Pov King Makari:

It's been 17 days since we activated the magic control circle, there are still three days left before I get at least one successful summon of the Dragon of Destruction.

I was very surprised 13 days ago when the curse I placed on that summoner broke, which means she must be dead.

I was very confused when this happened, I really wanted to know if she was able to summon our troops to this continent.

If she died it means they must have stopped her from doing the invocation or she wouldn't be dead.

I must say I didn't expect them to be able to do something like this.

They interrupted my plans several times before I even found out about them.


I don't even know who's attacking me and I've already lost three cities.

But I know they won't be able to get here fast enough, even if they could I've already gathered my army on the city walls and in the sewers.

The moment any sign of them is found I have given orders to activate the city's magic circle and start the summoning.

At that moment the barrier will be activated leaving everyone trapped, even if there is a small chance of failure by activating the magic circle before, this is still better than being interrupted again.

Besides, failure will only cause the summon to go out of control, which won't make much difference in my plans, it would be better to be a success for me to at least try to get control over the Dragon of Destruction, but I can't put the plan to lose if enemies attack first.

"What's the matter, Makari? Are you still thinking about the enemy?" (Garius)

"How can I not think about it? This time I don't even know if we'll be able to succeed in the plan." (I)

"Even if we can't destroy the entire Morror Continent, we should still be able to destroy more than half of the continent and weaken the other half." (Garius)

"That would be good enough, besides we're not sure if this enemy is alive? Maybe that Rogue managed to start the summon before she died." (Garius)

"If that had happened, we would have heard from our comrades by now." (I)

"But let it go, it doesn't matter anymore as we just have to continue with this plan." (I)

I look at my old friend, he created this group together with me and he must be the person I trust the most.

"Where's your wife? Tired of playing with that garbage?" (I)


"I had left her behind while coming here, I didn't expect so many things to happen, unfortunately, I didn't have time to send someone to bring her before the city was attacked." (Garius)

"Why are you sighing like that for a simple human, you can get anyone else to have fun with after the plan." (I)

"You don't understand, you have no idea how much effort I put into breaking her." (Garius)"The pain I caused her body, the humiliation I put her through, the things I forced her to do." (Garius)

"The first few years she was very weak and surrendered too easily, I had planned to kill her after making her see the bodies of her parents who committed suicide, but when I saw the hate in her eyes I couldn't help but smile." (Garius)

"I'll never understand why you like to do these things, I can't stand being around humans, these 50 years of work were hell for me, I felt like throwing up every time they called my name into their filthy mouths." (I)

"Meanwhile you were having fun and laughing at your toy." (I)

"I won't deny that it was a lot of fun to destroy that woman, but I also had my reasons, you know I study Demonic magic and forbidden magic." (Garius)

"10 years ago I had managed to understand a method to become much stronger, but for that, I would have to absorb the power of a Human who turned into a Demon, besides that it had to be from someone at the moment of transformation." (Garius)

"I even let her study my magic books and my Demon books, all this was to increase the demonic influence within her, needed her to desire to become a Demon." (Garius)

"You have the power to corrupt others into Demon, why didn't you use it?" (I)

"Because I need the transformation to be spontaneous, that's why I let her accumulate a lot of malice inside her, now it shouldn't belong." (Garius)

"Too bad her plans were spoiled, she must be dead." (I)


"Ten years of wasted effort, now I'll have to look for another guinea pig, maybe the process is faster if the Human has more mana, it would also be nice if she was more resistant." (Garius)

"I had to spend a lot of resources healing my wife each time she was close to death." (Garius)

"Use an adventurer, it should be enough for you..." (me)

Boommm! Boommm! Boommm! Boommm! Boommm! Boommm! Boommm! Boommm! Boommm! Boommm!

By the time the Suns were rising I was talking to Garius while trying to forget about the three cities I lost, but at that moment explosions happen somewhere in the city.

"What are these explosions..." (Garius)


"..." (I)

"..." (Garius)

Right after the explosions a deafening roar covered the entire city, I could feel a bizarre and sinister presence within that roar, I ran to the top of the tower and from there I saw a monster in the middle of the city, it was some kind of giant Basilisk.

I look at the city from afar noticing something that fills me with fury, a boundless bloodlust leaves my body.

"That's an illusion..." (Garius)"I know, but that's not what makes me mad..." (I)

"Look at the city streets, the magic circle hasn't been activated yet, plus the population is running out of the city." (I)

"It should have been activated by now, did they manage to reach the magic control circle room?" (Garius)

"I don't know and it doesn't matter anymore, they managed to completely derail our plans this time." (I)

"With what happened in the other three cities, it was only a matter of time before the surrounding Realms began to investigate, but it didn't matter if we managed to do the summoning this time." (I)

"But now that shouldn't be possible anymore, I don't know what they did exactly, but the explosions from before seemed muffled, they must have come from the sewers, the magic circle must be destroyed by now." (I)

"I'll call the others to attack..." (Garius)

"No need, they must come here, they never left anyone alive in the other cities, so they will come here, prepare the others." (I)

"Yea." (Garius)

"I will not underestimate them, so we will wait for them on a battlefield where we are more prepared." (I)


Pov Nix:

Lilian and I waited until the explosions started, meanwhile, we both sat there waiting in silence to make sure the enemy wouldn't notice our presence on top of them.

When the explosions started I exchange a look with her nodding, then I transform my hand and punch the top of the dome opening a big hole where we throw three barrels of poison, in mid-air Lilian used tornado magic breaking the barrels and spreading the poison that turned into gas as soon as it came out of the barrels.

We ran out of there the same way we came, as soon as we left we hear the master's roar spreading throughout the city, his roar is full of the master's Aura which doesn't affect me, but Lilian beside me was frozen in place while trembled.

I give her two slaps on the face to wake her up before continuing, as we exit the government building where the walkway was, we see people on the streets running and we also see people standing still while looking in one direction.

When I look in that direction I see a big Basilisk roaring in the sky, it looks like the master is already doing his part of the plan, now we don't need to keep hiding like that.

Lilian and I run to the square jumping from roof to roof as in the streets people are running over each other to run away from the square.


Pov Kira:

While I was sitting on the city walls and waiting for the signal to go towards the master, Byakko was in her cat form lying on my legs sleeping.

Soon the explosion sounds can be heard, I can even see some houses shaking probably because they are close to the explosion, Jay appears next to me while watching what is happening.

We're both out of masks since they're broken, but I still have my mom's mask with me and Jay pulls a new mask from his storage item.

At that moment a roar that seems to come out of nowhere comes from the direction of the square at the same time as a Basilisk like the one we killed inside the Great Serpent Dungeon in Valen City, but this Basilisk was much bigger.

I stand up while holding Byakko in my arms and look back, on top of the walls there were many bodies and blood, in addition, there were also some strange body parts of monsters on somebodies.

We had already killed all the kimera soldiers and enhanced soldiers up here, the poison that Nix and Lilian will use should kill the others who are in the magic control circle room, so all that remains is the attack on the enemy base in the castle.

I jump off the wall fall on top of a building and start going from roof to roof towards the square where I want to meet the master before heading to the castle.

Jay is following me closely as we watch an ever-increasing crowd rush out of town through the gates, it looks like the plan is working very well.

But strangely I see a White Elf surrounded by children looking at me in surprise, I only looked at her for a moment before continuing running.
