Chapter 230

Because his foot was injured, Li Weijin, who had taken leave for a few days, finally came to class.

As a result, as soon as he came, he exchanged seats with the boy behind Chu Yu in a casual manner.

He became the new deskmate of Mao Wenshu, the deputy learning commissioner.

Chu Yu was originally paying attention to the campus forum. The person she hoped to see the most on that forum was Li Weijin.

However, she did not expect that Li Weijin had not come to class these two days, and when he finally came, the content of the forum had completely changed, and it was no longer a hot topic, it had dropped down already.

She had wanted to go up and say a few words, but she saw on the forum that Chen Mier, Su Xiaoqi’s deskmate, went up in person to say that she had checked the IP address, and it was from Hua Shan Building. In order to save face for her classmate, she didn't say who it was, asking the rumormonger to restrain themselves a little.


She didn’t know whether Chen Mier had really found out the IP address or was just scaring people, but she really didn’t dare to speak up there anymore.

Who would have thought there was something like checking IP addresses. She felt a little careless herself, she shouldn’t have posted those things in the dormitory.

Unexpectedly, even after all this, there was still a reversal. Su Xiaoqi somehow had good luck, her roommates were so nice to her, especially Gu Yunshu, who specially helped her clear her name on the forum. She remembered Gu Yunshu was quite aloof, came from a good family background, could be considered a rich second generation. Usually she wouldn’t get involved in these things at all. She didn't know what benefits Su Xiaoqi gave to them.

Wei Cheng was just a country girl, timidly, yet she was arguing with others on the forum too.

There was no need to mention Chen Mier, Su Xiaoqi’s deskmate, who was completely brainwashed by Su Xiaoqi, almost like a brainless fan of Su Xiaoqi.

Chu Yu believed Su Xiaoqi was very scheming. She actually gathered three roommates with very different personalities. She herself didn't get along well with Su Xiaoqi’s roommate Su Li who had a bad temper.

Lin Dongqing's personality was better, but Lin Dongqing was very beautiful, with long hair, very eye-catching, also Chen Mier's fellow townsman, from the same province. Their personalities were similar. Sometimes they were a bit straightforward. Chu Yu didn't like her that much either.

At this moment, seeing Li Weijin sitting behind her, she still felt a little nervous. Her back was actually quite beautiful, very graceful, with long hair. But she knew Li Weijin was not looking at her, he didn't care about her at all, which made her feel very angry.

She turned her head to talk to Mao Wenshu. Mao Wenshu should have a good impression of her.

She could feel it.

She also greeted Li Weijin as if unintentionally, asking him why he hadn't come to class. "I sprained my foot." Li Weijin answered concisely without elaborating.

He had taken two days off to go home. His foot was still a bit swollen so he could only wear slippers. His mom had dressed him in a pair of LV slippers, very tacky.

There was no way. That was his mom's recent hobby. He could only bear it, too lazy to argue.

These two days his uncle Rong had taken care of him at school.

He had also seen the content of the campus forum. At first he didn't believe it at all. If Su Xiaoqi was really so money-oriented, she should have come looking for him. He had nothing except a lot of money. His pocket money was several digits. It was impossible to spend it all normally.

But Su Xiaoqi hadn't even glanced at him extra, looking only at that Korean teacher.

That foreign teacher was obviously effeminate at a glance.

And riding a little scooter. Su Xiaoqi didn't even want to get on his uncle's Bentley.

However, seeing the content posted by Su Xiaoqi's roommate later, Su Xiaoqi had actually taught the Korean teacher to make kimchi. Seeing her cooking video, he instantly felt his collarbones turn red and hot. He even thought if Su Xiaoqi was willing to cook for him, he would definitely be happily dead.

Her cooking skills must be very good. See how those two foreigners ate with oil dripping from the corners of their mouths.

He discovered another advantage of Su Xiaoqi - she was good at cooking.

Seeing Li Weijin had responded to her, Chu Yu didn't say anything more. She didn't continue to make small talk either. She didn't want to show her fondness for Li Weijin in front of Mao Wenshu.

But seeing Li Weijin's gaze still fixed on Su Xiaoqi, she still felt very depressed.

How could Su Xiaoqi sit still when even the head teacher had come looking for her. Yet when class was over, Chu Yu realized that the head teacher looking for Su Xiaoqi had nothing to do with the forum at all. Rather, it was to ask her to participate in the English speech contest.

Because the class monitor posted a message in the group that Friday afternoon, the learning commissioner Su Xiaoqi would participate in the English speech contest. He asked classmates who had time to go cheer for her.

Because of this news, Chu Yu laughed very awkwardly. She felt the head teacher was too biased, without consulting everyone, he directly recommended Su Xiaoqi to participate in the competition. It was very likely that Su Xiaoqi had done something behind the scenes.

Although her English was mediocre, it was not too bad either. If it was her participating, she didn't dare to say she could win first place, but with proper performance and preparation of the speech, getting third place was not without hope.

At this time she could only force a smile and say congratulations.

"The learning commissioner is so capable, she must be able to win first place." She said in the class group.

With just this simple sentence, Su Xiaoqi was immediately put on a pedestal.

Xiaoqi also glanced at the class group and didn't say anything.

Whether she could win first place or not, it was too early to say here.

She already had a rough idea of the content in her mind, but she didn't dare say she would definitely win. It was like participating in the Top Ten Singers competition. Xiaoqi was relatively confident about this speech contest overall, but details still needed attention.

Besides, for Top Ten Singers, she could know about her competitors’ information. For the English speech contest, she had no idea what her opponents were like at all.

Moreover, even if by some fluke she knew and defeated opponents from her school, then what about outside the school?

There would be no such fluke.

There were too many excellent people. Xiaoqi could only rely on persistence and diligent study to barely keep up.

During the break between calculus classes, Xiaoqi took the questions she had accumulated and went to ask Teacher Lu, while also asking about the speech.

Although it was an English speech contest, Teacher Lu's English was also very good. And Teacher Lu was a very elegant and graceful old lady. Even listening to her teach boring calculus was a pleasure. If Teacher Lu gave a speech, Xiaoqi felt she would surely also be very popular.

When Lu Ruxue heard that Xiaoqi was going to participate in the English speech contest, she highly approved.

"Your English speaking is very good. You have an advantage with speeches. My English wasn't as good as yours when I was your age. Your appearance is also advantageous. The only thing to pay attention to is speaking in front of many people. I noticed that when you sing, you basically don't interact much with the audience at all, very little eye contact. In speeches, you need to pay attention to maintaining a certain amount of eye contact at the very least. In short, open yourself up, open your emotions, don't be afraid. It’s this Friday? Teacher will come cheer you on then.”

Xiaoqi nodded.

In the next class, Xiaoqi carefully observed how Teacher Lu taught class. Why did she feel Teacher Lu's lectures were particularly good? One reason was the interaction. Teacher Lu was different from young new teachers. Like Professor Shao who taught Macroeconomics last period, his lecture was boring precisely because he only talked to himself, muttering to himself. No matter what he said, it made people feel dull, no sense of participation at all, couldn’t focus on listening.

Teacher Lu was the opposite. Even when teaching difficult calculus formulas, the students below would feel she was interacting with them, emotions constantly mobilized, unknowingly listening very carefully. Xiaoqi felt this could not be learned overnight, but since she had started learning now it was not too late. And now she had the memory buff, she could at least rote memorize this feeling for starters, and then imitate and learn it.

When doing something, time really goes fast. Over the past few days when Xiaoqi was eating, sleeping, going to the toilet, the English speech was on her mind. In addition to the exciting state of those inspiring speakers, there was also the very stable and convincing tone of Xiao Shengzhou the Student Union President when he spoke. He gave people the impression that when he spoke, it was very grande, very reliable. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone else would listen carefully.

There was also Teacher Lu's teaching state, very amiable, with a sense of interaction, very cordial, making people like her.

Xiaoqi had also written her speech and let her roommates take a look, revising some parts. She had recited it to her roommates many times.

In the blink of an eye, it was Friday afternoon. The speech contest was held in Datang Complex Building.

There were no classes in the afternoon. The speech contest started at half past two. Xiaoqi’s roommates all went to cheer for her.

Surprisingly quite a few classmates from her class went too, after all the class monitor had made a call in the group.

Even Su Li went, and Li Weijin went too.

The speaking order was still decided by drawing lots. Coincidentally Xiaoqi drew seventh place.

She felt it was quite good. She liked the number seven, it gave her a lucky feeling.

The competition began. She discovered that in a speech competition like this, the judges included Mrs. Su, a member of the school board. Mrs. Su was indeed very concerned with all the big and small matters of the school. Little Seven had thought this was just a very small competition.
