Chapter 129

After finishing the buffet breakfast, Xiaoqi finally felt that the expensive hotel was worth it.

Not to mention the beautiful ocean view room, even the breakfast offerings were extremely abundant.

Moreover, just eating breakfast, she felt like she had a thousand square feet of space filled with all kinds of food.

The beehives she had seen in her rural hometown were even on the dining tables here. A real beehive with honey dripping out that you could directly cut and eat from the comb.

There were dozens of kinds of fruit, many of which Xiaoqi couldn't even name.

There was also ice cream, seafood, very large crabs, all kinds of fish and shrimp.


Then there were stations for cooking eggs and noodles to order.

There were also all kinds of Western food, and wine.

Beverages, fruit juices, all kinds of porridge.

Xiaoqi had a very big appetite. She could eat for three people, but even so, she was eating very restrainly, only tasting a little bit of everything. Still her little stomach was round from fullness.

After eating her fill, Xiaoqi went back to her room, tidied up her luggage a bit, and was going to go downstairs to the mall to shop.

She had chosen this hotel precisely because the mall was connected to the hotel.

This mall was called Longwen Center.

Xiaoqi went from the hotel lobby to the side and directly into the mall. The mall was also very big, with decor similar to the hotel, but not as luxurious, more simple.

Xiaoqi wanted to buy electronics, so she looked at the signs for directions.

On the first floor there was an Apple store.

Xiaoqi wanted to buy an Apple laptop. The silver one Zhou Teacher used looked really nice.

For girls buying things, looks were probably the priority.

Xiaoqi shopped very decisively. She picked out a 13-inch laptop, not too heavy, with 8 hours of battery life. She chose the model with higher memory. Her current phone always lagged because it didn't have enough memory.

Then she saw they also sold phones, so she chose a phone together with it.

The price of the computer and phone were actually not too far apart.

The clerk even gifted her Apple's white earphones. They looked quite nice to wear.

So in total she spent over 20,000. Looking at the flashing money display, she had 4 days and 310,000+ left.

After Xiaoqi bought the phone and computer, under the clerk's guidance she got them set up and installed software. Then she had to buy office software for the Apple, which cost a few more hundred.

She switched the SIM card from her old phone to the new phone.

The phone and computer were both silver and looked really nice.

After buying, Xiaoqi went back to the hotel.

Lying on the big bed in her hotel room, she felt lazy.

But she still had tasks for the rest of today. She had to go buy a car, and then go register at the school.

Xiaoqi took her luggage and went to check out. Then she called a car and went to the 4S dealership. She had searched online for places that sold cars.

Xiaoqi's knowledge of luxury cars was very shallow.

Probably the deepest impression in her mind was BMW. BMW's ads were very good "Drive a BMW, ride a Benz, I'd rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle."

Also, when her cousin got married, the car that came to pick up the bride was a BMW. It received unanimous praise and envy from the villagers. Round, with a nice looking blue and white logo.

So Xiaoqi decided to buy this brand.

A person's behavior was determined by their own experience and personality.

In Xiaoqi's world, this was probably the top for now.

She used the car booking app Zhou Teacher had taught her, Shenzhou.

A small black sedan came to the hotel entrance to pick her up, and took her to the BMW dealership.

It was very spacious, like a big plaza, with glass doors and curtains. Standing at the entrance you could see lots of shiny cars inside.

There was also a round blue and white logo at the entrance.

This was the place.

The small sedan she had just ridden in was extremely good in Xiaoqi's eyes.

The driver was also very polite. When they arrived, he got out and opened the door for her, took her luggage, a bit like the drivers from Guanxia's home.

Xiaoqi felt a little nervous with this kind of treatment, and also strangely felt different.

Turns out people really enjoy being served by others.

Taking a Shenzhou car was twice as expensive as a taxi, but the driver's service was great.

The enjoyment she got from it was not just the materially better conditions, but something else as well.

Like at the Shangri-La, wherever she encountered a server they would bend down to greet her with a sweet smile.

Riding in a Shenzhou car, the driver would also bend down to open her door, polite and courteous.

And these people were all dressed impeccably, the Shangri-La staff in uniform suits, and the Shenzhou drivers likewise, wearing suits even in the heat, getting in the car to ask if the AC temperature was comfortable.

These people, when they went out, were much more dignified than her parents.

In the eyes of Gulamu village people, in Xiaoqi's eyes, they were dignified jobs.

Perhaps because of this, enjoying their bent-over service, there was a feeling of unconsciously believing oneself more high-class.

This feeling was hard to describe, but it existed.

After getting out of the car, Xiaoqi dragged her suitcase and carried her backpack inside.

She was so young, the staff thought she was here looking for someone.

A young man came up to greet her, also wearing a formal black suit with white shirt, and a blue tie. Leather shoes. Very formal attire.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" he asked. His name tag read Intern Salesman Li Qishi.

"I'm looking for you. I want to buy a car, budget around 300,000," Xiaoqi replied as seriously as she could muster.

The high and mighty buff was useful for this at least.

Her face was too tender.

Just a delicate little girl. With her enthusiasm for swimming recently, her figure had become even more slender. And doing the exercises Coach Li taught her every day, without realizing it herself, her figure had become even straighter. Some subtle changes, her rear was perkier. Her chest still small and undeveloped. Her waist still slender.

Always running, not an ounce of fat on her waist.

Her legs were also very fit.

The salesman did not expect such a little girl to actually be here to buy a car.

With such a serious expression, quite imposing.

He was a new salesman, though he had trained for over a month. BMW had very high requirements for salespeople. If he did well, the income could be considerable.

As a newcomer, he could only rely on diligence. Seeing someone come in, he didn't pick and choose, just went up to greet them.

He didn't expect to encounter a little girl dragging a suitcase and wearing a backpack coming to buy a car.

"How should I address you? My surname is Li. Just call me Little Li. Do you have a car model in mind? We can go take a look," he said.

"My surname is Su. No, I'm not very knowledgeable about cars," Xiaoqi crisply replied. Her gaze also curiously looked over the cars. They really were beautiful, displayed on platforms in the indoor showroom. Under the indoor lighting they shone and sparkled, with an indescribable aesthetic.

Li Qishi had just finished training, with a head full of car knowledge. To work as a BMW salesperson, first he had to know how to drive, at least be familiar with BMWs, have driven them, otherwise how could he sell them without knowing anything? With a 300,000 budget, he immediately thought of the Mini. Little girls might like it. The Mini was very nice looking, with cool doors that opened upwards like a sports car. And the colors were also cool, bright yellow, red, BMW blue, practically designed just for little girls.

Of course there was also talk on the market that the Mini was a mistress car. Probably because the owners tended to be young women. How else could someone so young have so much money, possibly precisely for rich people to casually gift one.

Following his sales script, Li Qishi focused on introducing the Mini. There happened to be one there now, a bright yellow one. The color was extremely attractive. Rounded front like an antique luxury car, with two doors, the doors standing upright when opened. The glass was also very nice looking.

Xiaoqi wrinkled her brow. Her actual aesthetic didn't feel this was good looking at all, rather it seemed very flashy.

She felt the Shenzhou car that had brought her here was much better. Sitting in the back just now had also been very comfortable, spacious and the seat soft.

The Shenzhou car was actually just an ordinary 200,000+ Volkswagen.

But Xiao Qi also did not understand. She would not be shy or pretend to understand anymore. That would only hurt herself, and she was not afraid of being ridiculed either. A laugh or two would not matter.

She directly stated her own requirements.

When Li Qishi heard this, he felt it was quite strange. The young girl actually liked plain black mass-market cars.

However, the customer's preferences came first. He immediately changed direction and gave a new introduction.

Xiao Qi liked business-style cars. She felt that made them look impressive.

She also thought black was durable-looking.

Her current aesthetic values were just like that. Deep down, she probably still had a peasant's mentality, feeling that black was durable and not flashy.

One by one, cars drove over. Xiao Qi looked at their exteriors and pointed to a car similar to the Volkswagen from before, possibly slightly bigger.

"This is a BMW 530Li Luxury Line, the leading luxury model in the 5 Series lineup. Please take it for a test drive," Li Qishi enthusiastically opened the car door.

Xiao Qi poked her head in to take a look. Black leather interior. Then she got in and sat down.

She first sat in the back seat. It was more spacious, wide, and soft compared to the Shenzhou car from earlier. She liked it immediately.

Then she went to the driver's seat in the front and sat there for a bit. She could not drive, but it felt nice to sit there.

She liked this car. The inside was roomy with a thick, sturdy feel.

"How much is it?"

Li Qishi did not expect the young lady to be so practical.

He still conscientiously recited the information he had recently memorized.

"This car has a jet black exterior. Although it's black, it also gives off a deep blue sheen from certain angles, very textured. And this car has a sale going on. The original price was 463,900 RMB, but with the current promotion at our dealership, you get a 100,000 RMB cash discount if you purchase this car here, so you only need to pay 363,900 RMB for it."

Xiao Qi's eyebrows rose slightly. She did not expect there would be room for bargaining on the car price, and such a huge discount of 100,000 RMB could be given so casually.

Wasn't it said that some cars even had price markups?

Xiao Qi calculated that she already had over 160,000 RMB from her daily walking fees, and there was still over 310,000 RMB to spend on the other side. Buying a 360,000+ RMB car did not seem too difficult.

Still, she followed along to see some similar models.

Most people buying things probably have a 'love at first sight' mentality. Xiao Qi still liked that 5 Series from earlier, and there was a discount on it too, the fatal weakness of girls.

She decisively said, "I'll take that car."

"That model is a display car. The new car you want will take two weeks to arrive," Li Qishi did not expect the young lady to agree to buy it so readily.

When it came time to sign the contract, he was still a bit silly and stunned.

Xiao Qi carefully looked over the contract but could not tell if there were any issues. She felt she should really take some law classes. There were quite a lot of contract signings in life.

She paid the money and signed the contract, agreeing to pick up the car two months later.

Li Qishi watched as the young lady calmly swiped her card, his heart pounded wildly. He enthusiastically asked, "Where are you going with your luggage? Should I give you a ride? It's hard to get a taxi here."

Xiao Qi thought that would work and asked, "Can I test drive the model I just bought?"

Li Qishi briskly nodded.

He scurried off to get the car. There was already a test drive option anyway, and the other party had already paid, so he enthusiastically gave Xiao Qi his brand new business card and added her on WeChat. Then he drove off with Xiao Qi.

Once in the BMW, Xiao Qi told him the name of her university.

The young man enthusiastically said, "I know that area well. My hometown is Enyang Town, and we'll pass by Luoxi Town."
