Chapter 164

Xiao Qi got up early in the morning and went jogging first.

The school environment was very good and suitable for morning jogging.

Moreover, she felt her head was clearer all day after exercise.

There were only two classes in the morning today, and no classes in the afternoon. Xiao Qi planned to go to the driving school to report to the coach in the afternoon, and then go to the equestrian center for a part-time job.

In the afternoon, Wei Cheng's Film Club, Miao's Student Union, and Yunshu's Floral Arrangement Club also had meetings, so everyone acted separately.

Xiao Qi also received text messages that she had been admitted to the Calligraphy and Painting Club and the Long Distance Running Club she had applied for. The Calligraphy and Painting Club directly said there would be an event on Saturday and asked everyone to gather at the Wenchang Pavilion, while the Long Distance Running Club had not notified of any events yet.


Xiao Qi found that university really would not let people be idle, whether it was academic learning or non-academic learning, there were always things to do.

After jogging 10,000 steps leisurely in the morning and reciting today's Japanese vocabulary, Xiao Qi went back and took a shower.

Then she went out for breakfast and to class with her dorm mates.

The teacher for the first class this morning was an old man named Dai. He was really an old man, thin, wearing Chinese-style clothes with crossed collars, not using PowerPoint slides, just the blackboard. The chalk quickly made his clothes dusty.

In fact, in the large classroom, it was not easy to see the blackboard clearly from the back. But the voice was still good, because he wore a microphone, so the whole class could hear him. But this Teacher Dai also had a strong accent, Xiao Qi didn’t know where he was from. He taught Principles of Accounting.

Through the gossip channel of her deskmate Miao, Xiao Qi learned that Teacher Dai was a professor from a top domestic university who had retired and was re-employed here.

Accounting was a very practical new discipline that seemed to be useful in everyday life. Xiao Qi listened very carefully.

At the end of the class, the teacher assigned homework and simply said to hand it to the study committee. Then the vice class monitor Yue Lai went up and personally handed the teacher a bouquet of flowers.

The accounting teacher nodded slightly and did not smile. He took the flowers and left.

The second class was Basic Principles of Marxism. Although it hadn't started yet, Xiao Qi felt she had already reached expert level in this course and was quite looking forward to it. She felt that once she understood it, reading this book would be like getting enlightenment. Before, when she read this book, it was always vague, but now she felt it was very logical.

If she had to go back to high school to study politics now, she would definitely score high.

The teacher for this class was called Mao Xihong.

Before she arrived, Xiao Qi’s deskmate Miao gave her some gossip: "This teacher is also an adjunct professor from Qingmeng University."

Xiao Qi felt that Miao knew so much gossip that others didn't know, and she should have been the class commissioner instead. But Miao had obviously undergone the baptism of the student union and felt the stage there was bigger. The things in the class didn't seem that interesting to her.

She had the spirit of a strong woman.

Xiao Qi had only been in class for two days and felt that Enhua University seemed to lack teachers quite a bit. The sources of teachers didn't seem very stable. Maybe it was because, as a private university, they didn't have official faculty positions, so the teachers had diverse backgrounds. But there were few middle-aged ones. Either they were very young, like their class advisor who looked like she had just graduated and entered society, or they were very old, retired professors who were re-employed. There were relatively few middle-aged teachers from the university itself. Most were adjunct professors from other universities.

At this moment, the teacher came in, and the class monitor took the initiative to hand her a bouquet of flowers in person.

She was a middle-aged female teacher. Her hair was a little curly, tied back in a low ponytail. Her curly bangs were curled up. Her face was very round, a bit like Liu Sanjie in the movies. She wore a simple black long skirt. She was very capable.

Her teeth were neat when she smiled, giving a good and sunny impression.

Some people are just like that. At first sight of her, you would feel, I like her.

This teacher probably had this kind of feeling.

To put it another way, this teacher's figure was probably very similar to Xiao Qi's mother Sheng Juanhua. She had a tall build and gave people a hearty feeling when she smiled.

It's just that Sheng Juanhua's features were a little better looking, but this teacher had more temperament.

As soon as the teacher opened her mouth, her voice was a little hoarse, but Xiao Qi was even more certain that she liked her.

The teacher's voice was coarse, but very steady and unhurried. She enunciated every word very clearly. Plus Xiao Qi's familiarity with this course, she almost listened with obsession during the whole class. Her deskmate tried to chat with her but she didn't even have time to respond.

She almost had the emotion of kindred communication, as if the teacher was giving her a private lecture.

Originally she just wanted to give a rough overview, after all they were impetuous freshmen. This course was more political than practical, and was a compulsory course for students. But in the minds of students it was probably useless.

However, she didn't expect to get carried away with her lecture. She noticed one girl in particular in the second row who listened very carefully and seemed to understand what she was saying. It was also her questions that prompted her to keep explaining in depth.

Meanwhile, other students in the class were like: ???

What is the teacher talking about???

Why is the study committee member so enthusiastic???

Li Weijin, who was about to fall asleep, also opened his eyes in curiosity and flipped through the textbook, wondering if he and Xiao Qi had the same book?

Why did she have so many questions, and the teacher seemed happy to answer them?

At this moment, Xiao Qi’s dorm mate Chu Yu, who sat in the third row next to her, was flipping through the textbook with her arm propping up her chin.

In her heart she sneered contemptuously, thinking the study committee member was too much of an attention seeker. She stood out during military training by leading the singing and attracted the instructor's attention so she could be the class flag holder. And now in class she also put on an act. What was there to be enthusiastic about for a course like Basic Principles of Marxism? Wasn't it just because the teacher was an adjunct from Qingmeng University? Chu Yu had been paying attention to Xiao Qi for a long time.

She noticed that Xiao Qi was also very active in Academic English Speaking and Writing. She must have asked around in advance and knew the teacher was from Qingmeng University, so she deliberately curried favor. As if she could get into Qingmeng University by sucking up to their teachers after getting admitted to Enhua.

Some people are just naturally incompatible. Just as Xiao Qi disliked Chu Yu who always made others work from the beginning, Chu Yu also didn't like Xiao Qi and thought she was a scheming girl.

Xiao Qi didn't think that much. She just didn't like the sight of Chu Yu and hadn't interacted with her much.

After class, without her deskmate's prompting this time, she took the initiative to find Teacher Mao Xihong and asked for her WeChat and added her.

This time she said she was the study committee member, and the teacher could contact her directly if needed. She was very magnanimous, and was quite grateful for the convenience of this little student job, otherwise she wouldn't have had the nerve to say that.

"Xiao Qi, right? Okay, I'll contact you on WeChat if I need anything." Mao Xihong's laughter was very hearty. She quite liked the girl in front of her who was so spirited in class and seemed to understand.

But Xiao Qi adding her WeChat made Chu Yu roll her eyes again, thinking she was scheming.

Because on the first day of class, she had gone to ask for the slides from Academic English Teacher Wei, and also asked to add his WeChat, but Teacher Wei didn't add her...
