Chapter 3463: Untitled   Luo Xinglong tied a black cloth to his forehead and handed two to Gus and Grey.

The believers looked at the siblings with glittering eyes.

The two siblings looked at each other and tied their foreheads with black cloths.

The underground space was in jubilation.

“Gun! Gun! Gun!”

Somebody shouted.

After a thunderous drumming, a giant cannon made of countless balls of steam, tubes, gears, and chains was pushed out of the secret warehouse by almost a hundred muscular men.


Luo Xinglong and his sister stepped on the gears and boarded the steam cannon.

“Let’s do it!”

He shouted majestically.

It was destined to be a sleepless night.

It was the most important and the most brutal day in the past thousands of years.

Since morning, a large troop of loyal Iron Fist Soldiers affiliated with the Fist God Hall had been marching on the streets and alleys unstoppably.

They blew open the doors of one house after another with their fists, which immediately raised a riot.

Very soon, the civilians who were beaten black and blue and suspected to be evil believers were dragged away like dead dogs, leaving shocking traces of blood on the rough stones.

The manhunt in the city was quite a big deal. In the afternoon, everybody on the street was talking about it. Almost all the citizens knew about the scourge of the Mechanical and Steam Churches. When they thought of the lightning in the sky, the appearance of the legendary ‘Holy Sons’ and ‘Holy Virgins’, everybody was greatly alarmed. An ominous atmosphere was spreading over the city like a haze.

Many gloomy guys in the crowd gathered together and whispered to each other, discussing something.

Those people spread out like viruses and gathered together without alarming anyone. They seemed to have congregated into an ocean that was about to set off a storm.

When the Temple of Fist discovered that something was wrong and tried to ban the residents of the city, it was already too late.

As dusk approached, suddenly—



In more than ten places in the city, high up in the chimney, a high-pitched whistle suddenly echoed!

The whistle driven by steam was shrieking, which was a sound that had never been heard in the world of the Fist God before.

This voice instantly spread throughout the entire city, causing everyone’s hair to stand on end. Yet, they could not help but feel their blood boil as if they were witnessing the collapse of the old world and the dawn of a new world.

A whistle was an order.

For a moment, the suicide squad members who had been secretly marching toward the granary in the south of Qianyuan City, led by the bald giant ‘Tyrone’, jumped out and charged at the granary crazily.

The guards of the granary were naturally the elites of the Iron Fist Legion.

But because of their beliefs, they could not use long-range weapons such as bows, crossbows, or trebuchets. They could only watch the zealots, whose eyes were red, form a black tide and crush toward them.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

The first to make a move turned out to be the zealots. They were not going to engage in close combat with the Iron Fist Legion. Every one of them was wielding a repeating crossbow. During their charge, every one of them had fired at least twenty arrows. The arrowheads were also smeared with purple phosphorous that could burn in the wind. The shafts of the arrows were also soaked in tung oil, making them very combustible.

As it turned out, the sky full of arrows started burning furiously in midair and rained down like a meteor shower.

Although the Iron Fist Soldiers guarding the granary had iron bones and a protective aura, they were still battered by the rockets.

Not to mention that many of the crossbow bolts fell into the granary behind them and gradually set it on fire.

The fanatics, on the other hand, did not have the time to reload after they emptied the first round of arrows. They simply dropped the arrows and picked up the oil tanks made of thick bamboos.

The tubes were filled with kerosene. Suppressed by delicate machines, the kerosene could be sprayed almost fifty meters away with a gentle press of the wrench below.

Dozens of zealots swept the tanks at the same time. A lot of black oil poured down like a storm and stuck to the soldiers of the Iron Fist Legion, as well as the gate and the wall of the granary behind them. It was impossible to shake them off or wash them clean. The flames that used to be small grew into raging dragons almost instantly and lunged at the soldiers of the Iron Fist Legion.

The poor Iron Fist Legion, who had been training hard for more than ten years or even decades, were no different from ordinary people when faced with the power of adding oil to a fire.

Many Iron Fist Soldiers were screaming and rolling on the ground subconsciously. But since the ground was full of kerosene, their struggles could only make the fire larger and larger until they were burnt into carbon balls.

Some of the experts of the Iron Fist Legion were the first to realize the danger. They jumped high into the air with body movements as fast as lightning and dodged the arrows and the kerosene.

However, such experts were few in number after all. Since the Temple of Fist had forbidden the production of machines and steam, most of the soldiers of the Iron Fist Legion had never seen a crossbow before, nor did they know what a flamethrower was. Who would’ve thought that it was such a vicious weapon when they saw the bamboo tubes that the fanatics were carrying?

As for the experts who had dodged the arrows and the kerosene, they were faced with another inhuman deadly weapon, a high-pressure steam gun.

—— Use steam balls to store steam that has been compressed to the extreme, connect to a sealed steel tube, fill the steel tube with metal pellets, and use feathers and other soft and soft objects to fill the gaps.

When such a high-pressure steam gun was aimed at the enemy and pulled the trigger, the high-pressure steam would be released instantly, and the metal bullets would spurt out like magma like a shotgun from another world. The range of attack would be enormous.

The suicide squad led by Tyrone had come prepared.

They had been planning how to take over the granary half a year ago.

He had a thorough understanding about the experts of the Iron Fist Legion who were guarding the place.

More than ten steam guns were fired from different angles, blocking the way of almost all the experts of the Iron Fist Legion.

In a moment, several experts were riddled with holes. Whatever protective aura they had was shattered by the steam.

Even though the rebar and iron bones could save their lives, they were still screaming in pain because of the hundreds of metal bullets that were embedded into their flesh and bones. They had basically lost the ability to fight.

Tyrone took the opportunity to lead a large batch of suicide squad members into the burning granary, making the fire even more rampant.

By the time more soldiers of the Iron Fist Legion came to reinforce them from various directions, the granary had already been burnt beyond control. The rising smoke was like hundreds of black dragons hovering in the sky of Heavenly Essence City, shocking the citizens of the city and the priests of the Temple of Fist Arts!
