
As the first civilized city that customers discovered in Kolo, it has now become one of the must-visit areas for new customers.

The residents living in Oran have long been accustomed to these mysterious outsiders who appear and disappear on time every day.

As for the speculation about outsiders, it has never disappeared.

Survivors of the last era, visitors from outside the world, visitors from the back of the world...

All kinds of names have been put on the outsiders. As for the facts, it is a matter of opinion.

As the city lord of Oran, Elvis is extraordinarily busy today.


Located in the depths of the City Lord's Manor in the center of the city, the magical inscriptions engraved on the ground are surging with mysterious magic glow, and the space in the center presents a wave-like shape.

Elvis stood by, waiting patiently.

Layers and layers of ripples gradually appeared in the space, and the opposite scene faintly emerged, like some kind of illusory illusion, and now these illusions are gradually coming to the world.

Finally, the two different spaces are fully connected.

A woman in silver light armor walked out of it, her dazzling golden hair glowed with a fine halo, and behind her, others appeared one after another.

"Lord Oxia."

Elvis bowed his head slightly, looking respectful.

As a member of the wave, Oxia is his immediate boss, and his attitude must be impeccable.

Oxia nodded slightly, and went straight to the topic without any greetings: "How are you doing recently? Have you detected any abnormalities?"

Oran is now the closest civilized city to the land of chaos. The main significance of its existence is to monitor the source of natural disasters and the land of chaos.

Carrying the responsibilities of the monitoring station.

"There was an energy fluctuation within the cordon a few days ago," Elvis replied.

"What's going on?" Oxia frowned slightly.

"The relevant information has been sorted out, you can come and take a look." Elvis was fully prepared.

A moment later, a certain room.

The light curtain is suspended in mid-air, presenting relevant information.

"According to the specific time, it should have appeared at the same time that night." Oxia frowned slightly.

"Hehe, it does seem to be the same as the boss's guess." Elizabeth said with a sneer.

The birth of Chaos Land is inextricably linked with underground creatures.

Now there seems to be another crucial piece of evidence.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence." Oxia was silent for a long time, then shook her head and stood up.

"Coincidence? Do you believe it yourself?" Elizabeth's knuckles rubbed the armrest of the chair lightly, making a toothless sound, "I'm getting more and more interested."

She was the only one who came with the tide on this trip.

After all, this is an exploration into the hinterland of Chaos Land, which requires high strength, and it is not that the more people go, the better.

Even the wave team that came to the city of steel left half of its members in the city of steel.

Insufficient strength will only delay progress.

Speaking of which, Oxia originally wanted to invite the boss or those outsiders to join, but she gave up the idea later.

It's not that they don't trust them, it's just some security concerns.

Some things, the less people know the truth, the better.

Eternal night falls, but it does not mean much darkness.

Thousands of stars hang high, and the aurora surging to the limit of mortal imagination, like a hazy curtain, and like a veil of beauty, if you want to refuse, you will be ashamed.

The ice field undulates and stretches endlessly.

A huge and incredible moon rose from under the glacier, and criss-crossing ravines could be seen on the surface. The moonlight shed light on the ice that had been deposited over the endless years into a fluorescent blue.

The demon emperor was in the air, flying forward, and the translucent spiritual barrier like blisters blocked the cold wind.

The little white fox stood on his shoulders, with bright eyes reflecting the starry sky, looking at the ice and snow continent that seemed to be untouchable in the distance.

The fine snowflakes drifted down, as if the world had dropped a prelude to mourning death, and there was a trace of ethereal illusion in the dream.

The demon emperor stopped.

The spiritual power condensed under his feet and turned into an invisible platform.

He stood on the platform and looked at the ice and snow continent that was quietly hanging in the sky. He took out his magic phone and checked the time. It had lasted for five days.

But the distance has not changed.

The demon emperor couldn't help scratching his neck, trying to think about what other ways he didn't try.

The little white fox opened his mouth and yawned, feeling a little bored, looking around, trying to find something interesting.

It is a pity that the environment of the snowfield is like this. When you first come here, you may feel physically and mentally shocked, but the longer you stay, the more boring you will feel.

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, the little white fox opened his eyes slightly, and his little paws pushed the demon emperor's cheek.

"What's wrong?" The demon emperor was a little strange.


The little white fox made a cry, trying to express the thoughts in his heart, his eyes fixed on a certain direction, and it did not change at all.

The demon emperor frowned and looked in the direction the little white fox was looking at, it was the Ice and Snow Continent.

Eyes narrowed, golden brilliance bloomed, and everything in sight changed shape.

This is the unique innate magical power of the demon emperor, which can see through some false illusions, and any phantoms are invisible in front of him.

The things in sight made the demon emperor's eyebrows wrinkle even deeper.

The strands of black silk threads crisscrossed each other, like a tight spider web. The Ice and Snow Continent was the prey in the spider web, and it was now in an inescapable predicament.

The Demon Emperor had also investigated it before.

He can be sure that such a vision did not occur at that time.

In the end what happened?

The Demon Emperor took a deep breath and his expression became extraordinarily serious. From those black threads, he felt an indescribable madness and evil, as if he was on the opposite side of countless creatures.

He had encountered similar scenarios before.

The demon emperor closed his eyes and recalled the accident he encountered a long time ago.

The Court of the End...

It is this name, from Wen Tianji, he knows a lot of information related to it, like an invisible ghost, always lingering in the shadow of the wisdom civilization of Tianlan Continent.

The changes at the end of the era seem to have their shadows behind them.

Could it be that the Ice and Snow Continent in front of you has become the goal of the end of the Divine Court?

Why are they here?

What is the purpose?

One question after another appeared in the Demon Emperor's mind, but he couldn't get an answer at all.

The demon emperor scratched his neck irritably, his eyes seemed to be flowing with gold, and he turned to look at the little white fox on his shoulders.

"Do you know what's going on?"

The little white fox shook his head.

The demon emperor took a few deep breaths and took out his magic phone. He had already thought of a solution.

Find a familiar contact interface and send a message.
