Chapter 965: The snowy forest [Bonus chapter]  Talia put some distance between her and James, confirmed that no one else was nearby, and she closed her eyes.

'Lis, we need to do this together,' Talia spoke to the ancient spirit.

Liseli knew what Talia was up to. 'It will drain your energy.'

'Not completely,' Talia said. 'Those instructions were given by the Guardians, who had less power than we do.'

Talia was the most powerful Alpha, and she was fairly confident that she was among the strongest Guardians. Damon's mark gave her an additional boost, and Talia was determined to test her limits.

Talia prayed silently that she was not too late and that this won't make things worse.

She was pregnant and didn't want to take unnecessary risks, but Damon was in danger, and if she didn't do whatever was in her power to fix the situation, she would regret it forever.


In a way, Stephanie was right. Talia owed everything to Damon. He was the one who took her from the attic, gave her a home, and showed her what love and unconditional support are. It was time for Talia to pay up. However, Talia had no intention of going as a sacrifice. She will go there as a bringer of calamity.

Talia paused at this last thought. Wasn't she discarded by Sophia and Isaac because Cassandra's prophecy said that Talia would bring calamity? Well, it was time for that prophecy to come true.

Talia put her hand over her abdomen.

'As long as it doesn't endanger my child, we are doing this. The energies of the Guardians are in sync with nature, and if there is any impact on my pregnancy, it will be positive.' Talia looked up to see the Moon peeking above tree canopies. 'The Moon is rising. It seems that Selena will help us as well.'

'Alright. Focus on mate, think about him as where you want to go…'

The information Talia's mother left in the necklace spoke about channeling energies so that a person can travel instantly across realms and without limitations in terms of distance.

James' brows came together when he felt the winds picking up by the second. They gathered around Talia to create a vortex of dust, leaves, and debris that obstructed Talia's glowing form.

Arya and Keith realized that something was not right. They rushed toward Talia, and they were only a few steps away when the silvery light flashed in blue, and then it all stopped like someone pressed a pause button.

Everything stilled for a moment, Keith and Arya included. The branches and pebbles fell on the ground first, followed by the drifting of leaves and the dust settling.

"What was that?" Cornelia asked breathily while rushing toward James. She felt an immense surge in energy.

Cassandra was running after Cornelia. How could she miss a commotion?

Liam was right behind them, determined not to lose Cassandra out of his sight.

James was staring at the spot where Talia was standing only a few seconds ago.

"It was… Talia," James said robotically.

"What did you say to her!?" Keith was livid. It was his duty to protect Talia, and she had just vanished! That was it. Damon will skin him alive, this time for real!

James shook his head. "We just talked, and she told me to take care of things here, and that's it."

Keith cursed loudly while walking toward the spot where Talia was, hoping she would reappear in the same mysterious way she disappeared. Arya joined him in searching for clues that were not there.

Cornelia turned to see that the ground glowed in pulses of light blue circular marks that looked like someone had scratched it.

Cornelia's eyes widened when she realized what she was looking at. "Did Talia teleport?"

"I think so," James said. He saw teleportation by witches many times. It required a diagram and energy crystals and chants, and there were no winds or other commotion. This was different, but the results were the same. Talia disappeared.

Cornelia couldn't believe this. "Where did she go? How are we going to explain this to others?"

James was not sure. But he knew one thing. "Talia is an Alpha, and her mate is in danger. I wouldn't just sit if someone was holding you captive. She did what she needed to do, and as their Gammas, it's our duty to help. Let's go inside. It's time to contact others and go offensive."

Cornelia was a nervous bundle of nerves, but James' confidence was like a comforting blanket that made everything better. She leaned on him as they walked into the packhouse together.

"We sorted out almost all the items Cassandra brought," Cornelia said. "There are quite a few that can be used on the battlefield."

James smiled at his chocolate-colored mate. "Good girl."

Cornelia grinned foolishly. Why did those two words make her all mushy on the inside?

Talia stared at her surroundings.

She was in the forest, illuminated by the moonlight that was not obstructed by leafless branches and evergreen trees.

Chills from below got her attention, and Talia realized she was ankle-deep in snow.

Talia's heart was thumping wildly as she remembered Cassandra's prophecy. It spoke about a forest covered in snow. And here she was.

Where was Damon? Didn't she teleport to his location?

Cassandra mentioned that Damon was blind, his senses not working, and in danger. Talia hoped that was something open to interpretation. If the Guardians dared to take Damon's eyesight, she would kill them all!

Talia tried sensing her surroundings, and her insides tightened when she realized she couldn't feel a thing. Trees and bushes all around her were undetectable by her senses, like they were an illusion, but she could touch them.


'Something is messing with our perception,' Liseli responded.

Talia cursed under her breath. Now what?

'Is it possible that we are in the wrong place?' Talia asked.

'I'm not sure,' Liseli said. 'We did everything right. Damon should be close, but maybe these disturbances messed up with our destination as well.'

Talia exhaled helplessly. She got her cell phone and was bummed to see that there was no signal.

'How are they going to find us?' Assuming that anyone searches for them. Tyler might be able to hack into satellites, but Tyler was in the Midnight Guardians pack.

'Do you think anyone can help us? They would just become hostages or get in the way. This is better.'

Talia agreed with this, but… 'We have no idea where we are. Standing here makes no sense, and picking a random direction will be even less productive. How come your wolf senses are not working?'

'Don't blame me!' Liseli exclaimed. 'You are the one who decided to teleport without any research or planning.'

'We have a plan.'

'We do?'

'Rescue Damon and kill anyone who tries to stop us.'

Liseli snickered. 'I like it. But how are we going to find him?'

'There is one option I can think of.'

'Go for it.'

"HELLOOOOOO!!!" Talia shouted from the top of her lungs. "ANYONE OUT THERE!?"

Liseli couldn't believe this. Shouldn't they be sneaky? 'That was stupid.'

'You don't seem to have a better idea,' Talia responded irritably.

They waited and waited, and minutes passed. Nothing happened.

Talia's patience was running thin. 'Should I just summon my energies and emit light like a beacon?'

'How about you climb a tree?' Liseli asked.

'Why would I do that?'

'To get an aerial view. It's a cold night. Maybe we can see the light or smoke.'

Talia had to admit that this made sense. 'OK. Let's pick a tree…'
