After talking to Vanessa it looks like this Rogue isn't lying, but could be hiding information still.

"Do you know anything about the leader of this extremist group?" (I)

"All I know is that there is a possibility that he is one of the current Queen's brothers, plus the extremist leader was one of those who left the Dark Continent 50 years ago." (Lilian)

"Do you know his strength?" (I)

"If he is the person the Queen believes himself to be, then his strength was at the top of Grade +SSS, after such a long time it is possible that he has reached the Lower Catastrophe Grade." (Lilian)

"Lesser Degree Catastrophe? What is this?" (I)

​ "That's a Grade of strength that no one on the Dark Continent or the Morror Continent should have, that's what those who have surpassed the mortal power level are called." (Vanessa)


"Those with this level of strength are considered to have the same strength as a catastrophe of nature, they can destroy a city by themselves." (Vanessa)

"(How come I've never heard anything about there being greater degrees of power above Grade +SSS?)" (I)

I wanted to know more about this but would have more time to ask about it later, now I must first know more about the situation.

"I'll want to know more about this later, for now, I want to know more about the extremist leader." (I)

"As I said before, even now I have no confirmation on his identity, but as I said before if he is the Queen's Brother we think he is, he has affinities with curses and the element of Thunder, plus he has great talent with handling the sword." (Lilian)


"Damn! Why did it have to be such a strong person? What kind of shit is that?" (I)

"If you weren't sure before then we can confirm it for you, from the description you gave we can already assume that this person is the extremist leader." (Érica)

Prince Henry was a Demon with great sword-fighting skills, in addition, he had an affinity with the thunder element, we can assume that his father who would be King Makari taught his son to wield swords, in addition, we can assume that the talent with Prince Henry's thunder element was inherited from his Father, this practically confirms our hypothesis.

"This time we're in trouble." (Nix)

"We'll think about it later too, we have to prioritize her first." (I)

I look at Lilian who hasn't shown any reaction since she started answering my questions, she is hiding her emotions and thoughts well without letting them show on her face.

"Lilian, do you know about the extremists' objective?" (I)

"No, I didn't even know you had come to the Morror Continent." (Lilian)

"What do you plan on doing from now on?" (I)

"I'll send the information of what I've discovered so far to the Queen, I can use the Assassin's Guild for that." (Lilian)"Are you going to tell about her about us?" (I)

"By the way you talk it sounds like you don't want people to know about you, so I can only write that an unidentified group of people is fighting the extremists." (Lilian)

"This is enough." (I)

"Can you tell me more about this Queen?" (I)

"I will refrain from answering this time." (Lilian)

"Can you tell me more about the missions you've done before for the Black Kingdom?" (I)

"I will also refrain from answering." (Lilian)

I look into her eyes and see strong determination, with the kind of work she says she has done for centuries, I'm sure she knew that if she was captured she could be killed or tortured, so she must have been prepared for that.

She has answered all the questions about the extremist group, she just doesn't want to tell you the information about the Black Empire she has served as a spy for centuries.

"Alright, so can you just satisfy a curiosity of mine?" (I)

"You say you belong to a nation whose name is the Black Empire, so why do you call your ruler Queen instead of Empress?" (I)

"That I can answer since it's common knowledge for everyone on the Dark Continent." (Lilian)

"Since the founding of the Empire millennia ago, there has only been a single emperor who is still alive today anywhere in the world, because of this all rulers of the next generations have used the titles of King or Queen as a way of demonstrating that they still serve to the founding Emperor." (Lilian)

"Is this emperor a Vampire to live so long? Where is he now?" (I)

"The Emperor is a Demon, nobody knows where he is or why he disappeared, this has been the biggest mystery of the Black Empire until today." (Lilian)

I don't think I have anything else to ask, these last questions were more my curiosity, all I need to do now is know what she intends to do after today.

"You said before that you want to send information to your Queen, but what will you do after that?" (I)

"The truth is, I've already left information on some important places for the Queen to attack before being summoned here." (Lilian)

"To tell you the truth my mission can be considered accomplished after sending this last information, after that, I'm free to do what I want." (Lilian)

"They forced me to retire after 800 years of work." (Lilian)

"I was thinking of wandering aimlessly for a few centuries before trying to join the neutral faction of Vampires." (Lilian)

"Why do you want to join the neutral faction?" (I)"I simply want to serve the Goddess for the rest of my life, I've always had only two things in my heart that I would risk my life to protect." (Lilian)

"The first was the Empire where I was born, raised, trained and lived most of my life, the Black Empire." (Lilian)

"The second thing that has always been in my heart was love for the Goddess Selene, now that I have no more responsibilities to the Dark Kingdom I can seek out the neutral faction that is known to be the seat of the Blood religion." (Lilian)

"She's right about the neutral faction." (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

So I have no reason to keep her here, she doesn't seem like an enemy, she hasn't hurt anyone either as far as I know and she seems to have been sincere so far.

"Is Miss Vanessa by any chance from the neutral faction?" (Lilian)

"Yes, I came here from another continent to be my Father's side." (Vanessa)

"So he's someone important to the neutral faction as I thought..." (Lilian)

While I was distracted by my thoughts Liliana exchanged a few words with Vanessa before looking at me with a twinkle in her eye.

"Do you happen to have the authority to accept new members for the neutral faction?" (Lilian)

"I do, are you seriously talking about joining the neutral faction?" (Vanessa)

"Yes, I want to serve the Goddess as best I can." (Lilian)

"Let's talk about this later, I need to think about it more." (Vanessa)

"Thank you for listening to my sudden request, Priestess Vanessa." (Lilian)

After this conversation I have a better idea about the Dark Continent, I would like to ask more about the continent and the Black Empire, but I think I will have to wait until a better time for that.

I ask Freya to call Rakan who had returned to the secret underground room, after waiting tens of minutes Freya returned accompanied by Rakan, during this time most of the others arrived and joined us in the meeting where I learned how the battle went.

"Now that most are here, I want to know how long will this barrier take to break?" (I)

"As I said before, it should take another 25 hours, this barrier was made to last a whole day and only a few hours have passed." (Rakan)

"Can't we do anything to break this barrier?" (I)

"Unfortunately no, the mana that was not used in the summon is being directed to this barrier, which means that to break the barrier we would need attacks multiple times stronger than anyone here." (Rakan)

"Waiting wouldn't be too bad, master." (Diana)

"Consider this time to think calmly and let's create the plan for us to use during the next battle." (Diana)

"The biggest problem is that the enemy must have already started the process to summon the Dragon of Destruction, we will have to hurry when the barrier opens." (I)


After waiting for hours the barrier finally opened, during those hours I was able to rest and I felt much better, but I was still having trouble controlling my Aura.

When the barrier opened, hundreds of Fairies and Spirits ran towards me, in their games, they pulled my hair, ripped my clothes, and even lifted my body off the ground, I had to be rescued by Nix and Layla.

After that I had to end up accepting these new Fairies and Spirits into the Dungeon, there wasn't much else to do in this situation other than that.

After this little problem, I made everyone enter the Dungeon, Vanessa also asked me to allow Lilian to enter the Dungeon, after that I left Layla together with Nix for the two of them to cooperate with techniques that will increase Nix's speed, we have to get there fast in the capital Makari.
