering this continent.

The greatest possible danger would be if that useless son started to open his mouth and hand over our information, I also worry that Runico is with him, Rakan was very important to our plans, I used the magic circles he perfected in the cities.

As the days passed, no news came about my son or that Runico, but news reached my ears that almost made me go mad with fury.

One of the cities was in chaos, all government workers, nobles and those who worked in the secret drug labs were missing.

Furthermore, the drug lab hideout was destroyed, the streets and sewers were also destroyed after the black stones we created especially for the magic circle were stolen, even the magic control circle in the underground hideout had been destroyed.

The report we had was that Fairies and Spirits began to steal the black stones in the streets, that's all, there was no report that explained the disappearance of the Demons and Vampires that were in the city.

The worst thing is that the White Elf who was responsible for rebuilding the cities had also disappeared, if he and Runico are working to help the person who attacked us then we are in great danger, their knowledge could put the whole plan to lose.

After calming myself by torturing some prisoners who were supposed to be food for the Vampires, I called everyone to the castle and sent some people to the two remaining cities, I can't lose another city now.

With that a few more days passed and another report came to me, when I heard that another city had been attacked and was in the same state as the first city, blood gushed from my mouth due to fury, in my lack of control I killed half of the castle maids who were slaves.

I couldn't lose any more, so I summoned a Vampire Matriarch who was useful to the plan so far, but who would no longer be needed if I died in the fight against this mysterious enemy that we don't know strength of.

When she was kneeling in front of me I give an order to release all my bloodlust, she has no right to refuse.

"Go to the last town and use our backup plan, make sure that enemy is dead there, or else I guarantee you will die." (I)
