Pov of a Spy:

My name is Lilian, I'm a Dhampir being a hybrid of a Vampire Matriarch and a Noble Demon, in fact, it's been a few years since I became a fully-fledged Vampire by evolving awakening my two bloodlines, this made me become a Matriarch of my own Vampira lineage, but due to my area of ​​work I avoided creating my own family and I haven't turned anyone until today.

I'm over 1000 years old now, this was my second evolution, I've always avoided killing unnecessarily due to the kind of work I do, I've been the best spy in the Black Empire for over 800 years.

My specialty has always been infiltrating enemy groups to obtain information, kill important targets, or sabotage the plans of the Black Empire's enemies.

I have already served two generations of rulers of the Empire, this time I am serving a Queen who can be considered my blood niece, she was chosen as a successor for demonstrating superior qualities to her brothers and sisters.

To do my job I have to keep my strength level as low as possible, that's because it's easier to infiltrate if you're not strong, that's because the forts are more guarded, so if I keep a level of strength apparently weak I can be free from the eyes of people who are in charge.

But this way of doing things wouldn't last forever as my levels would end up going up over time after killing monsters or people in some unavoidable situations, which made my job more and more difficult as I received more attention from those who were in charge of the organizations in which it was infiltrated.


That day the Queen called me into her office at night, no one but her maid and her personal guard knew of my presence there.

"Auntie, you have served this Empire longer than anyone, unfortunately, few people know about you." (Queen)

"I don't care about that my Queen, I don't need anyone's recognition, I do this to protect the Kingdom I love." (I)

"I know how much you love this Empire, perhaps you love it more than I do, so none of the previous rulers ever doubted your loyalty, so I have one last mission for you." (Queen)

"Unfortunately infiltration jobs will no longer suit you, just espionage and assassination jobs." (Queen)

"I know you don't like that kind of job, so after this last job I'm going to release you from your obligations." (Queen)

"You've done a good job training many of our spies, now it's time for you to start thinking more about yourself." (Queen)

"You're a Vampire Matriarch who doesn't have a family, because of the kind of work you've done so far, you haven't managed to have almost any friends or a person to love, that's no way to live." (Queen)

"I knew what kind of job this was, I always knew what kind of life I would have and I was willing to do it, as someone with Vampire blood my life would be long, now that I'm a Vampire I have an immortal life expectancy." (I)

"But that still doesn't change the fact that you've already done enough for this Empire, even the former King told me to fire you, it seems like he tried to do that several times." (Queen)

"There were a lot of problems during the time he was a King, he even commented on wanting to fire me many times but he still needed me." (I)"But this time is different, the last ten years have been calm, the few problems that appear can be solved by others besides you, so this will be your last job." (Queen)

"Information about a new extremist group came to me, it seems they are planning something, as far as I know, their leader could be one of my brothers, but I don't know which one." (Queen)

"All I know is that they're planning something long term, so I can't say how long this mission will last." (Queen)

"What are the mission objectives?" (I)

"The first objective is to gather information so we know about your plans." (Queen)

"The second objective is to discover the identities of the group members." (Queen)

"The third objective is to sabotage the extremists' plans if we can't stop them first." (Queen)

"You can only report to me and no one else." (Queen)

"That's the little information we have." (Queen)

"I will be sure to fulfill my mission." (I)

"This could be your most dangerous mission, so I want you to prioritize your safety." (Queen)

I take the information papers and read them, after which I burn them in front of the Queen before leaving.

After that day I did my best to get closer to the Vampires that were part of that group, I only had information about one of them, so I did my best to seduce him, thanks to him I was able to join the group a year later.

I must say that I was very angry with this extremist group, I discovered that there were many Vampires among them and that they had the same mentality as the foolish person I had to seduce for this mission.

They all hate the Goddess Selene, this is because of the Goddess's teachings that all races are equal, in addition, she teaches that good and bad are extremes, she says that people constantly live on the grayline between these two extremes.

Because of these teachings, the Goddess Selene is hated by every person who believes their own race is superior to all others or who feels hatred for a specific last race.

I am a believer in blood, I pray every day to Goddess Selene, mother of all Vampires and sovereign of life and death, every living creature carries the blessing of blood in her body, every creature that dies is passed on to future generations this blessing in the form of the bloodline we carry, our bloodlines are the collections of talent and power from our ancestors that the Goddess Selene allows to be passed on to future generations.Knowing that there are Vampires who not only deny their origins but dare say they hate the Goddess who gave them so many blessings, it makes me sick to just be around these scum, unfortunately, I couldn't just kill them.

The Goddess says that we should pray for innocent bloodshed, she also teaches that criminals paid for their crimes with their own blood.

When I joined the extremist group I had access to some information, but it was few and almost unimportant, all I knew was that we are more than 5000, we have many influential people, but everyone hides their identity.

Shortly after I joined the extremist group the main members of the group left, but before a Rogue among them etched a mark on our bodies in easy places to hide, it was a summon mark.

All I knew was that we would be taken to a place where the real plan would happen, but most members didn't know anything else, there were only 3 or 4 members who knew about the plan.

We were all told that we should stay out of hiding for the next few decades, plus special missions were given to hundreds of members without anyone knowing everything, this was their way of separating information in case someone was captured.

Because of this, I had to be on hold for decades until the mark started to glow, when that happened I sent a message to the Queen using a magic item telling her everything I knew.

When it was time to be summoned I was going to try to resist, but for some reason, the Goddess's blessing on my body prevented me from resisting, this is something that has never happened before, but I trusted the Goddess and I let myself be carried away by the magic circle.

When I recovered from the confusion I looked around to see an Arachne that tried to attack me, I stopped her attack and left her unconscious, inside what appeared to be a kitchen.

When I left the building where I was I saw many Demons and Vampires armed, all carrying the symbol of the extremists, when I looked around I realized that I am in a city where I don't see anyone else but the extremists.

But as soon as I look at the street floor I see dead bodies, I touch the street which is made of black stone identifying it as bloodstone, this stone is created with a ritual that needs the blood of many Mages, I can't even imagine how many died to make a street like this.

While I was distracted I noticed that people were moving through the hidden shadows, I also noticed that there were many extremists looking up and I saw that we were inside a big barrier with enemies, possibly people who should be fighting the extremists.

I wasn't going to participate in any of this, so I went to the roof of a building that looked like an inn, from there I realized that there was an intense fight starting in certain places, I also noticed that there were people attacking from strategic points in the distance, so I position myself in a place where I will be out of sight, but I can still see the battle.

I sat in the same place hiding my presence while watching this battle, the extremists were being massacred, the numbers were not much different but I noticed that there were many Demis and monsters among those who are fighting the extremists.

At first, I was surprised by everything that was happening, but there was something that caught my attention, and Aura spread throughout this city leaving the extremists weaker while the opposite side grew stronger.

But what piqued my interest was that when this Aura covered me I could feel my blood boiling inside my body, Goddess Selene's blessing seemed to draw this Aura into my body and use it to clean the summon mark I had.

This Aura was amazing, I could feel a touch of Goddess power in that Aura, but more importantly, I could feel a presence far greater than even the Queen or any other ruler I have ever known.

My heart was racing, I could only keep looking in the direction where this Aura came from, I wanted to go there now, but then I would be treated as an enemy, so I waited until the extremists were eliminated, then I surrendered to a woman Demon who was surrounded by the magnificent Aura.

When I convinced the woman to let me go with her to her leader, we went in the direction that Aura was coming, it was a tower with a bell, and when we arrived there were already others there, but only two people caught my attention.

The first person was a woman with red wings whose clothes carried the symbol of the black crown with blood, the symbol of the Goddess Selene, the only ones who can wear this symbol are her priests.

The other person that caught my attention was a boy with red hair and dark skin, his eyes were different colors like a Dhampir's, but I could feel the presence of a pure Vampire bloodline inside him, in fact, I could feel it several lineages within it.

It looked like he was suffering some kind of reaction for what he did to his Aura leaving him out of control, this allowed me to feel the presence of the Goddess inside his Aura thanks to my blessing, what I felt coming from him was different from a simple blessing, it was as if he were a part of her, moreover his presence was so magnificent that I couldn't think clearly and before I knew it I was on my knees worshiping the being in front of me while my heart raced with emotion.
