The City of Steel Celebration, the treatment of underground creatures, and the turbulence of the Chaos Land, these three things are the main topics discussed in this meeting between the Council of Elders and the tide.

After the general direction is determined, the rest is to deal with some details.

Oxia didn't plan to handle any matters big or small by herself, and handed them all over to the other members of the wave that came together.

The meeting almost came to an end.

The personnel on both sides dispersed, leaving only some personnel for discussion and discussion. It would take a lot of time to come to these complicated and trivial matters.

"It feels like we're just here for a spin."

Luo Chuan put his hands behind his head, and looked at the stars in the clear night sky and sighed softly.


"At least I know something." Yao Ziyan walked beside Luo Chuan, her waist-length hair swayed in the wind, and pulled a strand of hair on the side of her face behind her ear, "Oxia should have a lot of things left. Speaking out, it should be because of some very important factors, so I did this.”

The power is so powerful that any information related to it will be connected to it.

When a person knows and has a subjective mind to say a certain name, words will also become the carrier of its power.

Annweiya behaves mysteriously on weekdays, and some problems are always hidden in front of her, and the main reason is the same.

"It's not wrong to say that..."

Luo Chuan stared at the two moons in the sky, "But I still feel that I have come for nothing. When I have time, I must ask Oxia to understand."

"What do you want me to do?"

A slightly smiling voice came from behind, Yao Ziyan and Luo Chuan looked back, Oxia came over at some unknown time.

In the hands of the wave commander, he held a glass of juice with ice and a special snack of the City of Steel.

The pockets of the windbreaker style are also bulging, exuding the smell of food.

Oxia and Anvia should have a common language in terms of hobbies.

"Uh, it's okay."

Luo Chuan shook his head, his eyes fell on the food in Oxia's hands, "Can you finish so many things?"

"Of course." Oxia gave a confirmed answer, "I will buy some more later. I haven't been to the City of Steel for hundreds of years, and the taste of the special food here has not changed at all."

Luo Chuan & Yao Ziyan: "…"

Perhaps because of the familiarity, when Elizabeth faced the two of them, she did not see the calm and indifferent appearance in the previous meeting.

Just a woman who likes food, that's all.

"If you have any questions, just ask directly." Oxia smiled, "Boss, you outsiders are different from the Council of Elders."

Oxia showed her attitude.

The Council of Elders is a local force in Kolo, but Luo Chuan is different. In addition to being the owner of the Hearthstone Tavern, he is also the person behind many outsiders.

According to the current information, he clearly belongs to the side of the civilized order.

If this is just an illusion created to deceive them, then you can only consider yourself unlucky, but the probability of this happening is basically negligible.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan looked at each other.

It seems that only a moment has passed, but in fact, he has already experienced a conversation in the spiritual world.

"Then I'll tell you the truth." Yao Ziyan smiled, "About the underground creatures discussed just now, you really just happened to find out when you were dealing with the fact that the City of Steel fell into the gap between reality and reality?"

She didn't believe what Oxia said earlier.

There is no special reason, if I have to say it, it belongs to the special intuition of the **** of fate.

"Of course not." Oxia shook her head slightly.

Even though it had been expected, Yao Ziyan couldn't help but open her eyes slightly: "You already know?!"

The meanings of the two different answers are also very different.

Yao Ziyan and Luo Chuan looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking.

If this is the case, the evaluation of the three major forces should also be greatly changed. They are absolutely equivalent to the identity of the Dragon Race in Tianlan Continent, but they are relatively less mysterious.

"Since you already know it, what is the big guy underground? Why is he here?" Yao Ziyan frowned slightly, which was what she and Luo Chuan couldn't understand.

Logically speaking, the existence of such a half-body-level super life form in the ground itself is a thing worth pondering.

Not to mention that it may be linked to natural disasters.

If it is placed in a general online game novel, it will definitely belong to the ultimate difficulty dungeon.

Of course, putting it in this book is also the pre-task of a series of ultimate tasks... ahem.

Oxia was silent, and finished the food in her hands in a few mouthfuls. The whole process was elegant. Luo Chuan couldn't understand how she did it.

Finally, he took another sip of the iced drink, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, took out a tissue and wiped his lips, and threw it into the trash can by the roadside.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan didn't care and waited patiently.

Oxia looked up at the night sky, the stars reflected in the ice blue eyes, and the long golden hair under the moonlight seemed to be covered with a layer of fine shimmer.

"You and the boss have also come to Kolo for so long. I wonder if you have heard of such a legend."

It was very late, and there were basically not many pedestrians on the road ahead. In this silent night, all I could hear was the low whimpering caused by the evening wind blowing through the building.

"When the world was first born, heaven and earth did not appear, there was no distinction between light and darkness, but only chaos. Until the first fire ignited, light and darkness appeared, and life and death evolved. And the power of fire was also divided into four parts, consisting of four Races continue to inherit and continue, namely dragons, elves, dwarves and humans." [Chapter 2207]

Oxia's sudden change of topic made Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan unable to figure out what she was trying to express, but a bold idea appeared in their hearts.

"Of course I've heard of it." Yao Ziyan nodded, the bright streetlights on both sides of the road cast several shadows of different shades under her feet, "But the rumors about the birth and evolution of the world are not the most widely circulated version. , there is another one that is equally household name.”

"Yes." Oxia was drinking a cold drink and was used to making a purring sound, "The world was originally dead and silent. Giant dragons and giants were the first children created by God, responsible for maintaining and protecting the normal operation of the world, recording and Observing the evolution and development of various civilizations is the gardener of the universe." [Chapter 2241]

"So? What do you want to say?" Luo Chuan couldn't help it.

Oxia snorted the bottle a few times again, and threw the empty cup into the trash after she couldn't drink it at all.

Looking at the starry sky again, two bright moons, one big and one small, reflected the stars in the sky, he breathed a sigh of relief, and his icy blue eyes stared at Luo Chuan: "Did the boss notice that in these two legends, there are The existence of giants and dragons?"
