Chapter 1053 Alpha Violet (10)  

Violet was sitting on a cot and watching Ashton, who was putting his clothes on.

They spent more than a month in the cave, coming out occasionally to stretch their paws, hunt, and get some fresh air.

Violet and Ashton mated a few times in their wolf forms, and Violet was surprised how her wolf heightened all of her senses, orgasm included. Wolf or human, Ashton was always an attentive lover, intense and passionate, putting her pleasure first, and she loved him more by the second.

Making love in human form had its advantages also. They could use their hands and lips more, so Violet couldn't decide which one was better. Ashton said that they will keep alternating so she can do thorough research before deciding. Violet had no objections because that research included sex with her handsome mate.

The important part about the previous month was that the couple had time to get to know each other because no one disturbed them during their solitude. It was perfect.

Violet's brows came together as she watched the light gray fabric of bodies in order to gain abilities and boost their power. Witches' magic and human technology were involved.


the shirt slide down to cover Ashton's back. His muscular flesh was adorned with tattoos, and now Violet knew they were much more than elaborate decorations.

Between lovemaking, they were talking about the last five years. Violet told Ashton about her studying, training, and preparations to take her role as an Alpha. Ashton told her about his interactions with rogues, the existence of hybrids, and the origin of his tattoos.

Violet knew that some rogues were more troublesome than others, but she didn't understand the extent of them modifying their bodies in order to gain abilities and boost their power. Witches' magic and human technology were involved.

Talia was telling Violet that some people would go to extremes for power, and Violet was unsure how much those stories were exaggerated. Until now.

Violet was blessed with an extraordinary bloodline, and she couldn't grasp the concept of weak ones struggling to survive. Of course, it was not only about survival. There was a fight for power, driven by greed, and Violet's heart ached at the thought that Ashton had gone through gruesome procedures in order to gain his abilities and be able to fight against them.

She thought that her achievements in the last five years were impressive, but compared to Ashton's, it looked like Violet was just playing. She needed to step up so she could match her impressive mate.

Violet noticed Ashton's tattoos changing patterns more than once during their time in the cave, and even though Ashton assured her regarding his tattoos, but Violet didn't trust the old witch. Violet was adamant that Cornelia should inspect Ashton. There was that he never felt better, she wanted to confirm nothing bad was happening to him. That was why they were getting ready to leave the cave.

Ashton told Violet that Evanora was the one in charge of the rituals regarding his tattoos, but Violet didn't trust the old witch. Violet was adamant that Cornelia should inspect Ashton. There was something more human in Cornelia, more approachable; maybe because Cornelia was mated to James, and she had Talia's trust, while Evanora was mostly stuck in the Castle with a bunch of witches and her Guardian mate.

Violet vowed that she would join Ashton in his fight against nasty hybrids. There was no way she would let her mate risk his life alone.

"When you look at me like that, I think we should stay here for a few more days," Ashton said, and Violet snapped out of her thoughts.

His intense gaze made her heart flip. Even without shared emotions through their mate bond, Violet could see the love, adoration, heat, and a hint of mischief. She was his whole world, and he would do anything in his power to make her happy, even if that meant getting a checkup by Cornelia.

"We can always return here later," Violet said. She was aware that just over a day had passed out there, but she still felt guilty for indulging in pleasures with Ashton for more than a month and neglecting her duties.

"Should we visit your cousins first?"

"Yes," Violet responded. "I don't want them to think we are sneaking around. If they find out we were here and didn't visit, they will be upset." And she also wanted to introduce Ashton as her mate, officially. It was a big deal.

Since they were kids, Valeria was talking about Ashton in high regard, emphasizing how handsome and intelligent he was. Violet wanted to ensure her cousin knew that Ashton was off the market and there would be no more glorifying of Ashton unless Valeria was tired of having a complete set of teeth.


Valeria and Edgar were on the training grounds, exchanging blows. Members of the Midnight Guardians pack gathered around to watch, as usual. It was a show of impressive skills accompanied by loud bangs, smacks, and occasional gusts of wind that raised dust in the area.

From a young age, the duo of young Alphas took their training seriously, and they each had special abilities that placed them among the best warriors of their generation.

Axel was there also. He took pride in watching his oldest twins show their power, and he was in charge of shielding other pack members from any power burst that could harm them.

With the ruckus Valeria and Edgar caused in the sparring area, no one noticed two figures approaching. Of course, Violet was an expert in concealing her presence. She got that from her mother, the only one capable of giving the slip to mighty Alpha Damon Blake.

Violet and Ashton were about ten feet away when Axel turned to them.

"Vi!" He exclaimed. "And young Alpha Ashton. To what do we owe this pleasure of unexpected visit?"

"Why are you so formal, uncle Axel?" Violet asked, and she got closer to hug him.

Ashton was not happy that Violet let go of him, and he was uncomfortable seeing her get physical with another male. He told himself to relax because Axel was her uncle, not a threat, and the hug lasted less than a second.

The commotion on the training ground stopped abruptly as the young Alpha sibling pair noticed guests and decided to join them. Usually, Valeria and Edgar wouldn't stop their training, but Violet was technically above them in ranking, and they needed to show respect.

The audience also noticed Violet, and they were quick to gather there. Violet was their future Alpha, and their admiration for Alpha Natalia spilled on Violet. No one knew the full extent of Talia's and Violet's powers, but they were all proud to have them as their leaders. Other than Talia and Violet being impressive, they also had Alpha Damon Blake and many others as their allies. Only a crazy person would dare to mess with them.

"Well, well," Valeria said while walking to Violet and Ashton with too much sway in her hips (per Violet's observations). "If I knew you would be here, I would dress up a bit." She was obviously talking to Ashton, who was now shaking hands with Axel.

Valeria's smile stiffened when Violet wrapped her arms around Ashton.

"Hi Val," Violet greeted her cousin. "I came to say hi with my mate."

Valeria's stomach dropped as her fears materialized, showing Violet and Ashton like a perfect couple that has it all and reminding her that she didn't belong in that picture.

Despite being older than Violet, Valeria was always second. Even now.
