Chapter 1035 Young Alpha Violet (8)

Violet entered the living room which was full of grownups.

Her parents were there, and so were Alpha Maddox and Luna Tatiana, Shaman Gideon and Beta Mindy, Beta Maya and Beta Caden, Commander George and Dawn, General Owen and Zina, General Keith and General Arya, Lieutenant Liam and Amelia, and Lieutenant Pierce and Daria. It was noisy but harmonious.

Talia was sitting on the sofa with Mindy, Dawn, Zina, Arya, and Amelia. Those were Alpha Natalia's trustworthy helpers. Talia also had Yasmin, Axel, Sandy, Tyler, Meg, and Kai, but those people were making sure everything was running smoothly in the Midnight Guardians pack.

Mindy and Cornelia were the only females in the Dark Howlers pack who accepted official titles from Talia (Beta Mindy and Gamma Cornelia). Others said they were happy to be advisors as they were all juggling their families and careers, and they couldn't commit full-time, even though they would always gather whenever Talia summoned them.

Alpha Natalia was Damon's equal in the Dark Howlers pack, the Midnight Guardians pack depended on her leadership, and the whole coalition of werewolves that was established about a decade ago was relying on Alpha Natalia to guide them and settle any disputes.

It was a lot of work. Luckily, Talia had many helpers among werewolves and witches.


Violet knew that her mother had a lot on her hands, but she made it look so easy. Violet was set to inherit her mother's position, but she was unsure if she will ever be able to compare.

On the other side, there was Alpha Damon Blake, a tall and muscular man who stood with Alpha Maddox, Commander George, Beta Caden, Shaman Gideon, General Owen, and General Keith around him. They were talking and laughing, and the mood was good.

Violet knew Damon as her dad, but everyone else knew him as a fierce leader people admired and respected; or feared. In any case, no one dared to stand up to him. Damon was officially the Alpha of the Dark Howlers pack, but he was also managing the training and deployment of military units in the Midnight Guardians pack and in all allied territories.

Alpha Damon and Alpha Natalia technically ruled over werewolves and witches in North America and Violet knew that they were able to accomplish all that due to the help from their trustworthy friends, but most importantly, Damon and Talia supported each other, as equals.

Will Violet be able to create such an environment when she takes over her duties officially? The more Violet learned about what was needed, she understood it was much more than just powers and abilities.

"Vi?" Talia called. "Your friends are in the back."

"I know," Violet responded. "I just came to say, hi."

"How nice of you," Tatiana said from the side. She was on the sofa chair with her big belly sticking out. "Come here. Let me see you."

Tatiana spread her arms and Violet leaned into the hug.

They were not related, but Violet treated Tanya as her aunt and Maddox as her uncle. Two families were close because they were all Alphas, and with children of similar ages.

Violet and Ethan were both thirteen years old, Jacob and Aster were both eleven, Logan and Zeke's birthday was only one month off from Kerry's, and Gabriel and Gwen were both five years old.

Tanya was only days away from her due date, and once the baby was born, both families will have five youngsters each.

Violet hoped that the baby in Tanya's belly was also a girl because Tanya promised she will be called Bree, per Violet's suggestion. If it's a boy, he will be Lupin, per Ethan's request. Violet thought that Lupin was a stupid name for a werewolf. Alpha Lupin; it sounded like an old guy's name.

"My dear!" A dramatic call from the door got everyone's attention when Mario and Neil arrived. Mario was a human who came to the territory of werewolves to help Tatiana get ready for her wedding as her assistant, unaware that he was surrounded by creatures, and that one of them will claim him as his mate.

Neil was a junior doctor in the pack hospital of the Dark Howlers pack, and Mario was helping out as a nurse practitioner when the "Dama T" business didn't need him.

In less than a second, Maddox was standing next to his mate protectively.

"How many times have I told you not to call her that?" Maddox growled at Mario. "She is not your dear or your anything. She is Luna Tatiana, and she is MY mate!"

Mario and Neil both lowered their heads, and Mario responded, "I respect you, Alpha Maddox, but Tatiana is my boss and I know her longer than you do and…" He groaned when Maddox's aura pressed on him.

Before Neil marked him, Mario was not affected by Alpha's aura. However, the mark came with the bond and sharing emotions, heightened senses, and even a prolonged lifespan. Unfortunately, Mario didn't get a wolf.

However, the downside of marking was that Maddox could make him kneel with a thought, which Maddox liked to do often. It's not that Mario was complaining. Kneeling in front of a handsome male specimen like Maddox would be an honor. Mario was torn. He was faithful to Neil and he felt guilty for having such lustful thoughts about someone else but there was nothing Mario could do to prevent it.

Thinking of Maddox in leather underwear, snapping a whip, dominating... turned on Mario in more than one way. He really wished that Maddox punishes him personally. In private. Maybe Neil could join them?

Tatiana held Maddox's hand. "Let them go, Max. You know he won't learn no matter how much you punish him. We are visiting our friends. Don't spoil the mood."

Maddox's eyes flashed in outrage. "I'm spoiling the mood!? How many times do I need to remind him you are mine?"

Tatiana shook her head helplessly. She never understood why Mario couldn't keep his distance, at least when Maddox was around. Was it possible that Mario was enjoying the torture? And what about Neil?

Even with all the hostility and Maddox lashing at them, Mario and Neil would come to visit them often. Their kids were crazy for uncle Mario and uncle Neil who always came with a heap of presents. Mario and Neil were good with kids, and they would often play with the girls dress up, and tea parties, and let them paint their nails, so Tatiana was not complaining. action

Alpha Cristian and Luna Michelle entered the room and Maddox released Mario and Neil with a warning they shouldn't touch Tatiana.

"Is Ashton with you?" Talia asked Michelle.

Michelle shook her head. "Ash got delayed. He promised to come as soon as he can."

Ashton was now nineteen years old, an unmated Alpha. That put him on the radar of many unmated she met ages ago when he hid in the bushes and asked her to help hide him from the girls. Talia stifled a giggle at that mental image which didn't change much, other than Ashton being much taller she-wolves and Talia felt guilty for the boy because she still saw him as that innocent six-year-old she met ages ago when he hid in the bushes and asked her to help hide him from the girls. Talia stifled a giggle at that mental image which didn't change much, other than Ashton being much taller and more difficult to hide.
