Breastfeeding troubles

It was late morning and Damon was sitting on the bed and staring at Talia who was breastfeeding Violet.

Damon was wearing sweatpants. Normally, he wouldn't bother to put on clothes in the privacy of their bedroom, but now Violet was there, and he didn't want to show her things a little girl shouldn't see.

Talia's legs and midsection were covered with a bedsheet and her upper body was exposed.

The scene of two females on the bed was serene and heartwarming, but right then and there, the mighty Alpha went through all five stages of grief.

Stage one: Denial.

How could this be happening?


Damon remembered all the good times he had with those buds in his mouth, and now there was another person suckling on them.

Yes, it was a baby, and he shouldn't feel this negativity, but that was Talia, and she was his mate, only his, and this didn't seem right.

The joy Talia felt during this process only made Damon more confused about this whole thing. How can someone else suckling on her breasts be joyful?

Stage two: Anger.

Those chubby fingers were holding onto Talia's boob! And there was even some kneading going on! The little snot was doing it on purpose to taunt him!

He was aware Violet was his child, and that he and Talia were parents now, but the idea of anyone sticking close enough to Talia to put a part of her into his (or her) mouth was unacceptable! Babies were not an exception!

Stage three: Bargaining.

"Surely, there must be another way to feed the child," Damon whined. "Does she need to put my breast in her mouth?"

"That's MY breast, Damon."

He didn't see it that way. "You are mine, so everything yours is mine also, which makes both of those wonderful breasts MINE!"

Talia couldn't believe how childish he was. She didn't want to pour oil on the fire, but she couldn't let him throw a tantrum. "What are you expecting me to do, Damon? Should we let her go hungry? Or make her a sandwich? Or how about we let her loose in the forest, so she hunts her meal?"

"There is formula. I can buy some. The best one there is in the world. Violet won't be lacking anything. Or you can use one of those pump things to get milk out and we can feed her from the bottle."

"Nonsense," Talia shot him down. "Why feed the baby other things when I can breastfeed her? And why pump and use gadgets when it can be done naturally? It would be different if I have a job and I'm not available, or there is no milk, but I am available and there is milk."

Stage four: Depression.

'You don't love me anymore. Now you have Vi and I'm not needed. We have a perfectly good nursery, but you don't want to put Vi there overnight. Am I supposed to sleep there? Am I getting kicked out?'

Talia cocked an eyebrow at Damon. Why did he switch to talking through the mind link? 'You know I can hear that, right?' 'I know. But Vi can't hear me.'

'Why do you care if she will hear you?'

'I don't want her to hate me. I love her, but this… is too much.'

'She can feel your emotions and right now she is wondering why her father is not happy. She probably thinks I'm bullying you.'

'Kitten. I know this is the way it should be, but I am not used to sharing things, and I definitely don't want to share you. Seeing you holding Vi and being happy makes me feel like I'm not needed.'

He could feel Talia's emotions clearly. She enjoyed holding the baby against her chest, and the whole feeding experience made her happy. There was an ocean of love and care directed at Violet, but… What about Damon?

Talia would snap at him and call him ridiculous, but his grief was genuine, and she knew that he needed comforting. "I will always need you, Damon. If anything, you will be needed more because both me and Vi will be relying on you. How about you come closer?"

Stage five: Acceptance.

Damon scooted closer and looked at Violet who was suckling on her mother's bosom with her eyes closed.

"She is not taking me from you," Talia assured him. "I am feeding her. This is a chance for us to bond and learn about each other. Hold me, Damon."

Damon sat next to Talia and wrapped his arm around her.

Talia leaned on Damon and enjoyed the sparks that prickled her skin. Her mate was right there, and she was holding their child and life didn't get better than this.

"There, there… we are a family," Talia said. "Everyone is needed, and everyone is welcome. Vi is so tiny now and she is relying on us. Before we know it, she will be walking and playing on her own, running around, and making us worry. As she grows, our relationship will evolve. She is little, but she is learning that her parents are here to provide for her."

Damon didn't respond, so Talia decided to change the topic. "Do you think we could visit your parents today? I want them to see their grandchild."

"We can go if you are up to it," Damon responded flatly.

He couldn't think about anything other than a tiny person attached to Talia's breast. Everyone told him that once he sees his baby, he will be smitten and things will change and be fantastic, but this was not easy.

Sure, he loved Violet. That was his pup. But seeing that Talia's attention (and boobs) were dedicated to someone else hit him hard.

"It's OK, Damon," Talia said. "Whatever you are feeling, it is OK. Neither of us had an environment where we could learn to be parents. People express their emotions in different ways. Not everyone is a cuddler and not everyone is a sweet talker. If you are overwhelmed, it's perfectly fine to take a step back, release some steam, and then return."

Damon realized that Talia was telling him to leave. "Don't chase me away."

Talia smiled at the silly Alpha. "I am not chasing you away. I am only telling you that you have options."

"I don't need them. The only option for me is to be with you," Damon said resolutely.

"If you need a break, we can take it together. With the full packhouse, someone can keep an eye on Vi while we take a break."

"If we need a break after only one night, it will make us appear incompetent," Damon grumbled. He didn't want to be away from Violet. He only wanted Violet to let go of Talia's boob. "Will you help me?"

Damon snapped to look at Talia. "What do you need?"

"Vi is sleeping. Can you put her in the bassinet?"

Damon looked down to realize that Talia was right. Violet's eyes were closed, and her mouth loosely hung around Talia's areola.

He jumped off the bed without making a sound and extended his hands for Talia to put Violet there.

Gently, very gently, he lowered the little bun into the bassinet. He was proud of himself that she didn't wake up.

'There, much better,' Damon said victoriously to Talia through their mind link. 'Vi had her cuddles, now is my turn.'

Damon turned to Talia and his eyebrows shot up when he saw Talia sitting on the bed with her breasts exposed. Her left breast had some glistening moisture around the nipple, and Damon swallowed hard.

"Come here," Talia called, and Damon obeyed.

"I need your help."


"Uhm… if you don't want to, you don't have to."

Damon was curious. It's been a while since Talia was so bashful. "What is it?"

"At the pack hospital, they told me that the best thing to increase milk production is to empty both breasts. So… can you help me?"

"You want me to help you empty your breasts of milk?" Damon asked, confusion obvious on his face.

"Vi had her meal and will sleep for a few hours. If you help me, there will be plenty of time for new milk to come in." Seeing that Damon didn't react, Talia said it outright. "Do you want to suck on my breasts? Please? It will be good for…"

Talia stopped talking when Damon moved closer to her. He sniffed the sweetness that still lingered there and he would think it was from Violet's saliva if not for the strong scent of freesia. Was it possible that her milk smelled almost as good as the juices her pussy released? What about the taste?

Damon licked her nipple and the citrusy sweetness exploded on his tongue.

He looked up at Talia. "Are you sure?"

Talia nodded.

Without breaking eye contact, Damon put his lips around her areola and sucked reluctantly.

"Ah…" A shaky breath escaped Talia's lips.

The sparks of their bond made Talia's arousal swell and Damon sucked harder. Her milk was addictively sweet, and he stopped only to switch breasts.

Damon gathered Talia against him with one hand, and his other worked on removing his sweatpants. His mate was needy, and he had no intention of letting her wait.

Talia laced her fingers into his raven-black hair and allowed herself to be lost in the lust.

She didn't lie. Nurses told her that emptying her breasts will be beneficial for milk production. They didn't say how she should accomplish it, but this seemed like a good way to go about it. Other than boosting her milk production, Damon was part of the process, and Talia hoped that he will be more enthusiastic about the next breastfeeding, knowing that his turn was next, followed by inevitable carnal pleasures they both craved for.
