[Special announcement: Xiangyu will get back his original body. He will not turn gay. Don't worry, and keep on reading. Isn't it nice to see a brother giving up his dignity to save a brother?]

"Si…" The warden took a deep breath and a blue flame flashed through his eyes. After that, he walked towards Chen's cell. Just like Lan's grandma when she had been possessed, Xiangyu's voice came out from the warden. He said, "Bro Bei, I'll take the Order of Reincarnation. You can leave the rest of the matter to me."

"Thank you, brother! Let me tell some important thing that you need to take note." Chen had already made the decision that no matter how things play out, Xiangyu would always be his brother-in-arms.


At the morgue

The sign was pretty obvious. It was not possible for Xiangyu to miss the place. No one would stand guard at this spooky place. Xiangyu got in easily in the warden's body.

"Wenyuan… Wenyuan… Found it!" There were a lot of morgue drawers in the morgue. Xiangyu took a careful look at the information that was written on the door of each drawer. He found the right drawer in no time.



He opened the drawer and Wenyuan's body was lying inside.

"Damn it! I, Xiangyu am a man, through and through. I never thought that I would turn into a vulnerable, delicate woman! But! For brother! I shall do my best!" Xiangyu made up his mind. He took out the Order of Reincarnation and placed in on Wenyuan's chest. After a while, a mysterious, dark power from hell filled the whole room. Countless dark blue ancient characters started floating around the air. Something magical was happening. When the ancient characters disappeared, Xiangyu's soul came out from the warden's body and went straight into Wenyuan's body.

The next second, Wenyuan… Wait… Xiangyu slowly opened up his… Wait… Her eyes. Her eyes were still as gorgeous as ever, but the seductive aura of her was completely gone. A powerful aura started to spill out from her body. It was the immense power of Xiangyu. From that moment onwards, she was Xiangyu, and Xiangyu was her! She was reborn!

"What the hell? Why am I here…?" The warden regained his conscious. He quickly realized that he was in the morgue. One of the drawers of the cadaver storage was open. Wenyuan, who had been presumed dead, was sitting up, staring at him unblinkingly."This… This… This… Erm…." The poor warden was struck by another shock in his heart. He fainted again, just a second after he had regained his consciousness.

"Coward!" Xiangyu scolded. However, 'she' was completely stunned by 'her' voice. Her deep and manly voice was nowhere to be heard. Now, her voice was crystal clear, sweet and pleasing to the ears.

"Holy shit…" Xiangyu looked like 'her' balls had just been kicked by someone. Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind. She quickly reached for her crotch. It was empty! Where were the balls?! From that moment onwards, she had officially lost the "privilege" to feel ball-aches.

"Oh my God! Oh my Lord! What have I done?!" She was literally crying at the sky. Her life as a man had been completely destroyed. It was too bad that there were no mirrors here. If not, she would be able to at least admire her own beauty. She looked really cute whenever she spoke.

"No, it doesn't matter!" she continued, in that sweet, silky voice. "I'm a real man, and I will never regret any of my actions! I will walk to the end of this path, no matter what! If I'm a woman now, I will choose to become a real tough woman!" Xiangyu's state of mind was truly strong indeed. She would never be shaken by the mere change of her sexual organs. She quickly picked up the pieces and headed to the next location.

She was on his way to the director's office. According to Chen's guess, Captain Lee had been bought off by Wen Tiandou. The best chance of re-investigating the case is to look for Captain Lee.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

Xiangyu knocked on the door. She prepared to present herself as Wenyuan.

"Come in!" A lazy voice drawled out from the office.

Xiangyu pushed the door opened and entered the office. He repeated what Chen had told him to say earlier, "Captain Lee! You have the wrong guy!"

"How are you alive?!" Liu Quanfu, the captain was so startled that he had jumped backward over his upended seat. His legs were shaking. His bladder had almost blown up just then.magic

"I'm not dead! I was just… Unconscious."

"Can you please let Chen go? The real killer is somebody else!"

"What did you say? You saw the face of the real killer?" Liu frowned suspiciously."I don't think I saw the killer's face! But, I'm pretty sure that Chen is not the killer!" Xiangyu said with confidence.

Liu was relieved when he heard Xiangyu's confession.

"If you failed to see the face of the killer, how can you be so sure that the killer is not Chen? We have enough proof to show that Chen is the killer. He is the killer! End of discussion!" Liu said, a matter-of-factly.

"I…" All of a sudden, Xiangyu was struck speechless. She sensed that Liu was already in Wen Tiandou's pocket. However, Chen had not taught him how to handle a situation such as this.

"I don't care! Chen is not the killer! You have to let him go!" she shouted. Xiangyu was a hot tempered warrior in his past life. Diplomacy was never his strongest feat. Although she was angry, her current voice was sweet and delicate. It was such a beautiful sight, watching a pretty lady pout about in one of her adorable tantrums.

Liu had to crack a smile, "Lady Wen, this is a police station. It's useless for you to act like a spoiled child here. Can you sit on the sofa for a while? I will call your second uncle over to pick you up."

"F*ck you! Release him, or I will beat the hell out of you!" Xiangyu stared at him and said angrily. Her agitation had turned her face red. Her voluptuous boobies jiggled uncontrollably with her violent, unlady-like movements.


Liu grinned sleazily, laughing, "Lady Wen, you are well-known for your pretty face! You look so sexy, even when you are angry. If anyone marries you in the future, that person would never have a single dull moment in bed!"

"Do you have a death wish?! I'm Xiangyu, The King! Who would have the balls to marry me?!" Xiangyu shouted in anger.

"Haha… Lady Wen, I think that you are still in shock! Did you just call yourself Xiangyu? Your brain must be damaged. Hahaha…" Liu laughed happily.

"Motherf*cker! My brain is fine as it is!" Xiangyu lost her patience. She stomped with both her feet like a pugilist and jumped up the desk. She grabbed Liu's shirt with one hand and slapped his face with the other.




The slaps echoed throughout the room. Both of her hands were taking turns, slapping Liu's face. A few slaps from Xiangyu was enough to make Liu groan in pain.

"What the hell… Why is this little lady so freaking strong? Argh… It really hurts…" Liu's face was as swollen as a pig's face. Blood rolled down the corner of his lips. His eyes rolled back, and he soon went limp.

"Garbage like you should not come and challenge me!"
