Chapter 998: The Luna Ceremony of the century (3)  Talia giggled while ensuring she didn't step on the dress as she followed Damon to another room. He was in a rush.

Damon couldn't wait to find privacy with Talia. She looked edible, and he wanted to do all kinds of things that shouldn't be done when others were watching.

He closed the door behind them and verified it was locked before turning to Talia.

The dress, the light makeup, her braided hair decorated with pearls… it all went great with little pearl earrings that matched the pendant on her necklace, which was an heirloom her mother left behind.

Talia held her breath while Damon circled her without making a sound. She loved the fire in his eyes that spoke of boundless love and carnal pleasures.

Damon was a predator eyeing his prey, ready to pounce at any moment, and his deadly proficiency was the most potent aphrodisiac.

"You are beautiful, kitten," Damon said in a low growl.


Damon caressed her cheek with the tips of his fingers while looking at her dreamily. "I can't believe you are mine. From today onward, the whole world will know that Natalia Moonrider and I are one."

Talia's smile was reflected in her eyes. She could feel his passion and sincerity, and she returned his feelings with equal fervor.

Talia stepped closer to Damon until their bodies nearly touched, and she looked up.

"Damon Blake, you are mine."

The growl in Talia's voice confirmed that Liseli spoke as well, and Sapa howled from joy.

Their mates were right there, beautiful and domineering. How could they resist the call?

Damon's arms wrapped around Talia as he kissed her tenderly, slowly exploring her mouth with his tongue and enjoying every little sigh she made.

Talia allowed herself to be lost in Damon's opulent flavors of dark chocolate and his scent of the forest. She loved how her body fit against him, even in that puffy wedding dress. Everything was perfect.

Talia's eyes sprang open when she felt Damon's fingers gripping the edge of her bodice.

"No, no!" Talia said with urgency while pushing his hands away.

Damon blinked. "What?"

"You can't tear this dress."

Damon cocked an eyebrow in disapproval. Who cares about the dress? He was interested in the flesh below that pesky fabric! But he knew that dress was important for the ceremony. The tearing will come later.

He needed to compromise. For now.

"Turn around," he ordered.


"So I can undo whatever needs to be undone back there."

"We don't have time for that." It took her a good half an hour to get in the dress. It had a bunch of ribbons and buttons that were cleverly hidden from sight.

"We have almost an hour until the ceremony, kitten," Damon reminded Talia. "The guys wanted us to open a bottle and drink, but I would rather drink you than anything else."

Talia was torn. Intimacy with Damon was always rewarding but… "I can't risk messing up the dress, and there is no time to get it on and off properly. We need to be patient. In a few hours, we can…"

"Few hours!?" Damon clutched his chest dramatically.

Talia hid an incoming fit of laughter under a cough. How can such a handsome and powerful guy act like a toddler? "You said that you want our ceremony to be perfect. For that, this dress needs to be intact. Is it too much to ask for a few hours of holding back our urges? Trust me, it's hard on me also."

"Kitten," Damon said in a low voice. "Even a few minutes without you is a few minutes too much. Do you know how much I crave you every waking moment? And you are in my dreams as well. Only when we are one, I feel sane."

Talia smiled goofily. Here was Damon, impatient and horny, and he said some sweet things that made her question if that dress was really necessary.

Damon's eyes flashed when he got an idea, and he started removing his suit jacket with a determined expression.

Talia took a step back. "Damon?"

"Don't worry. I won't ruin your dress. Lift."

Talia was confused. "What?"

"Lift the dress," he pointed at the skirt. "Let me see your legs, kitten."

Talia had no idea what he was up to, but she lifted the dress to show her white high-heeled shoes.

"More," Damon ordered.

Talia was careful not to wrinkle the fabric, and the moment her knees came into view, Damon ducked and disappeared under layers of tulle.

Talia burst into nervous laughter as his breath tickled her skin. Did he lick behind her knee? "What are you doing?"

"What is this?" Damon asked while observing the strip of lacy fabric around Talia's thigh, and Talia jolted when he pulled it to snap against her flesh.

"It's a garter," Talia responded.

"Why so frilly? Shouldn't it be holding up stockings?" Talia didn't wear stockings. "And did you lose the second one?"

Talia giggled. "Tanya said that after we exchange our vows, you will get to remove the garter and toss it into a crowd of bachelors. The lucky guy who catches it will be the next one to marry."

Damon snorted. "Do you believe in that?"

"Not really, but Tanya said it's human custom, and it's fun."

Damon cursed under his breath. "If it's so much fun, why didn't they do that at HER Luna ceremony? Max would never allow it."


"WHY!? First, we are not humans. Second, no one will touch the fabric that clung this high on your leg." He nipped her flesh just above the garter, sending a pulse of need to Talia's core. "And third, if those single bastards want to marry, they should find their mates and not use mumbo-jumbo related to MY woman."

Before Talia could react, she felt a snap as the garter gave in under Damon's fingers, and she knew that he had stuffed it into his pocket.

"That's settled," Damon said with satisfaction. "Is there any other piece of clothing on you that you plan to give to someone else?"

"No," Talia said through giggles that died down abruptly when Damon spoke again.

"Walk back until you find something to lean on, kitten."

Talia looked back to see a sofa that was facing away from them. She moved backward slowly, and Damon followed her while squatting. He was completely hidden under the layers of tulle.

Talia put her hands on the backrest of a sofa. "OK."

"Ah!" She exclaimed in surprise when he pressed his nose at the cradle of her thighs.

Talia bit her lower lip at the familiar sensation of Damon ripping her panties. His impatience always turned her on, but there was a problem, "Damon! I need those for the ceremony."

Damon chuckled. "No, you don't. No one will know what's going on under the dress. It will be our secret…" His breath splashed at the cradle of her thighs, making her giddy from anticipation of what was coming.

"Mmm," he hummed in satisfaction while nuzzling her folds with his nose. He gripped her thighs to spread them apart as he buried his face into her.

Talia threw her head back and stared at the ceiling as Damon caressed her pleasure centers with his tongue. He was good. He was the best. And the best part was that he was hers.

Since Damon brought Talia to the Dark Howlers pack, every day, he would show her that she was his only one. They went through numerous trials, and she knew that nothing and no one would stand between them.

The feeling of belonging was overwhelming, and she didn't realize at what point her defenses collapsed, allowing her to be unreservedly his, just as he was hers.

In less than a minute, Talia's legs trembled, and she gasped for air.

She was barely aware of the rustling sound her dress made as Damon crawled from under it.

"How was that?" He asked with a confident smirk while licking his lips that glistened from her juices.

Talia smiled goofily while catching her breath. "It doesn't seem fair that I am the only one having fun."

Damon nodded earnestly. "My thoughts exactly."

"I can't go down on my knees, and you can't rip the dress," she reminded him.

"I won't," he promised. "Turn around, kitten."

Talia obeyed, and she leaned on the backrest of the sofa, wondering what he was up to.

In one swift move, Damon grabbed the back of her skirt and flung it over her head, along with the dramatic cathedral train that covered her completely.

For Talia, everything turned white, and it took her a moment to realize what Damon was up to.

She took a step back and stuck her butt out.

Damon hummed in approval. He loved that she knew what to do.

Talia heard the sound of his zipper, and then he said, "I prefer to see your face and to feel your hair between my fingers, but since you said this dress is important, I will make do with what I have, which is your lower half."


Talia jolted when he spanked her. The pain radiated in waves of pleasure that amplified her arousal.

"And it's a wonderful half, kitten."

"Ah!" Talia cried when she felt another type of sharp pain. Did he bite her butt? Damn, it was hot!

She was surrounded by whiteness, and she could feel Damon touching her down there. It was fantastic!

There was pressure and a stretch, and she gasped as he entered her in one mighty stroke.

"Fuck, kitten…" Damon cursed and started rocking into her. "You are perfect. Mine!"

Knowing that he will get to enjoy every day with Talia was making him extra horny (if that was possible).

He never wanted a female more than he wanted Talia, and it was more than just her body. It was about her mind and emotions, and he had an inexplicable need to consume her every waking moment, just as she was consuming his. They were one in every possible way.
