In the spiritual world, Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan were having a lively discussion on the topic of age.

In the real world, Elizabeth was silent, and the two of them also waited quietly, not showing the slightest abnormality at all.

After a long time, the fire of the soul that was almost stagnant in Elizabeth's eyes trembled slightly, she stretched out her skeletonized palm, and slowly picked up the book in front of her.

【A hymn dedicated to countless people who dare to resist】

- "The Faras Revolution"

The cover says so.

Elizabeth's palm slowly swiped across the text. The hot-gilt font did not bring any touch. Sen Leng was like ice, but she had already lost the ability to feel the world.


It seemed that she sighed softly, those who were immersed in the depths of her mind and reappeared, have long been deeply imprinted in her soul, and will not be forgotten for thousands of years until the end of her life.

"It is indeed related to me, what do you want to ask?"

Elizabeth turned a page, and the black text appeared in her sight.


"The so-called enlightenment is to open up a bright road for progress in the dark wilderness."

"Before dawn is destined to be dark, and naturally someone needs to be willing to incarnate as firewood to ignite the road to light."

"If there is no land, burn out the lights!"


In a trance, Elizabeth seemed to have returned to that stormy night again.

The imperial capital stands quietly in the darkness in the distance, without a trace of light, like a silent giant, quietly waiting for the final judgment moment, and like an abyss shackle that selects and devours people, devours it completely when outsiders touch it. .

Countless people gathered around her, the lights illuminated their faces, she held the sword of pioneering, and shouted the idea in her heart in those pair of longing and respectful eyes.

Until the last moment, darkness emerged.

The noisy sound came like a wave, and Elizabeth suddenly came back to her senses, but it was only a momentary loss.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan only noticed that Elizabeth's spirit seemed to fluctuate a bit, and soon returned to normal, so they didn't think too much.

"Corruption is mentioned in the book, but it doesn't explain in detail what it is. I want to understand the nature of corruption." Since Elizabeth did not resist, Luo Chuan simply did not beat around the bush, but stated his own bluntly. Purpose.

Corruption, according to the records in "The Great Revolution of Faras", is a thing that can erode the body and spirit of living beings.

The body has turned into something indescribable, and the will has turned into corrupt minions, like a plague of disease gradually spreading, but it is much more serious than it.

Once infected and corrupted, it is basically impossible to expel, and eventually even the soul will be completely swallowed.

But about what the corruption is and what its nature is, it has not been mentioned in detail at all, and this is what Luo Chuan is curious about.

Elizabeth fell into deep thought, and after a while slowly shook her head: "I don't know."

Luo Chuan raised his eyebrows, and he felt that things were starting to get interesting.

"I don't know?" Yao Ziyan said in confusion, "No, doesn't the book say that your main purpose is to fight corruption?"

"Yes." Elizabeth did not refute Yao Ziyan's words, "But from beginning to end, we don't know the nature of corruption."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, as if recalling the memory of that unknown long ago.

"In the beginning, everyone thought that corruption is the erosion of some kind of evil energy, which can have an energy-level impact on the living body, but then we gradually changed this idea, because there is no energy that matches the characteristics at all, body, strength, The spirit...even the soul and mind can be affected by corruption."

Elizabeth slowly recounted her personal experience.

"I have a question." Yao Ziyan said at the right time when Elizabeth stopped talking, "In the book, the purpose of the establishment of the Faras Empire at the beginning was actually to suppress certain things, and the royal family of the Faras Empire was 'surveillance'. as a keeper, and all he does is watch over what is being suppressed."

"Corruption is what is suppressed." Elizabeth's voice sounded a bit emotional. "The former monitor was influenced by the prisoners and went to the opposite side of the world. Oh, the reality is always so dramatic."

"Who suppressed it?" Luo Chuan suddenly asked.

Elizabeth pondered for a while, then shook her head slowly: "I don't know, although my identity is also a noble, but I have not been exposed to any information related to this... Wait, it seems a bit wrong."

Speaking of which, the fire of the soul in the eyes of the Lich Lord quietly turned a strange purple-red color, as if she was examining herself.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan did not speak and waited quietly.

After a long time, Elizabeth finally returned to her normal state: "There is something wrong with my memory, and I completely forgot this part of the memory."

"Okay, let's skip this topic for now." Luo Chuan waved his hand, but didn't continue to struggle, "Will there be someone coming over from the tide after a while? Just ask them when that time comes."

"Yes." Elizabeth nodded slightly.

There is a saying in the world of Kolo, called "the imperial dynasty of flowing water, the three major forces of iron", and it is so.

In the history of this world, the shadows of the three major forces have always accompanied them, and no matter what major event happened, it would not have any impact on them.

"Continue the discussion just now, Elizabeth, in your opinion, what do you think corruption belongs to?" Luo Chuan wanted to hear Elizabeth's own opinion.

"My own opinion..." Elizabeth held up another cup of tea poured for her by Yao Ziyan, and rubbed the cup lightly with her palm, "Corruption, maybe it's some kind of information-level influence."

The Lich Lord spoke slowly.

She had just discussed with the two of them the nature of information that constitutes all things, and she felt that it was quite time to use it here.

The expressions of Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan suddenly became subtle. After all, it was very strange to hear such words from such a local resident of Kolo World, especially since it was just said from his own mouth.

Lich really is the most special group.

"Invisible and intangible, it can affect living bodies at any level, and even has the ability to spread... I feel that it fits the concept of 'information unification' that you just mentioned."

Elizabeth looked at the starry sky outside the window, as if she was reminiscing about those long gone pasts.

Anyone who understands will also become a carrier. Those monitors may have been eroded before they noticed it. When they discovered this, they were powerless and could only watch the corruption distort their own consciousness and swallow everything.
