Empty Graves- Part 2

His hand felt warm on her skin as he tugged her hand.

Madeline watched the side of Calhoun's face where he held a serious yet calm expression. She wondered if family was important to Calhoun, which was why he was making an effort to meet her grandparents. But he mentioned only about her paternal grandparents and not her maternal grandparents. Did it have something to do with the conversation that Calhoun had with her father? Asked Madeline to herself as she followed him.

Was it because Calhoun never had the perfect family as he grew up? His father was someone who could have given him anything, but the person had failed to provide Calhoun with deserving family life and love that a father should provide. With no roof on his head, where his mother had to struggle out in the society, Madeline could tell things were hard on Calhoun. Back in the village, she had seen how children who didn't have father were treated. Life must have been harsh for Calhoun before.

Madeline heard Calhoun ask, "When did you last visit them?"

"I think it was five months ago. It was Aunt Mary's birthday that gave the opportunity to have a get together with the family," replied Madeline, "Was my childhood all you spoke with my father?"

Calhoun grinned hearing this. Madeline was smart, and he knew it. The girl had hidden in the shadow for too long, letting her sister shine in front of people not knowing the kind of power she held.


"Isn't that what I said?" Calhoun turned to meet her eyes, "I am just eager to meet your family."

He finally let go of her hand, when they reached two large doors in front of them. The doors were pulled open for both of them to step out in the open. Madeline looked around and realise this was the backside of the castle. The sky was clear today, the sun shining bright on the land of Devon.

"You said my father said something that was unclear. Is that why we are visiting them?" asked Madeline. Calhoun who was looking ahead of him turned to her,

"So many questions. Let me ask you a question now," he said to her, "How would you like to fly? With your hands around me or my hands around you?"

Madeline's eyes had been darting towards his back since the time he had mentioned that they were not going to make use of the carriage. And like magic, the black-feathered wings appeared behind his back, spreading and stretching itself for Madeline to look in awe. It was fascinating to see that a vampire could have wings. Without another word, Calhoun bent down and picked her up in his arms.

"Hold tight," informed Calhoun and Madeline listened to him, locking her hands to see the broad smile on his lips that had not disappeared. When his black wings moved, her brown eyes were quick to catch the movement. They moved back at first, and the next second when it went to flap, both Calhoun and Madeline shot up towards the sky.

Air came gushing through, and Madeline closed her eyes. The hair she had tied into a braid neatly before had now turned to a mess. The smaller strands of her hair were pulled out because of the wind which was now flying in front of her face.

Calhoun stopped moving upwards, and Madeline finally felt the wind slow down around them. Hearing his wings flap, she finally opened her eyes to see they were up high, where things below them looked small from where they were now.

Her hands around Calhoun's neck tightened while her eyes looked to the side, staring at the land where she could see the forest and the castle, some villages that peeked from behind a lot of trees.

"How are you feeling?" asked Calhoun.

Madeline looked back at him, "I am feeling good." The first time when she flew with him she was scared, but right now, she was excited to be up in the sky, away from everything, in the clouds.

"Lead the way, milady," said Calhoun in between the time when his black wings continued to flap without stopping that kept them up in the air.

Once Madeline started to direct Calhoun where to go, they left the castle to fly towards the village where her grandparents lived. Madeline found this to be more enjoyable than going in the carriage where all she could see was trees that moved one after another.

"Are you not worried that someone might see you up here?" Madeline asked him.

"They will think it's another bird. Not many look up at the sky to admire it," replied Calhoun to her, "Did you ever find a big bird up in the sky?" he asked her.

"I didn't pay heed to it. If I knew there was someone who had wings, I would have looked closer," Madeline answered to see Calhoun smile, "You didn't meet your grandfather, but you want to meet mine."

Calhoun's eyes moved to look down at her, "I don't mind taking you where my grandfather resides. I never heard from him. Even when my mother died, he never came to visit her grave."

"Maybe he never knew about it," Madeline gave out the possible scenario.

"Maybe," hummed Calhoun but Madeline took his response to mean that he didn't want to talk about it. His eyes moved to look at her, and he said, "Honestly, I never bothered to contact him, and neither did he. The only person who mattered to me was my mother, and now it's you. Sometimes maybe Lucy and Theodore. And Maddox," he listed the names, making her smile, "If he doesn't show up at the wedding, which I doubt he will, I will take you there. Okay?"

When they finally reached the village where Madeline's paternal grandparents lived, Calhoun landed on the ground without the villagers noticing them. His wings disappeared in an instant, and Madeline let go of his neck.

"How is your relationship with them?" Calhoun asked her as they made their way towards Madeline's grandparent's house.

"They are sweet and kind. My parents would often leave us here in their care, both Beth and me," replied Madeline. Upon seeing someone she knew, she bowed her head, and the woman bowed back before looking at Calhoun.

The woman couldn't stop but stare at Calhoun while he didn't bother to pay any attention to her and continued to walk next to Madeline. Madeline who noticed this could tell that the woman didn't know he was the King. Calhoun was a handsome man, and he had the ability to catch a person's eye.

"Here it is," said Madeline when they reached her grandparent's house that had a compound covered in vines. Pushing the gate, she stepped inside to be followed by Calhoun until her feet stopped in front of the door. Raising her hand, she knocked it.

The door was opened by an old woman, where the frown on her face that she had carried just before opening the door turned one to a smile when her eyes fell on her granddaughter, "Madeline!"

"Grandma," Madeline greeted the woman who put her hands around her to pat her back. At the same time, an older man appeared at the door. Madeline's grandfather was ready to welcome her with a smile but when he noticed the presence behind his granddaughter, his eyes narrowed along with his wife.

"I am sorry to come without any prior notice," Madeline slowly said. She looked back and forth at her grandparents and Calhoun, who stared at each other.

"Who do you have here, Madeline, dear?" asked her grandfather, "You should know not to speak to a vampire. Lest bring one home."

Madeline was ready to introduce him, but Calhoun took this opportunity to say, "I am Calhoun Hawthrone. Madeline's soon-to-be husband," he offered the man a bright smile.
