During the next three days we all stayed in the city of Jargan, just as I had planned before, I am using this trip for tourism along the way, I visited many food stalls during these days, I even had to wear a different mask as I didn't want to keep taking it off my mask to eat all the time.

Everyone else is wearing the same mask I asked to modify, this mask is divided into the top above the nose and the bottom from the mouth down.

On the first day, there was an adventurer who saw me taking off my mask and has been chasing me since then, she even proposed to me, and tried to hug and kiss me many times, but with my current physical status, her efforts were in vain.

She was quite beautiful, appearing to be about 30 years old with chocolate-colored skin, very short brown hair, blue eyes, a well-trained warrior's body similar to Diana, and an armor that only protected her chest, arms, and legs.

But one thing that really caught my attention besides her insistence on chasing me was that her strength was in Grade SSS.

This is the first adventurer I see with this strength, in my group the only ones who have this strength are Jade, Ivan, Elsaris, Lilith, and Vanessa.

Me, Orion, Hela, Nix and I think Layla are in the Lower Catastrophe Grade, so this woman has never been able to catch up with me, but I must say she is being very good at motivating Diana and Kira.


Every time she gets close Diana and Kira try to stop her, with that a very interesting battle unfolds in front of me where Kira and Diana always lose, but at this moment Jade always appears blocking the way of this woman who is frustrated since the strength of Jade is the same as hers.

In fact, if Jade uses her poison this woman would not win, but no one is fighting with the intention of hurting or killing the other, even Kira and Diana didn't use large-scale attacks so as not to hurt the people around.

During these days we have been getting a lot of attention, but I am happy that Diana and Kira are getting stronger after each battle, even at night they are talking about what they could do differently to stop that woman who by the way is a sword user and shield just like Irius.

Sometimes I see some people close to this woman before she runs to me, but I don't mind paying attention to them as the woman's presence is always a big annoyance.

It seems that her tastes are similar to Diana's, I just wanted to quietly enjoy this tour, but I think all this can be considered a good memory in the future.Even with this woman being a nuisance I still managed to visit many food stalls, in some of these stalls Freya took the initiative to talk to the cooks to exchange recipes.

I let everyone do whatever they want during these days, Nira seems to have taken advantage of these days to go to many stores to buy the things that Leonardo asked for, Sophia accompanied Nira saying that she had nothing she wanted to do in this city, meanwhile, Freya and Ibuki made a tour around the restaurants all over the city, I've always liked street food more so I kept visiting many street food stalls.

Layla and Nix were serving as messengers to and from the Dungeon using the portal in my shadow that leads directly to the center of the Cradle of Fairies or Spirits, so there was no need to keep opening the Dungeon gate.

One of the messages we received was from Anton, who asked us to buy as many alcoholic beverages as possible, and Tânia asked us to look for recipes for alcoholic beverages.

Vanessa, who was not helping in the constant battles against that woman, took the initiative to take Layla to look for the things that Anton and Tania asked for.

These three days of training were very well spent, it was even fun to see the woman fight my group, on the third day Kira and Diana even managed for the first time to stop the woman without Jade having to interfere.

Of course, it wasn't just this woman who had this kind of reaction, even if everyone was wearing a mask, there was no way to hide the beautiful bodies of the girls and that caught the attention of many men, but most of them didn't even try to get close seeing the strength of the girls fighting that woman, I think they were intimidated.

But even so, sometimes some stupid man appeared who tried to approach the girls, Nira who seemed weak was approached a few times, but Yomi took care of these flies, of course without killing anyone.

Freya also had some problems, even with the mask hiding her face, her ears showed that she is an Elf, in addition, she was always wearing a beautiful maid dress, so they must have thought she wasn't strong like the others, which it was a big mistake as his strength was SS Grade.

Freya was an Archer as well as a Mage, anyone who approached her with ulterior motives would fly away, as far as I know, no one died I think.

Ibuki who had also evolved after the last battle to become a Superior Oni doesn't seem to have changed her physical features much, but her appearance became more and more beautiful, her beauty doesn't lose anything to Freya.Because of that, there were also men who tried to go after her, I feel particularly sorry for a Beastman from the Tiger tribe who said something nasty about Ibuki "serving him all night", this phrase irritated Ibuki so much that Sophia had to stop her kill the man who had every bone in his body broken.

When I asked why she was so annoyed with such bad pick-ups, she said it was insulting to her for anyone to suggest that she would serve anyone other than me, I must admit that the serious way she said something like that made me face a little red with shame.

What surprised me was that no one approached Sophia during these days, I was very confused by this as she is so beautiful, so when I asked her that she was a little embarrassed when I said she was beautiful, the answer that I got was that because she was a Dark Elf anyone in this city would know she was a strong warrior, so only a fool would approach her with ulterior motives.

That's how we spent our time in this city, I really felt like I was on vacation.

But at dawn on the fourth day we all got up early to go to the meeting place, I thought we were going to the shop, but there was already a Gray Elf waiting at the doors of the inn for us.

Diana went to take our carriage and we followed the Gray Elf to one of the city gates that leads straight to the Illusory Forest, at the gates there were two more carriages, one was clearly from a merchant being almost the same size as ours, the other was a chariot half the size of ours simple looking at first glance, but just as ours was being driven by a monster, I recognized the monster from the books, it was called Warhorse, this monster is twice the size of a Horse normal, his entire body is covered in powerful muscles, he has some bone plates protecting his back and head, instead of horse hooves he had claws.

This monster was magnificent, it made me want to have a Horse too, but then I started to think about what kind of Horse this would be and decided to fix it later.

In addition to the War Horse that impressed me, something that surprised me was seeing the powerful woman who had been chasing me during these three days gets out of that carriage and try to get into ours, the Hunting Bears didn't even try to stop her as they walked away, clearly realizing they were weaker than her.

I let this woman continue with her unfettered way of acting so far as it was fun to see how Diana and Kita were getting stronger with every battle, but this time we were going to go to a dangerous place and I couldn't accept distractions.

I looked into her eyes and used my intimidation skill with my Aura concentrated in her eyes, I did this to use the fear effect on my Aura along with the intimidation, it was only a second but the woman reacted by jumping back as her glass went weak and she loses consciousness, but a man comes at great speed from inside the War Horse carriage catching the woman before she reaches the ground, his speed was similar to mine.

"I apologize for my mate."

"No problem, just remind her that the forest is dangerous and I don't want to distract myself from the dangers around me with pointless fights." (I)

"I don't promise anything, you must have noticed that she is very impulsive, I don't know what you've done now, but she will probably like you even more because of it as she respects strong people."

"..." (I)

"Everyone is already here, so follow me through the Illusory Forest and don't stray from the path." (Grey Elf)

With this kind of group, we entered the Illusory Forest without knowing how long to travel or what to expect.
