The debris with a diameter of tens of meters dragged down the thick smoke, the air was compressed and made a sour sound, and the fracture surface continued to flash with explosive flashes.

Oxia didn't dodge anything, watching it fall from the sky, pass through herself, and crash to the ground.

It's like two parallel time and space, without any influence on each other.

Oxia lowered her head and looked at the ground beneath her feet.

The place where he stepped on now gradually overlapped with the impact of the explosion.

"A reflection of time..."

Oxia whispered to herself, thinking of the academic name of the scene in front of her.


It was not the first time she had encountered such a scene.

Similar situations have occurred in the extraordinary events that have been dealt with before.

Of course, it is far from the shock that we see now.

The so-called reflection of time, as the name suggests, can be understood as the shadow left by the past.

Under normal circumstances, time is linear, like an endless river that flows in one direction and never returns.

Under certain fixed conditions, the scouring of the river will leave traces on the shore.

These are the reflections of time, the afterimages of history, which will appear in the eyes of the world by chance.

What Oxia didn't understand was why there was a reflection of time here.

And when the scene presented in the reflection happened.

The war is still going on.

The scale of the Flesh Mountain Range is incalculable. If you look at it from such a distance, its diameter is at least nearly 100 kilometers, covering the entire plain.

The damage caused by those weapon attacks was inconspicuous at all, and the outcome of this war was already predestined.

The black tide expanded outward along the wriggling flesh and blood. It was the army of infested bodies derived from the flesh and blood mountains. Unconsciously, the tide line had reached the front of Oxia.

At the forefront is a human-like figure.

He was wearing tattered armor, and every inch of his body was filled with hyperplastic sarcomas. Black mist flowed along the gaps in the flesh and blood, and he held a broken and rotten blade in his hand.

Perhaps many years ago, he was also a soldier who had just stepped into the battlefield.

Before becoming a soldier?

What is his life like?

Will there be a girl waiting for the news of his return, alone and silently watching?

Oxia looked at the staggering figure, and couldn't help thinking in her heart that the only things that could prove her identity as a person were those armors that had decayed and decayed.

After a moment of daze, the figure has come to the front.

With a height of three meters, it also brought a lot of pressure.

It raised the long knife in its hand.

Oxia's complexion suddenly changed, and at this moment, she actually felt the stinging pain of the sharp chill on her skin, and the whistling wind blew her hair.

This is not an illusion!

Oxia subconsciously wanted to avoid the attack range of the long knife, but her body seemed to lose control at this time.

No, that's not the case, but the strength is simply not enough to support her to do this.

Communication with the silver knight was also completely interrupted, as if there was some kind of special power interfering with her.

Consciousness has no effect, but the body has lost most of its power, like being sealed.

And in this short moment, the long knife has already appeared!


The crisp impact of the symphony of gold and iron echoed in the ear, and a staff made of silver metal protruded from behind, resisting the attack of the decaying long knife.

A human-shaped skeleton lay among the rocks.

Suddenly, the palm of the skull trembled slightly.

There was a little more fire in the dark eye sockets, and it suddenly turned into a throbbing blue soul fire.

Elizabeth twisted her neck, and by the way, she broke her jawbone, making a tooth-crushing sound.

The fire of the soul burned slowly, and she recalled what had happened earlier.

Endless brilliance fills the whole world, and the consciousness seems to have been hit by some indescribable impact, and the memory behind it cannot be recalled.

As a lich, there is no need to say much about the perception of the soul.

Elizabeth can be sure that her soul is absolutely normal, without any negative influence or disturbance.

She stood up, ready to see what kind of environment she was in right now.

Lead-grey clouds cover the sky, and there are countless vortices of various sizes surging. Occasionally, you can glimpse the strange scene behind it, and the fragmented picture is annihilated and reborn.

It's like a movie that hasn't been edited yet, and it's chaotically presented on the same page. Just looking at it makes people feel like they're going to be confused.

The location where she was located should be the ruins of a battlefield.

The white bones were scattered around, and the density even turned the entire area pale.

The skeletons were large and small, and seemed to contain a variety of races, most of which Elizabeth had never heard of.

These skeletons were scattered and piled up, turning into rolling hills, and now she was at the top of a hill.

If a normal person is in such a scene, it must be extremely shocking, and it is very difficult to accept it.

But there was only peace in Elizabeth's heart, and with a trace of inexplicable sentimentality, she remembered some memories that had almost been forgotten in the depths of her heart.

There are some things that you may feel that you have forgotten. When you see similar scenes occasionally, you will naturally think of them.

It's like returning to the old house in old age, watching the old trees withering leaves in the courtyard, the childhood scene seems to be still vivid in my mind, and in the end there is only a sigh.

Being here, Elizabeth even has a kind of intimacy at home.

She tried to contact other members of the investigation team, but was unable to communicate at all, and even the contact with the high-level undead in the Dead Woodland was completely cut off, and all she felt was empty echoes.

In addition, his own power is also limited, and there is not one out of ten.


Elizabeth laughed, and the jaws staggered and made a crisp sound.

As her laughter sounded, the Skeleton Mountains slowly trembled, as if some kind of terrifying creature hidden in it was about to wake up.

The corpse rolled down like rubble, and the mountain of bones cracked open countless cracks, and finally collapsed completely, revealing the creatures inside.

That is a dragon.

The body decayed and decayed, leaving only the pale bones, the wings of dozens of meters were covered with skeletons, and the fire of the soul in the eye sockets flowed through the entire body like flowing water in an instant, and continued to spread around.

Any skeleton touched was awakened from its slumbering death, staggered to its feet, and walked with a staggering pace.

The bone dragon roared and roared, seeming to be celebrating the birth, then lowered its head slightly and looked at Elizabeth at the top of the hillside.

"It's a perfect creature."

Elizabeth sighed softly, her eyes looking like she was examining a captive pet.

The bone dragon seemed to be irritated by her gaze, it vibrated its wings and flew into the air, spitting out a breath of ice, almost freezing time and space!

Crazy laughter echoed, and the green barrier was condensed, blocking the breath.

Behind Elizabeth, a skeleton wearing a tattered black robe and surrounded by tragic green flames appeared out of nowhere, waving a staff with blue flames burning in its hands.

The sky was twisted, and the burning meteorites dragged the fire of the destroyed soul and crashed down, smashing the bone dragon in the air.

Undead Priest Huka!
