Young Alpha Violet (10)

Violet was never able to blend in. Even before her abilities started flaring, kids her age either admired her or feared her because of her lineage. Some bickered who will be her Beta and she was still many years from becoming an Alpha officially. It was exhausting.

Other than Ethan, no one else treated her as an equal and she wondered if that was why she was hoping they were mates.

At events like these, Violet was glad there were many people because the crowd allowed her to slip away.

She didn't dare to go too far in case anyone noticed, which they did eventually, so when the event was in the packhouse, Violet would go next to the fishpond that was tucked in among willows and cherry trees.

Many years ago, Damon and Talia visited Japan. They saw there cherry trees and ponds filled with colorful koi fish, and Talia loved it very much, so Damon transformed this area into a Japanese garden. There was a curved bridge over the narrow area of the pond, and a white gazebo that provided a great view of the water, cherry trees, and the sunset.

Violet had her spot next to the pond where she would sit on the soft grass. For her, this was more than pretty views and colorful fish. It was a testament of true love, what a man would do for his woman, and she hoped that her mate will cherish her the way her father cherished her mother.


Talia told Violet how only when Alpha and Luna love and respect each other, the pack can prosper, and in the case of Talia and Damon, this reflected on the whole werewolf society.

People told fantastic tales around bonfires about Alpha Damon's undying love for Alpha Natalia, which was great material for romance and fairytales, but Violet saw it as another burden she needed to carry. Now it was not just about her ability as an Alpha, but it was about what mate the Moon Goddess will give her. It seemed that if her mate didn't love and respect her, it wouldn't matter how powerful and able she was, and her people would suffer. And what if she didn't like him?

Violet hoped it was Ethan, but what if it was an Omega or a rogue or… human? Will he be able to stand next to her and lead their people without crumbling under pressure? What if he becomes corrupted and gives in to sins? If he is not a werewolf, he won't feel the bond and he might cheat on her.

All that made Violet eager to find out who her mate was, but then Cornelia spoke about sex and Violet was not ready for that. What a mess.


Violet turned to see Ethan approaching.

"Can I join you?" He asked.

She glanced behind him.

"No one saw me coming here," he assured her.

Violet gestured to her right and Ethan sat there.

It was still relatively quiet with faint murmurs reaching them from the packhouse, but with Ethan's presence, the tranquility was disturbed.

"Why are you here?" She asked. "Did you get bored of girls swooning over you?"

"It's not like I'm making them do it."

"I don't see you rejecting them either."

"I didn't come here to bicker."

"Why did you come?"

Ethan hid his face in his palms. "Give me a minute."

"Now you are making me nervous."


"Because you are delaying saying what needs to be said," Violet pointed out.

Ethan was a straightforward guy who didn't beat around the bush. His reluctance to speak, even if it was just a few seconds long, it was a few seconds too long. This was important. "Mom and dad are sending me to a human city for high school," he said.


"It's a boarding school up North. I will stay there and…"

Her heart cracked. High school? Isn't that four years? "When will I see you?"

Ethan shrugged. "For the holidays."

"You don't sound certain."

"It's because I don't know."

Violet turned to stare at the pond whose surface was glistening under the moonlight.

"Say something, Vi."

"What do you expect me to say?"

"Say that you will visit me."

Violet shook her head. "I can't promise that. You know that until I learn to control my abilities, I can't leave our territory." Because it will risk exposure. And even without that, her days were filled with classes, training, and more training.

Ethan plucked a handful of grass and started tearing it with his fingers into small pieces. "I don't want to go."

"You should," Violet said. "A good leader learns about his allies and enemies. In order to help our packs and collaborate with humans, you should know about them. Firsthand."

Ethan snorted. "That's what my mom said. She grew up with humans."

"I heard the stories."

"Humans are weak. What can they teach me?"

"They are weak, but they are many. They have tools and weapons to make up for their shortcomings."

"Now you sound like my dad."

Violet stifled a laugh.

"I won't date anyone there. I promise."

Violet's head snapped to look at Ethan. Did he just say that he won't date anyone while in high school? "Why?"

He shrugged. "It won't feel right, Vi."

She hoped there was more to it. "You are saying that now. Wait for a few months." Or weeks. Or days.

"I won't change my mind, Vi. Do you think that human girls are prettier than she-wolves? I mean… look at you."

"What about me?"

Ethan smirked. "You are the prettiest girl I know, and I refuse to settle for less."

Violet was glad it was dark because her face was on fire. She knew he said that only because he didn't go there yet. She heard stories that as they enter their teen years and are growing older, werewolf's libido is increasing, for Alphas in particular. But if it was even for deceiving herself, she wanted to believe him. "Do you promise to stay in touch?" She asked.

"I wouldn't want it any other way. Emails, texts, and video chats daily. I hope you will find time in your busy schedule for me. I will study hard and make connections, so I can be your right-hand man when you take over as the Alpha."

Violet smiled. He was talking like he won't be the Alpha of the Blue River pack. Silly guy.

Ethan extended his left arm sideways, and Violet looked at him for a second before scooting closer to lean on him. Ethan's arm draped over Violet's back, and he smiled when she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"We used to sit like this often when we were kids," he said.

"We are still kids," Violet reminded him, and she hoped he couldn't hear her thundering heart. "Don't make this awkward."

Ethan chuckled. "OK." He leaned closer and his breath splashed at the top of her head. "But just so you know, you are the only girl with whom I ever sat like this and... Ow! Why did you pinch me?"

"I told you. Don't make this awkward."

"It hurts. Why did you twist it?"

"You taught me that."

"I regret teaching you."

Violet laughed.

In the garden…

Damon's hostility was tangible. "I should rip that arm off."

Talia hugged him around the waist. "They are so cute and innocent."

Damon looked at Talia with a frown. "There is nothing innocent about it. That's how it starts." action

Talia rolled her eyes. "You would be an expert in that."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Do I really need to explain it to you?"

"Kitten," Damon called and licked his lips nervously. "For more than a decade, I'm proving to you my loyalty." How long will she wave his dirty past in front of him?

"I know you are loyal, Damon," Talia said, and her eyes lit up in silvery light. "If I ever doubted you, you would know."

Damon grinned. The way she showed her power to claim him as hers always turned him on. Memories of a shy girl who was insecure were long gone. Talia was a kickass Alpha-Goddess and he was proud she was his mate. That was his mark on her neck right there!

Talia turned to look in the direction of her Japanese garden where Violet and Ethan were. "Our Vi is having her first crush. Don't spoil this for her."

"Are they mates?"

"Can't you tell?"

"Sapa is not telling me," Damon grumbled. Sapa said it was none of their business and they shouldn't pry into it. Sometimes, Damon wondered what was the point of his wolf talking when he wouldn't say anything useful.

"Regardless of if they are mates or not, it will be a valuable experience for Vi. It's something she needs to figure out."

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