The next day I woke up with a horrible headache, my mind was still a little confused from drowsiness, maybe that's why I feel like I forgot something important.

I get up and look around, my bed is still broken but there are fewer Fairies in my room than yesterday.

I walk to the porch and look up, it looks like we're almost halfway through the day.

"I remember talking to the Keeper last night, if I'm not mistaken I think it was about one more problem in the big pile that I still have to solve." (I)


"I think something happened after the conversation I had with the Keeper, but I don't remember what." (I)

"I must be more tired than I initially thought yesterday, I don't even remember going to bed." (I)


I go to the bathroom to take a long shower before getting ready and going down to the kitchen, on the way I see Nolan running after a Fairy who is carrying his shoes.

When I get to the kitchen I have shocked to see Lilith, Vanessa, and Lilian talking to a strange creature, as soon as I saw this creature I understood what happened yesterday, that's what I saw before I passed out.

"The Goddess warned me that you would come, so nice to meet you." (Vanessa)

"Nice to meet you too, your Aura is very nice, I can smell the master on you too."

"I can smell the master on both of you."

"Zenos is the one who turned both of us, so we are his children." (Lilith)

"Lilith is right, maybe that's why we smell similar to him." (Vanessa)

"Why has this woman been on her knees for so long?"

"Don't pay attention to her, maybe she's gone crazy to see you." (Lilith)

"What's wrong with me?"

"Your body doesn't look very solid." (Lilith)

"Sorry my younger sister, she can be a little impulsive in what she says sometimes." (Vanessa)

"Alright she's right, I know the condition of my body, but that will soon change."

"Come on Lilian, you shouldn't lose your rationality like that, I'm glad I didn't tell you about my Father in front of him, it would have been even worse..." (Vanessa)

"..." (Lilian)

The scene was very strange, Lilith seemed to be having fun with the creature while Vanessa was talking a little formally with the creature, Lilith was kneeling with her forehead on the floor in front of the creature while Vanessa tried to get her to stand up.

The creature was 1.60 meters tall and had the body of a wolf, the paws of a tiger or lion I'm not sure, five foxtails, and a wolf's head with a single small horn on its head.

The creature also had a pair of wings and its entire body looked like a flow of blood taking that strange shape, in addition, its body looked kind of ethereal and liquid.

The creature had eyes the same color as mine, one of its eyes was golden and the other eye was purple, but its eyes looked like a tiger's.

"You finally woke up master, if you want I can prepare something for you to eat." (Caryna)

"I'm sure he's hungry, so prepare something tasty dear." (Freya)"Of course, mother." (Caryna)

"..." (I)

Freya and Caryna appear behind me almost giving me a fucking heart attack.

"Looks like the master has woken up, good morning sir."

"Good morning Dad." (Vanessa/Lilith)

"Good morning Master." (Lilian)

"Good...good morning..." (I)

"..." (I)


"(Calm down Zenos, even though this creature is strange, it doesn't seem to be an enemy, besides it was talking normally with others.)" (I)

I take a deep breath and enter the kitchen as normally as I can trying to calm myself down, heading towards Vanessa and the creature that is bigger than me.

"I don't think we've met yet, my name is Zenos." (I)

"I'd like to apologize for yesterday, I think I surprised you, sir."

"I don't have a name yet, I hope the master can give me a name."

"Who are you? Why are you calling me master?" (I)

"I haven't had time to talk to you yet, so I think it must all be weird from your point of view." (Vanessa)

​ "But the oracle I received from the Goddess a few days ago said more than just the cause of your delay in waking up, the Goddess Selene also told me he was coming, I just didn't think it would be so fast." (Vanessa)

"..." (I)

"From Lilian's reaction, you must have already noticed that he has a connection with the Goddess Selene." (Vanessa)

"Actually my connection with the Goddess Selene is secondary, I serve her in an indirect way through one of her children."

"So I have brothers? I'd like to meet any of them." (I)

"I think you still don't understand, but I can say that you do have brothers." (Vanessa)

"I only serve you master, only you and the Goddess Selene"

"..." (I)

"(When did I get a servant like that?)" (I)

I don't know anymore but what's going on, how did I become the master of this creature I've never seen before?

"The master may not be aware, but I was born in the Makari Kingdom, in the city where there was a great battle.""Are you talking about the capital?" (I)

"I think he's talking about the third city, the battle in the capital wasn't as big as the one in the third city." (Lilith)

"You're right, Lilith." (Vanessa)

"Do you remember the ceremony of the dead we held in the third city?" (Vanessa)

"I remember, it was a simpler and quicker ceremony than I thought it would be." (I)

"It was from this ceremony that I was born."

"Huh!?" (I)

"The ceremony of the dead when performed by priests like myself purifies a place full of blood while ensuring that the dead rest in the embrace of the Goddess if they are innocent or put on trial for their crimes in life if they have committed evil deeds." (Vanessa)

"During the ceremony, you must remember that we offer our blood to join with the blood of the dead, this serves so that our blood is a conduit for the power of the Goddess to bless the land around her by purifying her, in addition, it serves to guide the souls that remain until the Goddess." (Vanessa)

"But your blood is different, Father." (Vanessa)

"I don't like the direction of this conversation." (I)

"You are not a priest, you are a child of the Goddess, divine blood flows in your body." (Vanessa)

"That day you took the initiative to do the ceremony of the dead in a genuine act of goodwill with the innocent who died in the city, unknowingly vice was following the Goddess teachings, you had a strong wish for the innocent to have peace in their deaths and presented his own blood to help these souls find peace." (Vanessa)

"Furthermore, you had no control of your Aura at that time, remnants of your Aura were scattered throughout the city and your spilled blood not only carried the power of the Goddess, it also briefly awakened your own power that spread throughout the city through of your Aura." (Vanessa)

"Lilian and I who are Goddess believers feel this, others may not have noticed because of your lack of faith, you didn't realize why it was the cause." (Vanessa)

"But how did this ceremony of the dead give him life?" (I)

"His holy blood carried his power through the entire city, that place became a holy land, and the dead who found salvation left everything behind, their bodies, memories, and everything they were."

"All life energy, mana, spiritual power, Ki, souls, flesh, and blood gathered in the drop of the master's blood that was the Goddess's link to this world, the Goddess took the souls but everything else was left behind."

"All of that turned to blood through your power and your Aura spread across the city was sucked into your blood that became the core of my being when all that merged together giving me birth."

"The Goddess said in her oracle that she bestowed her blessings on him during his birth to help create a body." (Vanessa)

"I was born with all the powers, memories, and abilities of thousands of people, plus the blessings of the Goddess gave me more knowledge and helped me form my mind."

"As soon as I was born I could feel your presence and I ran to meet you."

"That means he's been following us for over three months, it must have been exhausting." (Lilith)

"Father, he is what we call the Divine Beast, a guardian who protects and serves the Gods." (Vanessa)

"But he's different because he doesn't possess divine power like other Divine Beasts, that's because he serves you who isn't a God, still at least." (Vanessa)

"Don't joke about serious things Vanessa, it's going to give me nightmares saying such scary things." (I)

"What I'd like to say is that the Goddess asked you to name him, even though she helped in his birth, it doesn't change the fact that you created him, so it's your responsibility." (Vanessa)

"It would be an honor for me to earn a name for you master."

I just woke up and more shocking things happened, but this creature doesn't seem to have any bad intentions, plus now that I'm close I'm able to feel my own presence inside him, there's also the fact that he came after me alone for more than three months, I think it doesn't hurt to give him a name.

"In my ancient world, I studied many different things, among them myths and slows from different religions, among these myths I discovered a constellation formed by 81 stars forming a figure that represents a legendary hunter." (I)

I look at the creature, he has claws, fangs, sharp eyes, a strong body, and wings, to my eyes he seems to be a versatile hunter for anywhere and everywhere so that name should suit him.

"The name I am going to give you belongs to this constellation of stars, your name will be Orion..." (I)

"What's going on..." (I)
