Chapter 995: Malia strikes again (T&O)"I don't see any bleeding or signs of infection," Travis said while forcing his voice to stay even as he pulled her hospital gown lower.

Normally, he would focus on the injury and not on the person. That approach allowed him to remain objective and act rationally, but when it came to Olivia, his years of training and practice were for naught.

It was not fair. Meeting mate should be magical and full of physical affection and carnal pleasures, yet instead of rejoicing the fact that he found his mate, Travis was in agony.

Everything within Travis screamed to hold the female in front of him, to kiss her, possess her, and complete mating by sinking his teeth into her neck to mark her as his, and he had difficulty keeping his urges in check. If he rushed Olivia into something she was not ready to accept, he would be the same as the abuser who brought her into this state.

He was better than that.

"Let me help you sit up."

Olivia blinked to see Travis offering his hand for her to take, and she did.


His other hand landed on her back as he gently supported her to sit.

"I will listen to your lungs and heart. Can you breathe in and hold it for a second?"

Olivia inhaled a shaky breath, acknowledging that the scent of bergamot full of good memories was wafting from Travis.

The stethoscope moved over her back, and she reminded herself to breathe.

Olivia's time as a child in the hospital of the Red Moon pack held some of her best memories. She wished to go there, to that time of innocence when she believed that the worst things in life were injuries warriors sustained, and her father could fix them all with a few stitches and a bottle of medicine.

The last few years left horrible scars on her soul, and she wondered if she would ever be complete again. Wasn't she just a burden? Luis would call her all kinds of names and tell her that she was useless and that she was lucky he was putting up with her.

Just by looking at Travis, Olivia could tell that he was a kind man. He didn't deserve a mate like Olivia, broken. Wouldn't it be better just to let him go? But Talia made her promise not to reject him…

"How are you feeling?"

Travis' voice sounded close to her ear, and she whipped her head to see that his chin nearly rested on her shoulder. Close. Super-close.

From this distance, she could see every speck of blue in his gray eyes full of concern.

"If my proximity is making you uncomfortable…" Travis' voice trailed when Olivia reached to touch his forehead. Her fingers trailed over his temple, and then she brushed his ear.

"You should touch YOUR ear if you want me to step away," Travis reminded her.

"I don't want you to step away," Olivia said in a small voice.

Travis' heart soared. Progress! How far can he push it without pushing too much? "Can I hug you?"

Olivia nodded faintly. It was barely noticeable, but that was definitely a nod.

His arms moved around her, and he pulled her to lean on him as he awkwardly bent behind her to maximize the surface of her back touching his chest.

Travis stuck his nose at the base of her neck, and he took a deep breath that filled his system with the scent of sweet mangoes.

"Bergamot," she whispered.


"Bergamot. Mint and citrus."

Travis knew what bergamot was, but he had no idea why she brought it up. "Do you want me to get you some?"

"You are doing it."

Travis realized… "Is that how I smell to you?"


"Do you like that scent?" Travis asked.

"I always did."


"Is it?"

"Of course. It confirms your wolf is here. I will get you better in no time."

Olivia smiled at his words. "How about you come in front?"

Travis was not willing to let go of her, no matter how awkward his posture was. He waited for that hug forever!

"Is my checkup done?" Olivia asked when she realized that Travis was not moving a muscle.

"Yes. I disconnected the machines."

"Can you help me lie down and come next to me?"

"Next to you? Where?" Did she want him to sit on the chair?

Olivia patted the mattress on her right.

Travis' eyebrows shot up. "Are you sure? I mean… I want to, but... you know..."

Olivia smiled at Travis' awkward stumbling over his words. "I don't know if it will be alright, but I am willing to try."

Travis helped her lie down slowly, and he was next to her in less than a second.

He didn't know where to put his hands. Was it OK if he touched her? Hugged her? He didn't want to risk it.

He laid on her right and propped his head on his elbow while facing her.

"Is this alright?" Travis asked. Their legs were touching through the blanket.


"Are you in pain?"

"I am fine," Olivia assured him. "What made you become a doctor?"

"My father was the pack doctor. He is retired and is traveling…"

Olivia listened to Travis' story how his father taught him the basics of medicine, and she couldn't believe how much in common they had.

It was early the next morning when Talia peeked into Olivia's room to see that Travis and Olivia were sleeping on the bed, with Olivia being cocooned in Travis' arms.

Talia waved at Damon to see inside, and he held the door open while Talia tiptoed in to leave the basket with fruits on the table.

Talia was almost out when she heard Olivia calling softly, "Talia?"

Talia turned in slow motion. "Sorry for waking you up. I didn't hear from you the whole night, so I thought of checking on you, but it seems things are fine. I left you fruits. I will stop by later."

"Talia?" Olivia called again.


"Thank you for everything."

Talia knew that this thank you was for not giving up on Olivia, for coming to check on her in the Shadowbite pack and making her break the bond and flee the pack and bringing her here where she found her mate that will treat her well.

"You are welcome, Olivia. Repay me by being happy."

"I will."

Talia glanced at Travis who was pretending to be asleep, but she didn't want to call him out. Did Olivia notice? It didn't matter.

Talia wondered, was there any truth in her having the ability to bring mates together? Maybe Malia was a thing, and she should look into it more. If everyone had fated mates, they would have less time for scheming and meddling in other people's business.

Talia waved and left the room with Damon.

Olivia's body was exhausted, medications made her drowsy, and Travis' proximity came with warmth and the feeling of safety. She looked at his relaxed expression, and she couldn't believe that he could do that, make her feel safe. It was something she used to take for granted, but now she knew better.

Olivia snuggled closer to Travis, and she buried her face into his chest to take a deep breath filled with bergamot, and then she drifted off to sleep again.

Travis waited for Olivia's breathing to become slow and even, and then he pressed his lips to the top of her head.

Olivia didn't say it outright, but somehow… he knew that she accepted him, and it made him nearly cry with joy.


You can see Travis & Olivia's pic in the comments ;)
